Current Status of Loop Quantum Gravity: Successes, Failures & Open Questions

In summary: I never completely understood why exactly is it a problem. If you regularize Dirac equation on a lattice, you get some doublers that were not present in the original continuous theory. But those doublers are only relevant at very large momenta, proportional to the inverse lattice spacing. Hence they are not relevant to the low momenta phenomenology, so no contradiction...In summary, the LQG approach stands currently in a state of uncertainty, with some successes and failures, and questions that remain open. It may be possible that with additional research, a complete and consistent model for all of elementary physics can be produced, but this remains an uncertain prospect.
  • #1
Where does the LQG approach stand right now? What are its biggest successes and failures? Does it have any known difficulties that might be "fatal"? What major questions (on the fundamental level) are still open in the approach, and is there "momentum" toward solving them?

In particular, is it possible that LQG + SM + [some simple dark matter candidate] can give a complete and consistent model for all of elementary physics? If not, what is missing?
Physics news on
  • #2
I'm not sure. I did a quick check and found these.
Emergent 4-dimensional linearized gravity from spin foam model
Muxin Han, Zichang Huang, Antonia Zipfel
Bubble Networks: Framed Discrete Geometry for Quantum Gravity
Laurent Freidel, Etera R. Livine
Emergence of Spacetime in a restricted Spin-foam model
Sebastian Steinhaus, Johannes Thürigen
A review on Loop Quantum Gravity
Pablo Antonio Moreno Casares
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Likes Greg Bernhardt and maline
  • #3
atyy said:
Thanks! The last chapter in this reference (list of open problems) was very helpful in getting an overview of the situation, although I haven't studied the theory itself and so I couldn't understand the issues in any detail.
I'd love to hear from an "insider", especially if they are able to address my level of knowledge (standard coordinate-based GR, and QFT at the level of Weinberg Vol.1)
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  • #4
maline said:
In particular, is it possible that LQG + SM + [some simple dark matter candidate] can give a complete and consistent model for all of elementary physics? If not, what is missing?

I'm not very familiar with LQG, but the SM (and any dark matter candidate which is described by QFT) is not an object which is understood to arbitrary energies. People don't know if the current theory even makes sense at high energy scales. So one would at least need to show that these QFTs are well-behaved in the UV, which is a hard problem.

And although I am not familiar with LQG, I'm familiar enough with the current state of quantum gravity to know that no theory is in a place where it can make definite unequivocal predictions about interesting problems (like early cosmology or late-time black hole evaporation).
  • #5
king vitamin said:
So one would at least need to show that these QFTs are well-behaved in the UV, which is a hard problem.
Well, that is one major achievement that LQG wishes to claim! Giving spacetime a discrete structure is expected to make all UV problems disappear. Part of my question is whether we can state confidently that LQG does accomplish this, and whether the resulting finite QFT has been worked out in any detail (say, determining "true fundamental values" for coupling constants).
  • #6
Judging by citations, there is no sign of progress on the fermion doubling problem since Barnett and Smolin 2015, an utterly basic issue if you want to couple the SM to LQG, since the SM is a chiral theory. Their paper is about the Hamiltonian approach to LQG, the spin-foam approach might be better here but I don't know any details.

Eichhorn and Lippoldt remark that fermion doubling is liable to be a problem for any approach to quantum gravity that discretizes space. They work on asymptotic safety, and certainly, if you want an approach to quantum gravity other than string theory, I think asymptotic safety must now be counted as the leading alternative. Personally I am also interested in Salvio and Strumia's adimensional gravity or agravity, Dubovsky et al's "TT bar" deformation of gravity, and probably other esoteric approaches I can't think of right now.
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Likes arivero and maline
  • #7
mitchell porter said:
Judging by citations, there is no sign of progress on the fermion doubling problem since Barnett and Smolin 2015, an utterly basic issue if you want to couple the SM to LQG, since the SM is a chiral theory. Their paper is about the Hamiltonian approach to LQG, the spin-foam approach might be better here but I don't know any details.

Eichhorn and Lippoldt remark that fermion doubling is liable to be a problem for any approach to quantum gravity that discretizes space. They work on asymptotic safety, and certainly, if you want an approach to quantum gravity other than string theory, I think asymptotic safety must now be counted as the leading alternative. Personally I am also interested in Salvio and Strumia's adimensional gravity or agravity, Dubovsky et al's "TT bar" deformation of gravity, and probably other esoteric approaches I can't think of right now.

