Confusion over Newton's 3rd law

In summary, the conversation discusses Newton's third law and how it applies to different scenarios, such as a car's exhaust pushing back and causing acceleration, pushing a box across the floor, and walking forward. It is explained that the forces act on different objects and can result in different accelerations. The concept of net force is also discussed, with the understanding that it is possible for there to be a net force even if there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  • #1
If there is always an equal an opposite reaction, wouldn't everything always be in equilibrium and there'd be no net forces? If a car's exhaust is pushing back with xN, the car gets pushed forwards with xN. So the net force is 0 so how can there be acceleration?
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  • #2
Newton's third law says that if object X exerts a force F on object Y, then object Y must necessarily exert a force -F on object X. Two objects, two forces (which are equal but opposite).

The force that object X exerts on object Y has nothing to do (directly) with the motion of object X. All that matters with respect to the motion of object X is the force exerted by object Y on object X, and by object Z, and every other object that exerts a force on object X.
  • #3
johnathon said:
If there is always an equal an opposite reaction, wouldn't everything always be in equilibrium and there'd be no net forces?
No. Realize that the 'action' and 'reaction' forces act on different objects.
If a car's exhaust is pushing back with xN, the car gets pushed forwards with xN. So the net force is 0 so how can there be acceleration?
Look at the exhaust and the car (rocket?) as separate systems. There's a force (from the exhaust) on the rocket, so the rocket accelerates; there's a force (from the rocket) on the exhaust, so it accelerates. (Ignoring other forces, of course. And I assume you are thinking of a rocket and its exhaust, not a car.)

Sure, if you treat the 'rocket + exhaust' as a single system there's no net force, then the center of mass of the system does not accelerate. But each subsystem certainly does.
  • #4
Ok. But what about if I push a box forward and it moves across the floor (with no air resistance or friction)? How would you approach that with Newton's 3rd law?
  • #5
The box would push you backward (Newton's 3rd law) and you would move across the floor in the opposite direction (Newton's 2nd law with no air resistance or friction).
  • #6
johnathon said:
Ok. But what about if I push a box forward and it moves across the floor (with no air resistance or friction)? How would you approach that with Newton's 3rd law?
You push the box (to the right, say) and the box pushes back on you with an equal force (to the left). That's what Newton's 3rd law says.

Of course there must be other forces acting on you, otherwise you wouldn't get very far. Presumably the floor is able to exert a force on you so you can accelerate to the right and maintain the force on the box.

If there really were no friction at all, you'd push the box (and the box would push back on you) and you'd both accelerate in opposite directions. (Until you broke contact, after which you'll continue to move at constant speed in opposite directions.)
  • #7
DaleSpam said:
The box would push you backward and you would move across the floor in the opposite direction (with no air resistance or friction).

So because my mass is much greater than the mass of the box I'll accelerate much less?
  • #8
Doc Al said:
You push the box (to the right, say) and the box pushes back on you with an equal force (to the left). That's what Newton's 3rd law says.

Of course there must be other forces acting on you, otherwise you wouldn't get very far. Presumably the floor is able to exert a force on you so you can accelerate to the right and maintain the force on the box.

If there really were no friction at all, you'd push the box (and the box would push back on you) and you'd both accelerate in opposite directions. (Until you broke contact, after which you'll continue to move at constant speed in opposite directions.)

But wouldn't me pushing back on the floor and the floor pushing on me balance out so nothing would change?
  • #9
johnathon said:
But wouldn't me pushing back on the floor and the floor pushing on me balance out so nothing would change?
No. Sure, if you only push back on the ground with a force exactly equal (and opposite) to the force you exert on the box, then the net force on you would be zero and you wouldn't accelerate. But that's got nothing to do with Newton's 3rd law. There's no reason why you couldn't push back on the ground with a force greater than you exert on the box.

Newton's 3rd law says, regardless of anything else:

Whatever force you exert on the ground will be equal and opposite to the force exerted by the ground on you.

Whatever force you exert on the box will be equal and opposite to the force exerted by the box on you.
  • #10
Doc Al said:
No. Sure, if you only push back on the ground with a force exactly equal (and opposite) to the force you exert on the box, then the net force on you would be zero and you wouldn't accelerate. But that's got nothing to do with Newton's 3rd law. There's no reason why you couldn't push back on the ground with a force greater than you exert on the box.

Newton's 3rd law says, regardless of anything else:

Whatever force you exert on the ground will be equal and opposite to the force exerted by the ground on you.

Whatever force you exert on the box will be equal and opposite to the force exerted by the box on you.

