Deceleration force Vs. distance question

In summary, the conversation is about a company that does off-road vehicle modifications and is now facing a challenge in reporting stopping distances instead of deceleration force. The question is how to calculate the stopping distance for a vehicle weighing 3900kg traveling at 40km/h with a deceleration force of 0.9g. The solution is to use the equation d=v^2/(2a), where d is the stopping distance in meters, v is the initial speed in m/s, and a is the acceleration in m/s^2. The conversation also mentions using SI units and making assumptions about the constancy of acceleration and the accuracy of the lab method for measuring deceleration force.
  • #1
Hi Everyone.

I have a question for you all that is most definitely not homework - Its over 20 years since I was at school and sadly I can't remember very much of what our maths teacher told us... hence the reason I'm here!

I work for a company that does off-road vehicle modifications, these modifications add to the weight meaning that the braking distance is increased.

For many years we have been testing the vehicles using a brake tester that reports the deceleration force in "Negative g"

However we now have a customer who wants us to report the stopping distance - Easy if you can measure it which is what we've been doing.

However, I can't help thinking there must be a relationship between the vehicle's weight, starting speed, the "negative g" deceleration and the stopping distance.

So, if the vehicle weighing 3900kg is traveling at 40km/h and we achieve a deceleration force of 0.9g, what will the stopping distance be? How can I calculate it for other vehicle weights?

Answers in metric please as I'm in Australia! I'm not an engineer and I don't have many qualifications so please excuse the lack of an attempted solution.
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  • #2
As force = mass * acceleration, by putting values in this equation you can easily find the deceleration(F/M).
Now you have initial velocity(u),deceleration(a) and the final velocity(v) of the vehicle, zero(as the vehicle stops ).
Use the equations of motion to find the answer.
I will suggest you to use v^2-u^2=2as.(here 's' represents distance).Put the numeric values in this question and solve this equation for variable 's'.
Use SI units in calculation (force should be in Newtons during calculation)
  • #3
You don't need the force. You already have the acceleration.
To find acceleration in m/s^2 multiply the "g-value" by 9.8 m/s^2.
Then use the formula given above to find stopping distance.

where d will be the stopping distance in meters, v the initial speed in m/s and a the acceleartion in m/s^2.

To find speed in m/s divide the value in km/h by 3.6.
For example, 40 km/h is about 11 m/s.

This will work OK only if the acceleration is constant for the duration of the motion.
You also assume that the braking force (or deceleration) measured by your lab method is the same as the one experienced by the car on the road. It may not be the case.
So some experimenting may be necessary.

FAQ: Deceleration force Vs. distance question

1. What is deceleration force?

Deceleration force is the force that causes an object to slow down or decrease in velocity. It is the opposite of acceleration force, which causes an object to speed up or increase in velocity.

2. How is deceleration force calculated?

Deceleration force is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the change in time. This can also be represented by the equation F = -ma, where F is the deceleration force, m is the mass of the object, and a is the deceleration (change in velocity over change in time).

3. What factors affect the deceleration force?

The deceleration force is affected by the mass and velocity of the object. A heavier object will require more force to decelerate, while a faster object will experience a greater deceleration force.

4. How does distance affect deceleration force?

The distance traveled by an object during deceleration can affect the deceleration force. Generally, the longer the distance traveled, the greater the deceleration force will be, as the object has more time to change its velocity.

5. What are some real-life examples of deceleration force?

Some examples of deceleration force in everyday life include a car braking to slow down, a ball rolling to a stop, or a person jumping and landing on the ground.

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