- #1
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Homework Statement
Homework Equations
V = 1/L di/dt
I = Io x (1 - e^(-t/L/R)
Tau = L/R
The Attempt at a Solution
Ii = 0mA ; If = 1mA
Vi = 1V ; Vf = 0V
Tau = 15uH / 1k Ohms = 10ns
If my above is correct, then voltage and current equations through inductor should be as follows:
V = 15uH di/dt
I = 1mA (1-e^(-t/10ns)
The problem is when I test current I don't get the graphical answer.
For instance, I tested at 30ns:
I = 1mA (1-e^(-30ns/10ns)
I= .001A (1-e^-3)
i= .00095A or 950uA
...but on the graph the answer is just under 0.855uA
One hypothesis I had is that since the voltage doesn't pulse till 1ns, somehow t time or Tau is affected. But I have tried playing with the equation by adjusting t time and/or Tau by 1ns and still don't seem to be able to come to the right answer.
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