Is Complex Differentiation Defined for Linear Transformations?

In summary: I'm not clear on why you'd want that, either.)It's not clear what you mean by "this is useful for embedding LaTeX in posts here".In summary, the conversation discusses an alternative definition for the complex derivative using a limit of a linear transformation on a 2-dimensional vector space. An example is provided to illustrate the calculation, but it is noted that this example is not a linear transformation. It is also mentioned that the fraction of a vector and a vector is generally undefined and the purpose for embedding LaTeX in posts is unclear.
  • #1
Let z = [a b]^T be in the 2-dimensional vector space over real numbers, and T a linear transformation on the vector space.


$$\lim_{z'\rightarrow \mathbf{0}} \frac{T(z+z')-T(z)}{z'}$$

I argue this could be an alternative definition for complex derivative.

To illustrate this, z as a complex number ##a+bi## is a vector [a b]^T and z' is a tiny vector parallel to z. Taking the limit, z+z' approaches z and the limit approaches the rate of change of T at z.

<Moderator's note: please use the proper wrappers, ## ## and $$ $$, for LaTeX.>
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  • #2
Is there a particular reason why you would need an alternative definition for the derivative of a complex function?

In your formula, it is not clear what you mean when you divide by ##z'## when ##z'## is regarded as an element of ##\mathbb{R}^2##. For multivariable functions, the difference quotient definition of the total derivative is not useful.

In any case, any reasonable definition of the derivative of a linear transformation of ##\mathbb{R}^2## at a point will reproduce that linear transformation itself.

Incidentally, this is useful to find out how to embed ##\LaTeX## in your posts here.
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  • #3
Let's calculate an explicit example with your new derivative.
  • #4
The reason is I want to get rid of the difficulties with the complex log multi-function.

An example: The derivative of ##z^2 = (a + bi)^2## equals ##2z##. Let ##z := [a\;\;\;b]^T## and ##T([a \;\;\; b]^T) := [a^2 \;\;\; b^2]^T##.

##\lim_{\delta z\rightarrow \mathbf{0}} \frac{T(z+\delta z)-T(z)}{\delta z}=

\lim_{\delta z\rightarrow \mathbf{0}} \frac{[(a+\delta a)^2\;\; (b+\delta b)^2]^T}{[\delta a \;\;\; \delta b]^T}##

Simplifying and factoring out yields

##\lim_{\delta z\rightarrow \mathbf{0}} \frac{[2a\delta a\;\; 2b\delta b]^T}{[\delta a \;\;\; \delta b]^T} =
2[a\;\;\; b]^T.##

##2[a\;\;\; b]^2## corresponds to ##2z##.
  • #5
Your example is not a linear transformation, violating the conditions of post 1. I don't understand why you wanted this to limit to linear transformations anyway, but you did.

The fraction of a vector and a vector is generally undefined.

FAQ: Is Complex Differentiation Defined for Linear Transformations?

1. What is complex differentiation?

Complex differentiation is a mathematical concept that deals with finding the derivative of a complex-valued function. It is an extension of real differentiation, where the derivative of a real-valued function is found. In complex differentiation, the derivative is also a complex number.

2. How is complex differentiation different from real differentiation?

Complex differentiation differs from real differentiation in that the derivative is a complex number instead of a real number. In real differentiation, the derivative is found by taking the limit of the difference quotient as the change in the independent variable approaches zero. In complex differentiation, the derivative is found by taking the limit of the difference quotient as both the change in the independent variable and the change in the complex variable approach zero.

3. What is the Cauchy-Riemann equation in complex differentiation?

The Cauchy-Riemann equation is a set of conditions that must be satisfied for a complex-valued function to be differentiable. It states that the partial derivatives of the real and imaginary components of the function must exist and satisfy certain relationships. These relationships are necessary for the existence of the complex derivative.

4. How is the complex derivative calculated?

The complex derivative is calculated using the Cauchy-Riemann equations. If a complex-valued function satisfies these equations, then its derivative can be found by taking the partial derivative of the real component with respect to the real variable and adding it to the partial derivative of the imaginary component with respect to the imaginary variable, multiplied by the imaginary unit i.

5. What are some applications of complex differentiation?

Complex differentiation has many applications in mathematics and science. It is used in the study of complex analysis, which has applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. It is also used in the study of conformal mapping, which has applications in fluid dynamics and electromagnetism. Additionally, complex differentiation is used in the derivation of many important formulas, such as the Cauchy integral formula and the Cauchy integral theorem.

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