Conformal invariance of gluon amplitudes

In summary, the conversation discusses the conformal invariance of gluon amplitudes and the dilation operator. The speaker is unsure about the weight of certain terms under the dilation operator and asks for clarification. They also mention that conformal invariance is obvious at the tree amplitude level, but more study is needed to explicitly verify it from the MHV amplitude expression.
  • #1

I'm very ashamed to not understand how even the simplest gluon amplitudes are conformally invariant. See eg pages 11-12.
M(1^-,2^-,3^+)=\delta(\sum_i \lambda_i\tilde{\lambda}_i)\frac{\langle12\rangle^4}{\langle12\rangle \langle 23\rangle\langle31\rangle}
the dilation operator is:
D\sim \lambda\frac{\partial}{\partial \lambda}+\tilde{\lambda}\frac{\partial}{\partial \tilde{\lambda}}+2
First, I assume the dilation operator contains a sum over all particles. Next, Witten says the delta function carries weight -4 under D. Ok. Then he says that [tex]\langle 12\rangle^4[/tex] has weight 4. This I don't get. Doesn't it have weight 4 under just eg [tex]\lambda_1\frac{\partial}{\partial \lambda_1}[/tex]
[tex]D \langle12\rangle^4=\sum_i (\lambda\frac{\partial}{\partial \lambda}+\tilde{\lambda}\frac{\partial}{\partial \tilde{\lambda}}+2)\langle12\rangle^4=[(4+0+2)+(4+0+2)+(0+0+2) ] \langle12\rangle^4?=14\langle12\rangle^4[/tex]

Thanks for any help:)
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  • #2
Conformal invariance is obvious, because you're talking about the tree amplitude which simply reflects the classical behaviour of the theory. The Yang-Mills Lagrangian is classically conformal invariant. Only loop graphs break this symmetry. But if you want to explicitly verify conformal invariance from the MHV amplitude expression, I haven't studied enough to answer that.

FAQ: Conformal invariance of gluon amplitudes

1. What is conformal invariance?

Conformal invariance is a property of physical theories that describes how the geometry of space and time is preserved under certain transformations, specifically those that involve scaling and rotations. In other words, a theory is conformally invariant if the physical predictions do not change under these transformations.

2. How does conformal invariance apply to gluon amplitudes?

In the context of particle physics, gluon amplitudes are mathematical expressions that describe the probability of gluons interacting with each other. Conformal invariance of gluon amplitudes means that the predictions of the theory remain unchanged under conformal transformations, even when gluons are involved.

3. Why is conformal invariance important in particle physics?

Conformal invariance is important in particle physics because it is a key feature of theories that describe the fundamental forces and interactions between particles. It helps to simplify and unify different theories, making them more elegant and predictive.

4. How is conformal invariance tested in experiments?

Conformal invariance can be tested in experiments by looking for patterns and symmetries in the data that support the theory. For example, if the theory predicts that certain quantities should remain unchanged under a conformal transformation, then experiments can measure those quantities and compare them to the predictions.

5. Are there any known violations of conformal invariance in gluon amplitudes?

So far, there have been no known violations of conformal invariance in gluon amplitudes. However, some theories that incorporate both conformal invariance and gravity (such as string theory) may lead to a breaking of conformal invariance at very high energies. Further research and experiments are needed to fully understand the implications of conformal invariance in particle physics.
