Commutation relations between HO operators | QFT; free scalar field

In summary, I am getting started in applying the quantization of the harmonic oscillator to the free scalar field. After studying section 2.2. of Tong Lecture notes, the harmonic oscillator operators ##a_r(\vec k)## and ##a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)## were introduced, which satisfy certain commutator relations. Then, an hermitian operator ##N(\vec k)## was introduced and it was stated that the following commutation relations hold: $$[N(\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = \delta_{\vec k', \vec k} a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k) \ \ \ \ (1)$$$$[
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I want to understand how can I prove

##[N(\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = \delta_{\vec k', \vec k} a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k) \ \ \ \ (1)##

##[N(\vec k'), a_r(\vec k)] = -\delta_{\vec k', \vec k} a_r(\vec k) \ \ \ \ (2)##
I am getting started in applying the quantization of the harmonic oscillator to the free scalar field.

After studying section 2.2. of Tong Lecture notes (I attach the PDF, which comes from 2.Canonical quantization here, I went through my notes.

My notes state that the harmonic oscillator operators ##a_r(\vec k)## and ##a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)## (where we know that ##a^{\dagger}## is the hermitian conjugate of ##a##) satisfy the following commutator relations

$$[a_r(\vec k), a_s(\vec k')] = [a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k), a_s^{\dagger}(\vec k')] = 0$$

$$[a_r(\vec k), a_s(\vec k')] = \rho_r \delta_{r,s} \delta_{\vec k, \vec k'}$$

Where ##\rho_1 = \rho_2 = \rho_3 = -\rho_0 = 1##

Then an hermitian operator is introduced : ##N(\vec k)##

$$N(\vec k) = \sum_{r=0}^{3} \rho_r a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k) a_r(\vec k)$$

And then 'the following commutation relations follow'

$$[N(\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = \delta_{\vec k', \vec k} a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k) \ \ \ \ (1)$$

$$[N(\vec k'), a_r(\vec k)] = -\delta_{\vec k', \vec k} a_r(\vec k) \ \ \ \ (2)$$

(1) and (2) come completely out of the blue to me and I would like to understand and see how to get them.

How can I prove (1) and (2)? Do I have to use the Fourier transform Method Tong uses in 2.2?



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  • #2
JD_PM said:
My notes state that the harmonic oscillator operators ##a_r(\vec k)## and ##a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)## (where we know that ##a^{\dagger}## is the hermitian conjugate of ##a##) satisfy the following commutator relations $$[a_r(\vec k), a_s(\vec k')] = [a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k), a_s^{\dagger}(\vec k')] = 0$$ $$[a_r(\vec k), a_s(\vec k')] = \rho_r \delta_{r,s} \delta_{\vec k, \vec k'}$$
Did you forget a dagger in the last eqn above?

$$[N(\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = \delta_{\vec k', \vec k} a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k) \ \ \ \ (1)$$$$[N(\vec k'), a_r(\vec k)] = -\delta_{\vec k', \vec k} a_r(\vec k) \ \ \ \ (2)$$How can I prove (1) and (2)? Do I have to use the Fourier transform Method Tong uses in 2.2?
No, Fourier transforms are unnecessary here. Just evaluate the commutator using the fact that commutators are (bi)linear (##[A,B+C]=[A,B]+[A,C]##, etc), and also obey the Leibniz product rule, i.e., ##[A,BC] = [A,B]C + B[A,C]##.
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  • #3
strangerep said:
Did you forget a dagger in the last eqn above?


strangerep said:
No, Fourier transforms are unnecessary here. Just evaluate the commutator using the fact that commutators are (bi)linear (##[A,B+C]=[A,B]+[A,C]##, etc), and also obey the Leibniz product rule, i.e., ##[A,BC] = [A,B]C + B[A,C]##.

Alright, let's evaluate ##(1)##. By using the Leibniz product rule and the definition ##[A, B] = AB - BA## I got

$$[N(\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = [\rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') a_r (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = \rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') [a_r (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] + [\rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)]a_r (\vec k') = \rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') \Big( a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k') a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k) - a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k) a_r (\vec k') \Big) + \Big( \rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') - a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k) \rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k')\Big) a_r (\vec k')$$

OK. Then I expanded the products but I do not see how to get it all equal to ##\delta_{\vec k', \vec k} a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k)##

Am I on the right track?
  • #4
Just use
$$[\hat{A} \hat{B},\hat{C}]=\hat{A} [\hat{B},\hat{C}] + [\hat{A},\hat{C}] \hat{B},$$
which you prove by writing out the commutators on both sides of the equation, and
$$\hat{N}(\vec{k}')=\hat{a}^{\dagger}(\vec{k}') \hat{a}(\vec{k}').$$
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  • #5
vanhees71 said:
Just use
$$[\hat{A} \hat{B},\hat{C}]=\hat{A} [\hat{B},\hat{C}] + [\hat{A},\hat{C}] \hat{B},$$
which you prove by writing out the commutators on both sides of the equation, and
$$\hat{N}(\vec{k}')=\hat{a}^{\dagger}(\vec{k}') \hat{a}(\vec{k}').$$

Hi vanhees71

Alright so I have already applied such property:

$$[N(\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = [\rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') a_r (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = \rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') [a_r (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] + [\rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)]a_r (\vec k')$$

My issue is that I get stuck in evaluating crossed terms; what do I have to take into account once I apply ##[\hat{A} \hat{B},\hat{C}]=\hat{A} [\hat{B},\hat{C}] + [\hat{A},\hat{C}] \hat{B},## ?

