Confused on Electron Double slit experment

In summary: Welcome to Physics Forums and to the "crazy" world of quantum mechanics. My advise for you is to stop reading this book right now. You can read popular science books for entertainment, but they will produce more questions, confusion, and frustration, than truly enlightening answers. I would recommend you to find a basic textbook on quantum mechanics and start to study it systematically. It is even better to find a few textbooks and read them in parallel. Quantum mechanics is a difficult subject, and I cannot think of a single textbook that explains it clearly. Moreover, people still keep arguing what quantum mechanics is about. So, looking at it from different points of view is
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Hello. Just to set things straight this is my first post here and I am also a complete nube when it comes to things this confusing. I started reading a book called "the elegant universe" by Brian Greene. So far I think the book is great but I am stumped on one part of the book. Its the part when he starts talking about the double slit experment with electrons. I understand that with photons but I get confused when he starts talking about electrons. On how even if you shoot one by one you still get an interference pattern. I am a 10th grade student so I am not taught this in school yet but from what I read there are some preety smart people here. I was just woundering if anyone could give me some links(because i don't think anyone wants to tell me exactly how electrons make an interference pattern)on explaining this stuff. I have tried lots of different websites and their all to hard for me to understand. any help would be great. I just feel like I can't go on in the book until I understand how electrons make a pattern like the way they do on that photopaper stuff. All I know is that they are a particle and a wave but after that I am dead lost.:confused:
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  • #2
game45165 said:
Hello. Just to set things straight this is my first post here and I am also a complete nube when it comes to things this confusing. I started reading a book called "the elegant universe" by Brian Greene. So far I think the book is great but I am stumped on one part of the book. Its the part when he starts talking about the double slit experment with electrons. I understand that with photons but I get confused when he starts talking about electrons. On how even if you shoot one by one you still get an interference pattern. I am a 10th grade student so I am not taught this in school yet but from what I read there are some preety smart people here. I was just woundering if anyone could give me some links(because i don't think anyone wants to tell me exactly how electrons make an interference pattern)on explaining this stuff. I have tried lots of different websites and their all to hard for me to understand. any help would be great. I just feel like I can't go on in the book until I understand how electrons make a pattern like the way they do on that photopaper stuff. All I know is that they are a particle and a wave but after that I am dead lost.:confused:

Welcome to Physics Forums and to the "crazy" world of quantum mechanics. My advise for you is to stop reading this book right now. You can read popular science books for entertainment, but they will produce more questions, confusion, and frustration, than truly enlightening answers.

I would recommend you to find a basic textbook on quantum mechanics and start to study it systematically. It is even better to find a few textbooks and read them in parallel. Quantum mechanics is a difficult subject, and I cannot think of a single textbook that explains it clearly. Moreover, people still keep arguing what quantum mechanics is about. So, looking at it from different points of view is definitely a plus.

The best place to look for explanation of the double-slit experiment is in Feynman's books. There are also fascinating videos of his lectures on YouTube.

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  • #3
first of all u have to know about the interference.This is a wave phenomenon.First read about it from google then u will understand better.
Now,after u read intefernce,the de broglie hypothesis says that all particles have wave phenomenon and their wavelenght is by \=h/ electrons are waves and once they r waves they ought to show the wave phenomenon that is interference and a lot more.

FAQ: Confused on Electron Double slit experment

What is the electron double slit experiment?

The electron double slit experiment is a classic experiment in quantum physics that demonstrates the wave-like behavior of particles, specifically electrons. It involves shooting a beam of electrons through two parallel slits and observing the resulting interference pattern on a screen.

Why is the electron double slit experiment important?

This experiment is important because it challenges our understanding of the behavior of particles at the quantum level. It also supports the theory of wave-particle duality, which states that particles can behave both as waves and as particles depending on the experimental setup.

What does the electron double slit experiment tell us about the nature of matter?

The electron double slit experiment tells us that at the quantum level, matter behaves in a wave-like manner. This means that particles are not always confined to a specific location and can exhibit interference patterns, similar to waves.

What factors can affect the results of the electron double slit experiment?

The results of the electron double slit experiment can be affected by various factors, such as the speed and energy of the electrons, the distance between the slits, and the properties of the material used for the slits. The presence of external forces or disturbances can also impact the results.

Can the electron double slit experiment be used to explain other phenomena?

Yes, the principles and concepts learned from the electron double slit experiment have been applied to various other phenomena, such as diffraction and quantum tunneling. It has also played a crucial role in the development of quantum mechanics and our understanding of the subatomic world.