There is an attempt to solve the fermion doubling problem here - not in quantum gravity, but in an approach that discretizes space:
  • #8
atyy said:
There is an attempt to solve the fermion doubling problem here
I never completely understood why exactly is it a problem. If you regularize Dirac equation on a lattice, you get some doublers that were not present in the original continuous theory. But those doublers are only relevant at very large momenta, proportional to the inverse lattice spacing. Hence they are not relevant to the low momenta phenomenology, so no contradiction with existing experiments appears. So where is the problem?
  • #9
maline said:
Well, that is one major achievement that LQG wishes to claim! Giving spacetime a discrete structure is expected to make all UV problems disappear. Part of my question is whether we can state confidently that LQG does accomplish this, and whether the resulting finite QFT has been worked out in any detail (say, determining "true fundamental values" for coupling constants).

I see. If LQG does actually provide a unique UV completion to the QFTs which live on its spacetime, then there's certainly an enormous amount of work needed to determine what that UV behavior is. Just working on the UV behavior of LQG alone without also understanding the behavior of everything else will not give us detailed high-energy predictions, because on general grounds we expect the degrees of freedom of LQG and QFT to both be important at those scales.

Demystifier said:
I never completely understood why exactly is it a problem. If you regularize Dirac equation on a lattice, you get some doublers that were not present in the original continuous theory. But those doublers are only relevant at very large momenta, proportional to the inverse lattice spacing. Hence they are not relevant to the low momenta phenomenology, so no contradiction with existing experiments appears. So where is the problem?

At least with massless chiral fermions, my understanding is that the doublers are also massless (they are chiral fermions of opposite handedness). So a theory like the Standard Model, where there are only massless left-handed leptons, cannot be obtained from a lattice (or perhaps LQG in light of Barnett+Smolin) regularization.
  • #10
Demystifier said:
I never completely understood why exactly is it a problem. If you regularize Dirac equation on a lattice, you get some doublers that were not present in the original continuous theory. But those doublers are only relevant at very large momenta, proportional to the inverse lattice spacing. Hence they are not relevant to the low momenta phenomenology, so no contradiction with existing experiments appears. So where is the problem?

The Wang and Wen paper introduction sets up the problem as remaining for the low energy regime when chiral fermions interact with non-abelian gauge fields (they only mention gauge fields, but I remember reading elsewhere that it's the non-abelian case for which the problem remains).

Here is another place where he states the problem within the string net language (note 52 on p39) "So far we can use string-net to produce almost all elementary particles, expect for the graviton that is responsible for the gravity. Also, we are unable to produce the chiral coupling between the SU(2) gauge boson and the fermions within the string-net picture."
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  • #11
king vitamin said:
At least with massless chiral fermions, my understanding is that the doublers are also massless (they are chiral fermions of opposite handedness). So a theory like the Standard Model, where there are only massless left-handed leptons, cannot be obtained from a lattice (or perhaps LQG in light of Barnett+Smolin) regularization.
Yes, but note that doublers live in a regime where standard Lorentz invariance is strongly violated (due to the cutoff). So we cannot use the usual Lorentz-invariant argument that the doublers should be seen at low momenta because they are massless. The mass in Lorentz-non-invariant theories has a very different meaning than that in Lorentz-invariant ones.
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FAQ: Current Status of Loop Quantum Gravity: Successes, Failures & Open Questions

1. What is Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG)?

Loop Quantum Gravity is a theoretical framework that aims to reconcile the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics. It proposes that space and time are quantized, meaning that they are made up of discrete units rather than being continuous. This theory is still being developed and is not yet widely accepted by the scientific community.

2. What are some successes of Loop Quantum Gravity?

Some successes of Loop Quantum Gravity include providing a possible explanation for the origin of the universe, resolving the singularity problem in black holes, and predicting the existence of a minimum length scale in space. It also has the potential to unify the fundamental forces of nature.

3. What are some failures of Loop Quantum Gravity?

One of the main failures of Loop Quantum Gravity is that it has not yet been able to make testable predictions that can be confirmed through experiments. It also does not fully incorporate the principles of quantum field theory, which is a well-established framework for describing the behavior of particles in space.

4. What are some open questions in Loop Quantum Gravity?

There are still many open questions in Loop Quantum Gravity, including how to incorporate matter and the other fundamental forces of nature into the theory, how to reconcile it with the principles of quantum field theory, and how to test its predictions through experiments.

5. Is Loop Quantum Gravity the only theory attempting to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics?

No, there are other theories that also attempt to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics, such as string theory and causal dynamical triangulation. Each of these theories has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it is currently unknown which, if any, will ultimately be successful in achieving this goal.
