Are the Helicoid and Catenoid Conjugate Minimal Surfaces?

In summary, the helicoid and catenoid are two specific minimal surfaces that are conjugate to each other. In order for two surfaces to be conjugate, their component-wise functions must satisfy the Cauchy Riemann equations. However, in the given problem, the equations are not satisfied for x1 and y1, leading to a contradiction. Additionally, it is proven that the mapping F is a local diffeo of a half plane onto a cone with a specific angle at the vertex.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that the helicoid and the catenoid are conjugate minimal surfaces

Homework Equations

the helicoid is given by the parameterization
X(u,v) = (asinh(v)*cosu, asinh(v)*sinu, au) = (x1, x2, x3)
the catenoid is given by the parameterization
Y(u,v) = (acoshv*cosu, a coshv*sinu, av) = (y1, y2, y3)

The Attempt at a Solution

so i need that d(x1)/du = d(y1)/dv, etc, the component-wise functions must satisfy the Cauchy Riemann equations, but I'm not getting the right answers. clearly for x3 and y3, the C-R equations are satisfied.

i get:

d(x1)/du = -asinhv*sinu
d(y1)/dv = asinhv*cosu

and the C-R equations are not even close to satisfied. but i get that the off terms satisfy the C-R equations,

d(y2)/dv = asinhv*sinu

any help? i know this is a famous classical problem in minimal surfaces, but I am so stuck
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  • #2
here are some others:

1) Prove that no minimal surface can be a compact set
Let M be a minimal surface that is compact and etry to derive a contradiction.

If M is minimal then the mean curvature is 0 and hence k1 = -k2.

More importantly, any parameterization X of M is continuous and hence takes compact sets to compact sets, so our domain of X is a compact set. So X attains its max and min on M. Also every point is a hyperbolic point since the Gaussian curvature is negative.

but I am not quite sure where to derive the contradiction.

2) Let F be a mapping from the plane without the origin and the negative real axis. so it's the open half plane onto a surface, we call this half plane U. F is given by a parameterization:

F(u,v) = (u*sinb*cosv, u*sinb*sinv, u*cosb) where b is a constant.
a) Prove that F is a local diffeo of U onto a cone C with the vertex at the origin and 2b has the angle of the vertex.

- I'm not quite sure how to prove that something is a local diffeo. Is this the same as saying that the two spaces are isometric?
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FAQ: Are the Helicoid and Catenoid Conjugate Minimal Surfaces?

1. What are conjugate minimal surfaces?

Conjugate minimal surfaces are a type of surface in mathematics that are characterized by their ability to minimize surface area while being constrained to a certain shape or boundary.

2. How are conjugate minimal surfaces different from other types of minimal surfaces?

Unlike other minimal surfaces, conjugate minimal surfaces have the added constraint of being required to be conjugate to another minimal surface, meaning their tangent planes must intersect at a constant angle along the entire surface.

3. What is the significance of conjugate minimal surfaces?

Conjugate minimal surfaces have many applications in various fields of science and mathematics, including in the study of soap bubbles, liquid crystal films, and differential geometry.

4. Are there any real-world examples of conjugate minimal surfaces?

Yes, examples of conjugate minimal surfaces can be found in nature, such as in the formation of soap bubbles and the structure of certain biological membranes.

5. How are conjugate minimal surfaces studied and analyzed?

Conjugate minimal surfaces are studied using various mathematical techniques, such as the use of complex analysis and differential equations, as well as through computer simulations and physical experiments.

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