Deciding if a transformation is a Lorentz transformation

This is just a generalization of the fact that ##Y^{-1} g Y = g## for a Lorentz transformation.) Also note that the question is about the transformation of the coordinates, not the transformation of the position four-vectors.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Is the transformation ##Y:(t,x,y,z)\rightarrow (t,x,-y,z)## a Lorentz transformation? If so, why is it not considered with P and T as a discrete Lorentz transformation? If not, why not?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

A Lorentz transformation ##\Lambda## satisfies the relation ##\Lambda^{T}g\Lambda = \Lambda##, where ##g## is the Minkowski metric.

In our case, the transformation ##Y = \text{diag}(1,1,-1,1)##.

Therefore, ##Y^{T}gY = \text{diag}(1,1,-1,1) \cdot{\text{diag}(1,-1,-1,-1)}\cdot{\text{diag}(1,1,-1,1)} = \text{diag}(1,-1,-1,-1) =## the parity operator.

Therefore, the relation ##Y^{T}gY = Y## is not satisfied.

Therefore, ##Y## is not a Lorentz transformation.

Is my answer correct?
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  • #2
failexam said:
A Lorentz transformation ##\Lambda## satisfies the relation ##\Lambda^{T}g\Lambda = \Lambda##, [...]
Are you sure about that? Are you sure it's not ##\Lambda^{T}g\Lambda = g## ? :wink:

Alternatively, you could just check whether the Minkowski line element ##ds^2 = t^2 - x^2 - y^2 - z^2## is preserved.
  • #3
Oh, right! In that case, the transformation ##Y## satisfies ##Y^{T}gY=g##, so the transformation ##Y## is a Lorentz transformation.

Second way:

An inner product of Lorentz four-vectors is Lorentz invariant.

(A Lorentz four-vector ##V^{\mu}## is a four-vector which transforms under the Lorentz transformation ##{\Lambda^{\mu}}_{\nu}## with the transformation law ##V'^{\mu} = {\Lambda^{\mu}}_{\nu}V^{\nu}##.)

(A mathematical object (i.e. Lorentz scalar, Lorentz four-vector, Lorentz tensor and combinations thereof) is Lorentz invariant if it does not change under a Lorentz transformation. Not all mathematical objects are necessarily Lorentz invariant.)

The only four-vectors mentioned in the problem are the position four-vectors ##x^{\mu}## before and ##x'^{\mu}## after the transformation ##Y##.

We know that the position four-vector is a Lorentz four-vector, so the inner products ##x^{\mu}x_{\mu}## before and ##x'^{\mu}x'_{\mu}## after a Lorentz transformation must be equal to each other.

So, let's take the inner products ##x^{\mu}x_{\mu}## before and ##x'^{\mu}x'_{\mu}## after the transformation ##Y## and check if the product is invariant:

Before the transformation ##Y##, ##x^{\mu}x_{\mu}=g_{\mu\nu}x^{\mu}x^{\nu}=g_{00}x^{0}x^{0}+g_{11}x^{1}x^{1}+g_{22}x^{2}x^{2}+g_{33}x^{3}x^{3} = (x^{0})^{2}-(x^{1})^{2}-(x^{2})^{2}-(x^{3})^{2}=(t)^{2}-(x)^{2}-(y)^{2}-(z)^{2}##.

After the transformation ##Y##, ##x'^{\mu}x'_{\mu}=g_{\mu\nu}x'^{\mu}x'^{\nu}=g_{00}x'^{0}x'^{0}+g_{11}x'^{1}x'^{1}+g_{22}x'^{2}x'^{2}+g_{33}x'^{3}x'^{3} = (x'^{0})^{2}-(x'^{1})^{2}-(x'^{2})^{2}-(x'^{3})^{2}=(t)^{2}-(x)^{2}-(-y)^{2}-(z)^{2}=(t)^{2}-(x)^{2}-(y)^{2}-(z)^{2}##.

The inner products are the same under the transformation ##Y##, so the transformation ##Y## is a Lorentz transformation.Is my solution accurate?
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  • #4
failexam said:
Second way:

An inner product of Lorentz four-vectors is Lorentz invariant.
Yes, but you don't need to do all that work if you realize that ##Y^T = Y^{-1}## for a Lorentz transformation (since this is true for all "SO(...)" transformations). Just write out the inner product in matrix notation...
  • #5
So, do you mean that,

##x'^{\mu}x'_{\mu} = x'^{T}x' = (Yx)^{T}(Yx) = x^{T}Y^{T}Yx = x^{T}x##,

so that the inner product is invariant?
  • #6
That's the general idea, but your details are not quite right. For arbitrary 4-vectors ##x,y## we have
$$y'^T g' x' ~=~ y^T Y^T \; g' \; Y y ~,$$ so if ##Y^T g' Y = g##, then the rhs is ##y^T g x##, showing that the inner product between 2 arbitrary 4-vectors is preserved.

FAQ: Deciding if a transformation is a Lorentz transformation

What is a Lorentz transformation?

A Lorentz transformation is a mathematical equation used in the theory of special relativity to describe the relationship between space and time for observers in different inertial frames of reference.

What are the conditions for a transformation to be considered a Lorentz transformation?

A transformation must satisfy two conditions to be considered a Lorentz transformation: it must preserve the speed of light and it must be linear.

How do you determine if a transformation preserves the speed of light?

A transformation is said to preserve the speed of light if the speed of light remains constant for all observers in different inertial frames of reference. This can be determined by checking if the transformation equations include the speed of light (c) as a constant.

Can a transformation be a Lorentz transformation if it is not linear?

No, a Lorentz transformation must be linear. This means that it must follow the principles of linearity, including the ability to be scaled and added together.

Why is it important to determine if a transformation is a Lorentz transformation?

Lorentz transformations are crucial in understanding the fundamental principles of special relativity and have important applications in areas such as physics, engineering, and astronomy. It is important to determine if a transformation is a Lorentz transformation to ensure accurate and consistent calculations and predictions in these fields.
