Why Do We Use \(\ell + r\theta\) in Polar Coordinates for Analytical Mechanics?

In summary, the length up between the tengency point and top of (h) equals: r\theta + ell = \ell + r\theta
  • #1
Thanks for integral, he made the potential.pdf analyse for an analytical mechanic but i still have 2 questions,

1- Why does the length up between the tengency point and top of (h) equals:

[tex]\ell + r\theta[/tex] ?

2- Why the kinetic energy here equals:

[tex]T = \frac{1}{2} m(\ell + r\theta)^2 \dot{\theta}^2[/tex] ?

I mean why we replaced R with [tex]\ell + r\theta[/tex] in the polar coordinates?




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  • #2
[itex]r \theta [/itex] is the arc length corresponding to the angle [itex]\theta[/itex] Notice that if you let [itex] \theta = 2 \pi [/itex] you get the circumference of the circle.

As you unwind the rope moving the point of tangency through an angle [itex] \theta [/itex] you add the corresponding arc length ( [itex] r \theta[/itex] to the length of rope l which is initially hanging stright down.

I need some time to look at the kinetic engery term. I concentrated on the potential energy term and have not looked into the kinetic energy. I'll get back to you, if no one else contributes.
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  • #3
about the [tex]r\theta[/tex] i know it's the arc length (LOL I'm a second year university physics student), but the question is why does it equal to [tex]\ell + r\theta[/tex] in the tangent,

I didn't understand integral, I'm very sorry, please explain it as a math geometric laws, And try using a simple language (I don't mean you language was complicated),

And thanks very much
  • #4
Why no body is answeringgggg?
  • #5
You say you are a second year university student. Did you ever learn to ride a bike? Do you remember the the first time you were given a push and told to pedal.

There is nothing left in this problem which you should not be able to figure out on your own. Please study the diagram I drew for you and think about it. YOU CAN figure it out. Get 'er done
  • #6

FAQ: Why Do We Use \(\ell + r\theta\) in Polar Coordinates for Analytical Mechanics?

What is analytical mechanics?

Analytical mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the motion and forces of physical systems using mathematical analysis. It combines principles from classical mechanics and calculus to study the behavior of particles and rigid bodies.

What is the difference between analytical mechanics and classical mechanics?

The main difference between analytical mechanics and classical mechanics is the approach used to analyze physical systems. Classical mechanics relies on Newton's laws of motion and vector calculus, while analytical mechanics uses the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, which are based on the principle of least action and differential equations.

What are the applications of analytical mechanics?

Analytical mechanics has a wide range of applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. It is used to study the motion of celestial bodies, predict the behavior of mechanical systems, and design efficient structures and machines.

What are the basic principles of analytical mechanics?

The two main principles of analytical mechanics are the principle of least action and Hamilton's principle. The principle of least action states that the path taken by a system between two points is the one that minimizes the action, a quantity related to the system's energy. Hamilton's principle states that the path of a system in time is the one that satisfies a set of differential equations called the Hamilton equations.

What are the main mathematical tools used in analytical mechanics?

The main mathematical tools used in analytical mechanics are calculus, differential equations, and variational calculus. Other important mathematical concepts include Lagrange multipliers, Hamiltonian mechanics, and the Euler-Lagrange equations.
