Can a distant object behind a cosmic string appear as a double image?

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  • Thread starter etotheipi
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In summary, Tong is discussing the concept of double imaging in the context of a cosmic string and how the angular coordinate transformation in the perturbed metric leads to a rescaling of the angle, resulting in the appearance of two images of a distant object behind the string. The discussion also touches on the validity of the perturbed metric and its implications for closed null and timelike curves.
  • #1
Please see the end of question 2 of this document:
What does Tong mean by "Show intuitively how a distant object behind a cosmic string may appear as a double image"?

[For reference, the cosmic string in question is described by ##(T_{\mu \nu}) = \mu \delta(x) \delta(y) \mathrm{diag}(1,0,0,-1)##]
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  • #2
etotheipi said:
What does Tong mean by "Show intuitively how a distant object behind a cosmic string may appear as a double image"?
He means that, in this spacetime, you can see two images of the object, one coming from each side of the cosmic string--something like gravitational lensing.
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  • #3
PeterDonis said:
He means that, in this spacetime, you can see two images of the object, one coming from each side of the cosmic string--something like gravitational lensing.
What's the argument he's looking for? That last equation ##ds^2 = -dt^2 + dz^2 + d\tilde{r}^2 + \tilde{r}^2 d\tilde{\phi}^2## is Minkowski spacetime in cylindrical coordinates but I can't at all see how to take that and then deduce anything about double images...
  • #4
etotheipi said:
That last equation ##ds^2 = -dt^2 + dz^2 + d\tilde{r}^2 + \tilde{r}^2 d\tilde{\phi}^2## is Minkowski spacetime in cylindrical coordinates
It looks like it is, but the question at the end, "Is this Minkowski spacetime?", should lead you to stop and think. Look carefully at the original perturbed metric, in terms of ##\lambda##. Is it valid for all values of ##r##? (Look at the formula for ##\lambda##.) How about the coordinate transformations to get from that metric to the apparently Minkowski one? Are they valid for all radial coordinates?
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  • #5
etotheipi said:
What's the argument he's looking for?
The last coordinate transformation changes the angular coordinate ##\phi##. What change is made? What does it mean?
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  • #6
Right, I see ##\lambda## is undefined at the origin ##r=0##, so I guess the new spacetime is Minkowski \ ##\mathbf{0}##. As for the angular co-ordinate it transforms as ##(1-8\mu G)d\phi^2 = d\tilde{\phi}^2## but I can't see any motivation other than to make the metric into a nicer form...
  • #7
etotheipi said:
I see ##\lambda## is undefined at the origin ##r=0##
That's true, but it's not the only interesting property it has. Look at the perturbed metric in terms of ##\lambda##, and consider intervals for which ##dt = dz = 0##.

etotheipi said:
As for the angular co-ordinate it transforms as ##(1-8\mu G)d\phi^2 = d\tilde{\phi}^2##
Yes, which means the angular coordinate is being rescaled. But what does it even mean to rescale an angular coordinate? What happens to ##\phi = 2 \pi## when ##\phi## gets rescaled?
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  • #8
PeterDonis said:
That's true, but it's not the only interesting property it has. Look at the perturbed metric in terms of ##\lambda##, and consider intervals for which ##dt = dz = 0##.
Ah, okay! Since ##ds^2 \geq 0##, for these spacetime displacements we must have ##\lambda \leq 1## which is equivalent to ##r \leq r_0 \mathrm{exp}\left( \dfrac{1}{8\mu G} \right)##, i.e. an upper bound on ##r##.

PeterDonis said:
Yes, which means the angular coordinate is being rescaled. But what does it even mean to rescale an angular coordinate? What happens to ##\phi = 2 \pi## when ##\phi## gets rescaled?
I'd say a point at angle ##\phi## in the old spacetime is rotated around the ##z## axis to angle ##\tilde{\phi} = \phi\sqrt{1-8\mu G}## in the new spacetime.

It's still not jumping out at me how to tie all these things together. Maybe I need to stare at it for longer... :wink:
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  • #9
etotheipi said:
Since ##ds^2 \geq 0##, for these spacetime displacements we must have ##\lambda \leq 1## which is equivalent to ##r \leq r_0 \mathrm{exp}\left( \dfrac{1}{8\mu G} \right)##, i.e. an upper bound on ##r##.
Not necessarily; ##\lambda = 1## is still a valid part of the spacetime. But at the value of ##r## where ##\lambda = 1##, one can have a closed null curve with constant ##t##, ##z##, ##r##. And at larger values of ##r##, one can have closed timelike curves with constant ##t##, ##z##, ##r##. So this is clearly not Minkowski spacetime.

etotheipi said:
I'd say a point at angle ##\phi## in the old spacetime is rotated around the ##z## axis to angle ##\tilde{\phi} = \phi\sqrt{1-8\mu G}## in the new spacetime.
Not just one point. Since ##\phi = 2 \pi## in the old coordinates (not "old spacetime", it's the same spacetime, just changing coordinates) goes to ##\phi < 2 \pi## in the new coordinates, the metric that "looks" Minkowski does not cover the full range of angular coordinate ##\phi## that actual Minkowski spacetime does. Instead it's like Minkowski spacetime with a pie-slice shaped portion cut out and the edges of the cut "sewn" back together (since there is no discontinuity in the spacetime there). So in the Minkowski-looking coordinates, we have that the locus ##\phi = 2 \pi - \Delta## (where ##\Delta## is the offset created by the rescaling of ##\phi##) is the same as the locus ##\phi = 2 \pi##.

