Solving the Differential Equation: y' = y^4 - 6y^3 + 5y^2

In summary, the constant solutions of the differential equation \frac{dy}{dx} = y^4 - 6y^3 + 5y^2 are the values of y that make the equation equal to zero, which are y=0 and y=5/6. If the equation is for a function y(x,t), then the constants of y in relation to x are the values on the right hand side of the equation.
  • #1
A function y(t) satises the differential equation

[tex]\frac{dy}{dx}[/tex] = y4 - 6y3 + 5y2

What are the constant solutions of the equation?I have totally no idea what the question is asking can someone explain why substituting y with a constant solves it?
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  • #2
When you are differentiating y(t) in terms of x, the variable t is not employed. Thus, all the terms y are constant.

dy(t)/dx=y⁴ - 6y³ + 5y²
is solved as
y(t)=(y⁴ - 6y³ + 5y²)x+k

where k is constant.

On the other hand, if the question was
dy/dt=y⁴ - 6y³ + 5y²

This would be a 5th degree differential equation... maybe solvable.
  • #3
y = constant
\frac{dy}{dx} = 0
y⁴ - 6y³ + 5y² = 0
  • #4
solve the polynomial in the above post to get the constant solutions
  • #5
Actually I don't really understand the question. I was hoping someone can explain to me what it actually means. If they want to make y a constant then why did they differentiate y with respect to x and get this equation?
  • #6
I think payumooli interpretation is probably the most accurate. It is true that the question is poorly formed.
If by constants they mean the zeros, than it is simple.
If you assume that
[tex]\ \frac{dy(t)}{dx} = 0[/tex]
then the equation is
[tex]y^4 - 6y^3 + 5y^2=0[/tex]

which is solved by [tex]y^2(5/6 - y)=0[/tex] where [tex]y=0[/tex] or [tex]y=5/6[/tex]

If you assume that there was a two-variable function y(x,t), where
[tex]\ \frac{dy(x,t)}{dx} = y^4 - 6y^3 + 5y^2[/tex]
the case is a bit different. Here, the constants of y(x,t) in relation to x is the right hand side of the equation, since:
[tex]\ \frac{d(kx+c)}{dx}=k[/tex]

FAQ: Solving the Differential Equation: y' = y^4 - 6y^3 + 5y^2

1. What is a differential equation?

A differential equation is a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between a function and its derivatives. It is used to model many real-world phenomena in various fields of science and engineering.

2. What is the solution to the given differential equation?

The solution to the differential equation y' = y^4 - 6y^3 + 5y^2 is y = 1, y = 5, and y = -1. These are known as the equilibrium solutions and represent the values of y where the derivative, y', is equal to 0.

3. How do you solve a differential equation?

There are various methods for solving differential equations, such as separation of variables, substitution, and integrating factors. In this particular case, the equation can be solved by factoring out the common factor y^2, which gives the equilibrium solutions mentioned above.

4. What is the significance of the equilibrium solutions in a differential equation?

The equilibrium solutions represent the points where the function, y, remains constant over time. In the context of a real-world problem, these solutions can represent stable states or steady-state solutions.

5. Can this differential equation model a real-world phenomenon?

Yes, this differential equation can model various real-world phenomena, such as population growth, chemical reactions, and electric circuits. The specific interpretation would depend on the context of the problem and the values of the variables involved.
