Converging to Zero: How to Solve Bijective Mapping Sequences Problem?

In summary, the task is to show that the sequence (a sub n) converges to zero, given that f is a bijective map. The approach is to show that for a given epsilon, there exists an n_0 such that for all n > n_0, |1/f(n)| < epsilon. This is equivalent to showing that for all N > 0, there exists an n_0 such that for all n > n_0, |f(n)| > N. Since f is a bijection, it will have assumed all elements smaller than N at some point, so from that point on, f will always be larger than N, which proves that the sequence converges to zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f: N -> N be a bijective map. for n Є N

a sub n = 1 / f(n)

Show that the sequence (a sub n) converges to zero.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Basically I have been stuck on this problem for hours now and have read through my notes and the course textbook numerous times and am still not getting anywhere. I sort of get how to apply the definition of a convergent sequences to a few other questions but my understanding of this topic is clearly pretty poor.

Can someone give me a hint either as a question to get me started or some material available that would clarify this for me ?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
So you'll want to show that

[tex] \forall \epsilon >0~\exists n_0~\forall n>n_0:~|1/f(n)|<\epsilon [/tex]

This is equivalent with (take [tex]N=1/\epsilon [/tex]):

[tex]\forall N>0~\exists n_0~\forall n>n_0:~|f(n)|>N[/tex]

So you'll have to show that, from a certain moment on, the sequence gets bigger then N (and this forall N). But since f is a bijection, it is true that, from a certain [tex]n_0[/tex], f has already assumed all elements smaller then N. So from that moment on, f is always larger then N. Which we needed to prove.

Ï hope you understand my ramblings :smile:
  • #3
is it rude of me to say that I don't really understand your reply and ask for further clarification, either from yourself on someone else?

FAQ: Converging to Zero: How to Solve Bijective Mapping Sequences Problem?

What is a convergent sequence?

A convergent sequence is a sequence of numbers that approach a specific limit as the sequence goes on. This means that as more and more terms are added to the sequence, the numbers get closer and closer to the limit value.

How do you determine if a sequence is convergent?

To determine if a sequence is convergent, you can use the limit comparison test or the ratio test. These tests involve comparing the sequence to a known convergent sequence or using the limit of the sequence to determine if it approaches a finite value.

What is the difference between a convergent and a divergent sequence?

A convergent sequence approaches a specific limit value as the sequence goes on, while a divergent sequence does not have a limit and the terms of the sequence either increase or decrease without bound.

Can a sequence have more than one limit?

No, a sequence can only have one limit. If a sequence has more than one limit, then it is not a convergent sequence.

Why is it important to study convergent sequences?

Studying convergent sequences is important in many areas of mathematics and science. It helps us understand the behavior of functions and allows us to make predictions about the future behavior of a system based on its past behavior. Convergent sequences are also important in calculus, where they are used to define concepts such as the derivative and integral.

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