How Does D'Alembert's Solution Explain Physical Phenomena?

  • Thread starter mcmzie
  • Start date
In summary, d'Alembert's solution is a simple, clean solution to the wave equation that can be represented by adding two wave functions moving in opposite directions on a string. It is a solution to a partial differential equation and does not have any implications for energy or momentum transfer. This solution can be applied to various physical scenarios, such as a guitar string, where the initial shape and velocity of the string determine the specific solution.
  • #1
What is d 'Alembert's solution? (in simple terms)

What does it mean physically
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  • #2
You have two waves moving at each other and passing by.
  • #3
Just to clarify, do you mean the D'Alembert solution for the wave equation or the D'Alembert's method for Newtonian dynamics?

For the wave equation, I think the intuition is basically like what Cyrus said. D'Alembert's solution says that you get two disturbances which propagate outwards in space and time, but in opposite directions. Imagine taking a jump rope and having two people hold it on either side. If another person comes and kicks the jump rope in the center, you will see that the rope moves outwards towards both people, in two different directions. That's kind of the intuition I think. However, I'd like to hear more people speak about the intuition as far as the general energy/momentum transfer goes.
  • #4
D'Alemberts solution isn't saying anything about momentum transfer. Its simply saying that two waves move past each other. Its a solution to a PDE.

It can be shown that energy is conserved starting from the wave equation, but that has nothing to do with D'Alemberts solution.
  • #5
mcmzie said:
What is d 'Alembert's solution? (in simple terms)

it's a clean and simple solution to a partial differential equation, called the wave equation, and in one spatial dimension (along with time) the wave equation:

[tex] \frac{\partial^2 f(x,t) }{ \partial t^2 } = c^2 \frac{ \partial^2 f(x,t) }{ \partial x^2 } [/tex]

is the physical description of what the displacement of a string, f(x,t), is at point x and at time t. this is a 2nd order differential equation so it will have two linearly independent solutions to it, f+(x,t) and f-(x,t) to it. the subscripts will be explained below.

the d 'Alembert's solution or " d 'Alembert's formula" is

[tex] f(x,t) = f_{+}(x,t) + f_{-}(x,t) [/tex]


[tex] f_{+}(x,t) = f_1(x-ct) [/tex]


[tex] f_{-}(x,t) = f_2(x+ct) [/tex]

or more simply

[tex] f(x,t) = f_1(x-ct) + f_2(x+ct) [/tex]

and where f1(x) and f2(x) are any two continuous functions of x. f+(x,t) or f1(x-ct) represents a wave moving in the +x direction and f-(x,t) or f2(x+ct) is a wave on the string moving in the -x direction. so pick any two f1(x) and f2(x) and you have a solution to the differential equation above. so from that, there are still an infinite number of solutions available to you and you need more information to get to a particular solution.

now, if there are boundary conditions on f(x,t), like the string is terminated (like a guitar string) so that f(0,t)=0 and f(L,t)=0 for all t, (L is the length of the string between the termination points (the bridge and nut or fret of a guitar), then some relationship between f1(x) and f2(x) is indicated:

[tex] f(0,t) = f_{+}(0,t) + f_{+}(0,t) = 0 = f_1(-ct) + f_2(ct) [/tex]

or [tex] f_1(-x) = -f_2(x) [/tex]


[tex] f(L,t) = f_{+}(L,t) + f_{+}(L,t) = 0 = f_1(L-ct) + f_2(L+ct) [/tex]

or [tex] f_1(L-x) = -f_2(L+x) [/tex]

That gives you some symmetry properties. If it's a guitar string, and it's a slow, careful pluck (at t=0) where the string is deflected by the pick but is at rest at t=0 when the pick is released, the string's initial shape is assumed known

[tex] f(x,0) = f_1(x) + f_2(x) [/tex]

it turns out that if the string's velocity at time 0 is zero,

[tex] \frac{\partial f(x,t) }{\partial t}\Big|_{t=0} = 0 [/tex]

then f1(x) = f2(x) and

[tex] f(x,t) = ( f(x-ct,0) + f(x+ct,0) )/2 [/tex]

it's not the simple answer. but reasonably complete.

What does it mean physically

it means that the wave equation can be solved into a form of adding two wave functions together each representing waves going in opposite directions on the string and having equal wave speed.
  • #6
Thanks for your clarification

FAQ: How Does D'Alembert's Solution Explain Physical Phenomena?

What is D' Alembert's solution?

D' Alembert's solution is a mathematical solution to the wave equation, which describes how waves propagate through a medium. It was developed by French mathematician Jean le Rond d' Alembert in the 18th century.

How is D' Alembert's solution derived?

D' Alembert's solution is derived using the method of separation of variables, where the solution is expressed as a sum of two functions, one depending only on time and the other depending only on space. This allows for the wave equation to be simplified and solved more easily.

What is the significance of D' Alembert's solution?

D' Alembert's solution is significant because it provides a general solution to the wave equation, which is applicable to a wide range of physical phenomena, such as sound waves, electromagnetic waves, and water waves. It also laid the foundation for the study of partial differential equations in mathematics.

What are the limitations of D' Alembert's solution?

D' Alembert's solution assumes that the medium in which the wave is propagating is linear, meaning that the properties of the medium do not change with the amplitude of the wave. It also assumes that the boundary conditions, such as the shape and size of the medium, are simple and well-defined.

How is D' Alembert's solution used in real-world applications?

D' Alembert's solution is used in many fields, including acoustics, optics, and fluid dynamics, to model and predict the behavior of waves in various systems. It is also used in engineering and physics to solve problems related to wave propagation, such as predicting the behavior of sound in a concert hall or the movement of water in a pipe.
