Complex Number Locus: Find Locus of z

In summary, the locus of the point z satisfying the given equation is the perpendicular bisector of the line segment between the points (1,2) and (-1,-4).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the locus of the point z satisfying:

[tex]\left| {\frac{{z - 1 - 2{\bf{i}}}}{{z + 1 + 4{\bf{i}}}}} \right| = 1[/tex]

2. The attempt at a solution

\left| {\frac{{z - 1 - 2{\bf{i}}}}{{z + 1 + 4{\bf{i}}}}} \right| = 1 \\
\left| {\frac{{\left( {x - 1} \right) + \left( {y - 2} \right){\bf{i}}}}{{\left( {x + 1} \right) + \left( {y + 4} \right){\bf{i}}}} \times \frac{{\left( {x + 1} \right) - \left( {y + 4} \right){\bf{i}}}}{{\left( {x + 1} \right) - \left( {y - 4} \right){\bf{i}}}}} \right| = 1 \\
\left| {\frac{{x^2 + y^2 - 9 + \left( {2y + 2 - 6x} \right){\bf{i}}}}{{\left( {x + 1} \right)^2 + \left( {y + 4} \right)^2 }}} \right| = 1 \\

im not sure if that is correct but it seemed logical to me at the time, what do i do with the imaginary part of equation?

many thanks,
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  • #2
In line 2 of your attempt at a solution, you switched signs on the y+4 part (to y-4), but it ultimately does nothing to your solution since you didn't follow what you wrote. According to your method, the next step is to apply the definition of magnitude. Have you done this?
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  • #3
no i am unsure on how to apply the magnitude. do i just square it and then square root it, taking the +ve root?
  • #4
[itex]|f(z)|=\sqrt{f f*}[/itex] where f(z) is a complex function and * denotes complex conjugation.
  • #5
unique_pavadrin said:

Homework Statement

Find the locus of the point z satisfying:

[tex]\left| {\frac{{z - 1 - 2{\bf{i}}}}{{z + 1 + 4{\bf{i}}}}} \right| = 1[/tex]

2. The attempt at a solution

\left| {\frac{{z - 1 - 2{\bf{i}}}}{{z + 1 + 4{\bf{i}}}}} \right| = 1 \\
\left| {\frac{{\left( {x - 1} \right) + \left( {y - 2} \right){\bf{i}}}}{{\left( {x + 1} \right) + \left( {y + 4} \right){\bf{i}}}} \times \frac{{\left( {x + 1} \right) - \left( {y + 4} \right){\bf{i}}}}{{\left( {x + 1} \right) - \left( {y - 4} \right){\bf{i}}}}} \right| = 1 \\
\left| {\frac{{x^2 + y^2 - 9 + \left( {2y + 2 - 6x} \right){\bf{i}}}}{{\left( {x + 1} \right)^2 + \left( {y + 4} \right)^2 }}} \right| = 1 \\
im not sure if that is correct but it seemed logical to me at the time, what do i do with the imaginary part of equation?

many thanks,
I wouldn't do all of that calculation. From
[tex]\left| {\frac{{z - 1 - 2{\bf{i}}}}{{z + 1 + 4{\bf{i}}}}} \right| = 1[/tex]
you have immediately |z-1-2i|= |z+ 1+ 4i| or |z-(1+2i)|= |z-(-1-4i)|.

We can interpret the left side as the distance from z to 1+ 2i and the right side as the distance from z to -1-4i. In other words, the locus is the set of points equidistant from (1,2) and (-1, -4). That is the perpendicular bisector of the line segment between the points.

FAQ: Complex Number Locus: Find Locus of z

1. What is a complex number locus?

A complex number locus is a set of points on a complex plane that satisfy a given condition or equation. In other words, it is the path or trajectory that a complex number follows as it changes according to a certain rule.

2. How do you find the locus of a complex number?

To find the locus of a complex number, you need to first determine the condition or equation that the points must satisfy. This could be an equation involving the real and imaginary parts of the complex number, or it could be a geometric condition. Once you have the equation or condition, you can plot the points on a complex plane and see the path they follow to determine the locus.

3. Why is finding the locus of a complex number useful?

Finding the locus of a complex number can be useful in solving mathematical problems and understanding geometric patterns. It can also be used in engineering and physics to model and analyze complex systems.

4. What are some common types of locus for complex numbers?

Some common types of locus for complex numbers include circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas. These can be either algebraic or geometric loci, depending on the equation or condition that defines them.

5. Can the locus of a complex number be a straight line?

Yes, the locus of a complex number can be a straight line. This can happen when the equation or condition defining the locus is a linear equation involving the real and imaginary parts of the complex number.

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