So just with the example of walking forward, I push back on the ground with my foot and the ground pushes equally back on me? Because the Earth is so massive it's movement away is insignificant and my movement forward is a lot more noticeable? Is that correct? But then surely it's still a state of equilibrium. So how can the idea of a net force ever exist?
  • #11
johnathon said:
So just with the example of walking forward, I push back on the ground with my foot and the ground pushes equally back on me? Because the Earth is so massive it's movement away is insignificant and my movement forward is a lot more noticeable? Is that correct?
That's true.
But then surely it's still a state of equilibrium.
The ground is exerting an unbalanced force on you, so you accelerate forward. That's not equilibrium.
So how can the idea of a net force ever exist?
Net force on what?
  • #12
Doc Al said:
The ground is exerting an unbalanced force on you, so you accelerate forward. That's not equilibrium.

But doesn't my force backwards on the ground balance it out?
  • #13
johnathon said:
But doesn't my force backwards on the ground balance it out?
How can a force on the ground balance out a force on you?

For forces to 'balance out' they must act on the same object.
  • #14
Doc Al said:
How can a force on the ground balance out a force on you?

For forces to 'balance out' they must act on the same object.

Ah, thanks. I finally get it. So does that mean if I'm falling on Earth (disregarding air resistance) the Earth is pulling me down so I'm pulling back on the earth? If I jump up the Earth moves back in response?
  • #15
johnathon said:
So does that mean if I'm falling on Earth (disregarding air resistance) the Earth is pulling me down so I'm pulling back on the earth?
Yes, you and the Earth exert equal and opposite gravitational forces on each other.

If I jump up the Earth moves back in response?
Sure. When you shove off against the earth, you exert equal and opposite forces on each other. Of course, the Earth is massive compared to you and barely moves.
  • #16
And if I'm standing on the floor and not moving, would there be two action reaction pairs? The Earth pulling on me and me pulling the earth. The floor pushing up on me to stop me falling and me pushing down on the floor? So the floor pushing me up isn't the reaction to gravity?
  • #17
johnathon said:
And if I'm standing on the floor and not moving, would there be two action reaction pairs? The Earth pulling on me and me pulling the earth. The floor pushing up on me to stop me falling and me pushing down on the floor?
So the floor pushing me up isn't the reaction to gravity?
Right! That's one of the most common errors, to think that the floor pushing up is a Newton's 3rd law 'reaction' to gravity. You've got it right.
  • #18
Doc Al said:

Right! That's one of the most common errors, to think that the floor pushing up is a Newton's 3rd law 'reaction' to gravity. You've got it right.

Out of me pushing on the floor and the floor pushing up on me, which is the reaction? An I pushing down on the floor because the Earth is pulling me down? So the upwards force of the floor is responding to that? So the floor pushing up is a response to me being pulled by gravity, but it isn't the reaction force in terms of action reaction pairs?
  • #19
johnathon said:
Out of me pushing on the floor and the floor pushing up on me, which is the reaction?
The terms 'action' and 'reaction' are somewhat old fashioned and misleading. It makes it sound like one force is the 'action' and the other is the 'reaction', but those distinctions are arbitrary. It's better just to refer to those forces as Newton's 3rd law pairs.
An I pushing down on the floor because the Earth is pulling me down? So the upwards force of the floor is responding to that? So the floor pushing up is a response to me being pulled by gravity, but it isn't the reaction force in terms of action reaction pairs?
Sounds good to me. If there were no gravity, then there would be no need for the floor to push you up. But they are not Newton's 3rd law pairs.

A good example to illustrate why the force exerted by the floor on you need not necessarily equal your weight is to think of you standing on a scale while in an elevator. As long as the elevator is not accelerating, then the scale pushes up on you with a force equal to your weight. But if the elevator accelerates upward, then the force exerted by the scale must be greater than your weight. So obviously those forces are not 3rd law pairs.
  • #20
Doc Al said:
The terms 'action' and 'reaction' are somewhat old fashioned and misleading. It makes it sound like one force is the 'action' and the other is the 'reaction', but those distinctions are arbitrary. It's better just to refer to those forces as Newton's 3rd law pairs.

Sounds good to me. If there were no gravity, then there would be no need for the floor to push you up. But they are not Newton's 3rd law pairs.

A good example to illustrate why the force exerted by the floor on you need not necessarily equal your weight is to think of you standing on a scale while in an elevator. As long as the elevator is not accelerating, then the scale pushes up on you with a force equal to your weight. But if the elevator accelerates upward, then the force exerted by the scale must be greater than your weight. So obviously those forces are not 3rd law pairs.

