Computer architecture problem solving.

In summary, the conversation discusses various computer-related problems and questions, including a computer not loading the operating system into RAM, the process of multiplying numbers in a CPU, and creating a flow chart for finding the smallest of three numbers. The suggestions provided include checking for hardware failure or software corruption in the first problem, using a shift-and-add process for multiplication, and breaking down the problem into smaller steps when creating a flow chart. The conversation also mentions the relevance of the problems to a chemistry computer course.
  • #1

Homework Statement

1. A man bought a computer and when he booted it up he realized that the OS is not loading into RAM. Can you suggest what could be wrong with the computer? (Yes, the computer was plugged into the outlet and the power was turned on.)

2. Describe the process by which the CPU multiples 2 by 5, assuming that numbers are stored in cache.

3. Draw a flow chart for finding the smallest of the 3 given numbers using standard flow chart symbols.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

1. OS is corrupted and needs to be reloaded.
2. I believe an algorithm is used but I do not know how to word my answer.
3. I know the symbols, but I just need help setting the whole thing up.
Physics news on
  • #2
You need to break things down into much smaller steps (actualy that pretty much sumarises engineering!)
1, What are the steps for getting the OS into ram, where isit from, what is involved?

2, Imagine the CPU as a factory with little workers in it (the oompa-lumpa model), what are the steps to get the data in, where does itgo, what has to happen next, where does the answer go

3, Don't worry about the symbols initially, how would you work out the sum on paper? Now write down every step, now convert to symbols (should probably just be a loop with a couple of 'ifs')
  • #3
mgb_phys said:
You need to break things down into much smaller steps (actualy that pretty much sumarises engineering!)
1, What are the steps for getting the OS into ram, where isit from, what is involved?

2, Imagine the CPU as a factory with little workers in it (the oompa-lumpa model), what are the steps to get the data in, where does itgo, what has to happen next, where does the answer go

3, Don't worry about the symbols initially, how would you work out the sum on paper? Now write down every step, now convert to symbols (should probably just be a loop with a couple of 'ifs')

To be honest for the first two hints you have given me, I have no idea where to begin. :confused: My class is actually a chemistry computer class, and my instructor just gave us a problem set, and there is no section of the notes to reference to when attempting these problems, and we do not have a textbook or manual for this course. All I have are lecture slides to work with, and these concepts have not been discussed. I really would like to attempt to solve the problem, so I was wondering if there is any other way you can help my solve this. Thanks.
  • #4
. A man bought a computer and when he booted it up he realized that the OS is not loading into RAM. Can you suggest what could be wrong with the computer?
The machine has to
1, Find the disk drive
2, Load the boot sector code that tells it how to read a disk
3, Read the disk and find the operating system
4, Load the operating system into ram
5, Execute the program in ram

Describe the process by which the CPU multiples 2 by 5, assuming that numbers are stored in cache.
1, You have to read the numbers 2 and 5 into the cpu (google for "register" )
2, execute the multiply instruction
3, copy the answer back to memory
  • #5
If this is a chemistry computer course, those questions are somewhat out of line. 1) has any number of solutions falling under the general headings of i) hardware failure and ii) software corruption (as mgb_phys and you have suggested). 2) multiplication is generally implemented in hardware as a shift-and-add process. Assuming you know how to add. Which is not necessarily trivial either considering signs and carries. 3) is the only one that might actually be relevant if you want to design your own algorithms. Label the three numbers as n1, n2 and n3. Start with a box that says "n1>n2?" with two outgoing lines labeled "yes" and "no". Connect those to other boxes asking questions about the numbers and make sure each branch when followed to the end yields the minimum. Now hope the next set of questions is more related to computers in chemistry.
  • #6
Thank you for all of your help! Yes, I hope the next set or problems actually relates to chemistry lol.

FAQ: Computer architecture problem solving.

1. What is computer architecture problem solving?

Computer architecture problem solving is the process of designing, analyzing, and implementing computer systems and their components using a systematic approach. It involves identifying and understanding the problem, developing a solution, and evaluating its effectiveness.

2. Why is computer architecture problem solving important?

Computer architecture problem solving is important because it ensures that computer systems are efficient, reliable, and scalable. It also allows for the optimization of hardware and software resources, leading to better performance and cost-effectiveness.

3. What are the steps involved in computer architecture problem solving?

The steps involved in computer architecture problem solving include problem identification, requirement analysis, design, implementation, and testing. These steps are iterative and may require revisiting previous steps to refine the solution.

4. What skills are required for effective computer architecture problem solving?

Effective computer architecture problem solving requires a combination of technical skills in areas such as programming, hardware design, and data analysis, as well as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.

5. How does computer architecture problem solving impact the field of computer science?

Computer architecture problem solving is a fundamental aspect of computer science, as it enables the development of new and improved computer systems, architectures, and technologies. It also drives innovation and advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data processing.