Thank you
  • #6
JD_PM said:
Alright, let's evaluate ##(1)##. By using the Leibniz product rule and the definition ##[A, B] = AB - BA## I got

$$[N(\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = [\rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') a_r (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = \rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') [a_r (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] + [\rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)]a_r (\vec k') = \rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') \Big( a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k') a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k) - a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k) a_r (\vec k') \Big) + \Big( \rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') - a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k) \rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k')\Big) a_r (\vec k')$$ OK. Then I expanded the products but I do not see how to get it all equal to ##\delta_{\vec k', \vec k} a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k)##

Am I on the right track?
You seem to have managed to railroad yourself into a swamp.

It should have been easy. Use the known commutation relations between the c/a operators (which you already wrote down in your opening post).
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  • #7
Some confusion might be alleviated if you are more careful about labels on operators. Use something other than ##r##, like say ##s##, for the operators forming the number operator. You will always get in a muddle when you use the same label for something summed over and something not summed over.
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  • #8
strangerep said:
You seem to have managed to railroad yourself into a swamp.

Gosh, you are absolutely right! 😆 Unfortunately I am a specialist in overcomplicating things. I am working to fix that.

strangerep said:
It should have been easy. Use the known commutation relations between the c/a operators (which you already wrote down in your opening post).

Actually it was only about using the known commutation relations.

We know that

$$[N(\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = [\rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') a_r (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = \rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k') [a_r (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] + [\rho_r a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)]a_r (\vec k')$$

The thing is that we do not need to apply the definition ##[A, B] = AB - BA## but simply notice that ##[a_r (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] =\delta_{\vec k', \vec k}## and ##[a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = 0##

Thus we get

$$[N(\vec k'), a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k)] = \delta_{\vec k', \vec k} a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k')$$

Applying the exact same logic to ##(2)## I get

$$[N(\vec k'), a_r(\vec k)] = -\delta_{\vec k', \vec k} a_r(\vec k')$$

Notice a slightly, slightly difference with the provided solutions; I get ##a_r(\vec k')## instead of ##a_r(\vec k)##. I'd bet is a typo made by the person who did the exercise. What do you think?

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  • #9
JD_PM said:
Notice a slightly, slightly difference with the provided solutions; I get ##a_r(\vec k')## instead of ##a_r(\vec k)##. I'd bet is a typo made by the person who did the exercise. What do you think?
It's not a typo. Think carefully about the effect of the ##\delta## term on the RHS.
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  • #10
strangerep said:
It's not a typo. Think carefully about the effect of the ##\delta## term on the RHS.

Do you mean that as we have the Kronecker delta we can either write ##\vec k## or ##\vec k'##?
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  • #11
JD_PM said:
Do you mean that as we have the Kronecker delta we can either write ##\vec k## or ##\vec k'##?
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FAQ: Commutation relations between HO operators | QFT; free scalar field

What are commutation relations in quantum field theory?

Commutation relations are mathematical relationships between operators in quantum field theory that describe how the operators interact and behave when applied to a quantum state. They are essential for understanding the quantum behavior of particles.

What is the significance of commutation relations between HO operators in quantum field theory?

In quantum field theory, commutation relations between harmonic oscillator (HO) operators play a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of free scalar fields. They determine the behavior of the field and its excitations, which are essential for understanding the properties of particles and their interactions.

How do commutation relations between HO operators affect the quantization of free scalar fields?

Commutation relations between HO operators are used to quantize free scalar fields, which means to describe them in terms of quantum states. These relations determine the creation and annihilation operators that are used to create and destroy particles, respectively, and are essential for understanding the quantization process.

What are the commutation relations between position and momentum operators in quantum field theory?

In quantum field theory, the commutation relations between position and momentum operators are given by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that the product of the uncertainties in position and momentum is always greater than or equal to a certain value. This uncertainty principle is an essential aspect of quantum mechanics and has many applications in quantum field theory.

How do commutation relations between HO operators relate to other important concepts in quantum field theory?

Commutation relations between HO operators are closely related to other important concepts in quantum field theory, such as the Hamiltonian, the Lagrangian, and the vacuum state. They are also used to derive other important equations, such as the Klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac equation, which describe the behavior of particles in quantum field theory.

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