So if the elevator is Pushing up on me more than gravity pulls down, would I feel heavier because I have to push down with more to match the force from the elevator?
  • #21
johnathon said:
So if the elevator is Pushing up on me more than gravity pulls down, would I feel heavier because I have to push down with more to match the force from the elevator?
Yes. You don't 'feel' gravity directly, what you feel is the force supporting you. So if you're being accelerated upwards, you'll feel heavier. And if you fell out of a window, you'd feel weightless (until you hit the ground).
  • #22
Doc Al said:
Yes. You don't 'feel' gravity directly, what you feel is the force supporting you. So if you're being accelerated upwards, you'll feel heavier. And if you fell out of a window, you'd feel weightless (until you hit the ground).
Would an object not actually in contact with the elevator but still in it feel this force? So if I were to throw a ball upwards in an elevator accelerating upwards, would the ball still accelerate with the elevator?
  • #23
johnathon said:
Would an object not actually in contact with the elevator but still in it feel this force?
So if I were to throw a ball upwards in an elevator accelerating upwards, would the ball still accelerate with the elevator?
Nope. As soon as it left your hand, the only force acting on it would be gravity.
  • #24
Doc Al said:

Nope. As soon as it left your hand, the only force acting on it would be gravity.
I know I'm getting very off topic on the elevator idea but I promise these are my last two questions :-)
If an elevator was in freefall what would happen?
And if an elevator is accelerating downwards faster than gravity would I stay "stuck" to the ceiling?
  • #25
johnathon said:
If an elevator was in freefall what would happen?
You would feel 'weightless' and just float in the elevator. There would be no force between you and the elevator, since you'd both be in freefall.
And if an elevator is accelerating downwards faster than gravity would I stay "stuck" to the ceiling?
Yes. Once you were in contact with the ceiling, you'd stay there. You could stand upside down, if you wanted.
  • #26
I don't get why I'd feel weightless. How would you explain that in terms of forces?
  • #27
johnathon said:
I don't get why I'd feel weightless. How would you explain that in terms of forces?
The only force acting on you would be gravity. Without a support force, you'd feel 'weightless'. I put that in quotes since you obviously still have weight, you just don't feel it.
  • #28
Doc Al said:
The only force acting on you would be gravity. Without a support force, you'd feel 'weightless'. I put that in quotes since you obviously still have weight, you just don't feel it.

Why wouldn't you feel gravity? There's still a force acting on you
  • #29
johnathon said:
Why wouldn't you feel gravity? There's still a force acting on you
Yes, there's a force acting on you, but since it acts on every tiny bit of you uniformly you can't feel it. What you can feel are the stresses and tensions created in your body when your weight is support by something. Stand on the floor and the upward force creates tensions in the body that you can feel. If the floor suddenly gave way, those tensions would disappear, which we interpret as a 'weightless' feeling. The same feeling that astronauts in the space shuttle have.

I assume you've been in a roller coaster? Or a car going over a large bump? Or even an elevator accelerating downward. In those situations your feeling of weight decreases for a bit. If you were to drive off a cliff, you'll experience that weightless feeling for a bit longer. (Not advisable, of course.)

FAQ: Confusion over Newton's 3rd law

What is Newton's 3rd law?

Newton's 3rd law, also known as the law of action and reaction, states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object will exert an equal force in the opposite direction.

What is the most common misconception about Newton's 3rd law?

The most common misconception about Newton's 3rd law is that the forces have to be the same type (e.g. both gravitational or both electrical) in order to be considered as an action-reaction pair. However, this law applies to all types of forces, regardless of their nature.

Is Newton's 3rd law always true?

Yes, Newton's 3rd law is a fundamental principle of classical mechanics and is always true in any situation. However, it may not always be obvious or easy to observe in certain scenarios, such as when one force is significantly larger than the other.

Can Newton's 3rd law be violated?

No, Newton's 3rd law cannot be violated. As mentioned before, it is a fundamental law of physics and is always true. Any apparent violation of this law is due to a misunderstanding or incorrect application of the concept.

How does Newton's 3rd law relate to everyday life?

Newton's 3rd law can be observed in many everyday situations, such as walking, swimming, and even sitting in a chair. When we walk, our feet push against the ground, and the ground pushes back with an equal force, propelling us forward. Similarly, when we swim, our arms push the water backwards, and the water pushes us forward. And when we sit in a chair, our weight exerts a downward force on the chair, and the chair exerts an equal upward force on us, keeping us from falling through.

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