Complex analysis - conformal maps -mapping

In summary, the conversation discusses finding a one-to-one analytic function that maps a given domain to the upper half plane. The participants mention general methods such as translation, angle expansion, and mapping strips to the upper half plane. They also suggest using basic geometric operations such as addition, multiplication, and inversion to map certain domains onto the upper half plane. The conversation ends with a problem and a disagreement about whether a complex analytic function with a non-zero derivative must be injective.
  • #1
find a one-to-one analytic function that maps the domain {} to upper half plane etc ...

for questions like these, do we just have to be blessed with good intuition or there are actually sound mathematical ways to come up with one-to-one analytic functions that satisfy the given requirement?

for example, for the domain {z:|z| > R and I am z > 0} ... if we have to find a one-to-one analytic function that maps the domain to the upper half plane... how do we do that? i know the final answer ... but i need mathematical reasoning ... i need someone to tell me step by step what's going on ...
the book doesn't explain this section well ...
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  • #2
There are general methods, though I can'te recall them exactly, but for the cases you're most likely to meet remember translation, angle expansion, and how to map strips to the upper half plane. Putting those together will sort out the easiest cases. And remember to work on where the boundary goes.
  • #3
matt grime said:
There are general methods, though I can'te recall them exactly, but for the cases you're most likely to meet remember translation, angle expansion, and how to map strips to the upper half plane. Putting those together will sort out the easiest cases. And remember to work on where the boundary goes.
can someone here go over " translation, angle expansion, and how to map strips to the upper half plane. "?
and can someone go over how to put them together?

lol you see my problem? i have no clue how to even have a start
  • #4
say you wanted to map the set of points {z : re(z)>1, Im(z)>0} to the upper half plane. Translate be subtracting one to get the upper right quadrant, then square to get the upper half plane... I'm trying to push you in the direction of things that are in your notes.
  • #5
just recall the geometric meaning of complex addition and multiplication. adding is translation, and raising to the nth power is multiplyinbg the angle by n and also raising the length to the nth power.

so squaring for instance, maps the upper right quartile to the upper half plane, because every angle, measured from the positive real axis, gets doubled.

after these basic facts, then study the geometry of multiplicative inversion, which takes the poutside of the unit circle to the inside, except for the origin.

then complex conjugation, takes the upper half plane to the lower one.

then notice what division does, of the sort |z-a|/|z-b|. i.e. |z-a| is the distance from z to a, so |z-a|/|z-b| < 1, says that z is closer to a than to b, which says by euclidean geometry, that z lies above the line where points are equidistant from a and b, i.e. z lies above the perpendicular bisector of the line joining a and b.

so |z-i|/|z+i| < 1, says z is in the upper half plane. thus w = (z-i)/(z+i) says that |w| < 1 iff z is in the upper half plane. so this maps the upper half plane into the unit disc.

just play with these relations a while.:smile:
  • #6
here's a cute problem that a friend of mine and i disagree on the answer to:

suppose U is a simply connected open set in the complex plane and f:U-->V is a complex analytic function with simply connected image set V = f(U).

if the derivative of f is never zero in U, must f be injective?(i say no.)
  • #7
what effect does multiplying by i have?

i am still lost ...
can you direct me to a list of those "meanings of geometric addition" etc ... maybe i am taking more complicated approach than i should be ... but things don't make much sense
  • #8
muliplying by i is a rotation by pi/2 radians counterclockwise about the origin. Think about the polar form of a complex number is the easiest to visualize the the geometric effect of multiplication. Addition looks the same as vector addition in R^2.

FAQ: Complex analysis - conformal maps -mapping

1. What is complex analysis and why is it important?

Complex analysis is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of complex numbers and their functions. It is important because it allows us to understand and manipulate functions that are not easily represented in the real numbers. It has applications in many areas of science, including physics, engineering, and economics.

2. What are conformal maps and how are they used in complex analysis?

Conformal maps are functions that preserve angles between curves. In other words, they preserve the shape of small regions. In complex analysis, they are used to map complex numbers from one region to another, preserving the angles and shapes of the curves. They are useful for solving problems involving complex functions and for visualizing complex transformations.

3. What is the difference between conformal and non-conformal maps?

Conformal maps preserve angles and shapes, while non-conformal maps do not. In complex analysis, conformal maps are used to preserve the properties of complex functions, while non-conformal maps can be used for other purposes, such as creating distortions or transformations.

4. How are conformal maps used in mapping?

In mapping, conformal maps are used to transform a region in one space to a region in another space while preserving angles and shapes. This allows for accurate mapping of complex shapes and regions, and is especially useful in applications such as cartography and computer graphics.

5. What are some real-world applications of complex analysis and conformal maps?

Complex analysis and conformal maps have numerous applications in physics, engineering, and economics. For example, they are used in fluid dynamics to study the motion of fluids and in electrical engineering to analyze and design circuits. They are also used in economics to model complex systems, such as stock market fluctuations. Additionally, conformal maps have practical applications in fields such as cartography, architecture, and computer graphics.

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