Now consider what that means if we have a distant object at ##\phi = 2 \pi - \Delta##, which is the same as ##\phi = 2 \pi##, and we have an observer looking towards the cosmic string from direction ##\phi = \pi - \Delta / 2##. How many images will he see? What would your intuitive response be? (Remember that the metric looks Minkowski in these coordinates apart from the missing pie slice.)
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  • #10
PeterDonis said:
Since ##\phi = 2 \pi## in the old coordinates (not "old spacetime", it's the same spacetime, just changing coordinates)
Yes sorry, by new and old spacetime I meant to say in the new and old co-ordinate spaces, ##\tilde{x}^{\mu}(M)## and ##x^{\mu}(M)##.

PeterDonis said:
Now consider what that means if we have a distant object at ##\phi = 2 \pi - \Delta##, which is the same as ##\phi = 2 \pi##, and we have an observer looking towards the cosmic string from direction ##\phi = \pi - \Delta / 2##. How many images will he see? What would your intuitive response be? (Remember that the metric looks Minkowski in these coordinates apart from the missing pie slice.)
I think I see what you're getting at; in the new "Minkowski-ish" co-ordinates, the angles ##\tilde{\phi} = 0## and ##\tilde{\phi} = 2\pi - \Delta## corresponding to the two sides of the wedge are both equivalent to ##\phi = 0## in the original co-ordinates [since ##2\pi = 0 \, (\mathrm{mod} \, 2\pi)##].

Consequently a single image at ##\phi = 0## would become two images at ##\tilde{\phi} = 0## and ##\tilde{\phi} = 2\pi - \Delta##. [And a camera positioned at ##\pi - \Delta/2##, looking toward the origin, would see two images at ##\pm \Delta /2##]. Is that right? 😄
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  • #11
etotheipi said:
I think I see what you're getting at; in the new "Minkowski-ish" co-ordinates, the angles ##\tilde{\phi} = 0## and ##\tilde{\phi} = 2\pi - \Delta## corresponding to the two sides of the wedge are both equivalent to ##\phi = 0## in the original co-ordinates [since ##2\pi = 0 \, (\mathrm{mod} \, 2\pi)##].

Consequently a single image at ##\phi = 0## would become two images at ##\tilde{\phi} = 0## and ##\tilde{\phi} = 2\pi - \Delta##. [And a camera positioned at ##\pi - \Delta/2##, looking toward the origin, would see two images at ##\pm \Delta /2##]. Is that right? 😄
That's what I was thinking, yes.
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  • #12
PeterDonis said:
That's what I was thinking, yes.
Thanks for the help! This is quite an interesting and surprising effect.
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  • #13
To me, ”show intuitively” does not indicate a need to actually show it mathematically, but rather to provide a heuristic argument.
  • #14
Orodruin said:
To me, ”show intuitively” does not indicate a need to actually show it mathematically, but rather to provide a heuristic argument.
In this case I think it more or less amounts to the same thing; we could state the "Minkowski spacetime with a pie slice cut out" property, which is the key feature, in words, but it's just as easy to state it mathematically.
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FAQ: Can a distant object behind a cosmic string appear as a double image?

1. Can a distant object behind a cosmic string appear as a double image?

Yes, it is possible for a distant object behind a cosmic string to appear as a double image due to the gravitational lensing effect of the string. This means that the light from the object is bent and distorted by the strong gravitational pull of the string, creating two separate images of the same object.

2. How does a cosmic string cause gravitational lensing?

Cosmic strings are extremely dense and massive objects that have a strong gravitational pull. When light from a distant object passes near a cosmic string, it is bent and distorted by the string's gravity, causing the object to appear as a double image.

3. Is the double image always identical when an object is behind a cosmic string?

No, the double image may not always be identical. The exact appearance of the double image depends on the distance between the object and the cosmic string, as well as the angle at which the light from the object passes by the string. In some cases, the two images may be very similar, while in others they may be significantly different.

4. Can a cosmic string create more than two images of a distant object?

Yes, in some cases a cosmic string can create more than two images of a distant object. This depends on the specific configuration and orientation of the string and the object, as well as the strength of the string's gravitational pull. In rare cases, a cosmic string can even create a full ring of images around the object.

5. Is the double image effect caused by cosmic strings observable?

Yes, the double image effect caused by cosmic strings has been observed in several instances. However, cosmic strings are rare and difficult to detect, so these observations are limited. Scientists continue to search for more evidence of the gravitational lensing effect of cosmic strings in order to better understand these mysterious objects.

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