Decoding AM station from SDR into sound?

  • Thread starter Artlav
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In summary, the conversation discusses the process of decoding an AM signal from I/Q samples into sound. The speaker has created a software defined radio using a PC sound card and verified its functionality. However, they are now looking to create their own SDR software and are unsure of where to begin. They have two sets of numbers (I/Q samples) and a frequency of the station, and are wondering how to convert them into sound. The conversation then explores two possible methods - one involving a beat frequency of the carrier and the other using a band pass filter. The speaker suggests researching DSP, C Algorithms for Real Time DSP, and the ARRL website for further information.
  • #1
In short, how do you decode AM signal from I/Q samples into sound?

In details, i made a software defined radio that uses a PC sound card as ADC.
The local oscillator on it is set to 700KHz, there is a radio station at 731KHz.
With existing software i verified that the hardware works - the station is here and i can hear it.

Now, the goal is to make my own SDR software.
I can read the I/Q signals, at 96K samples per second, into a program on a PC.
When i do FFT on them, i see the target station at 31KHz in there.

And that's where i ran out of knowledge.
There is a lot of info on the net on how to make SDR hardware, but i wasn't able to find anything on how to make SDR software.

So, i have two sets of numbers that are I/Q samples, 96000 of them per second, and a frequency of the station.

How do i get sound out of them?
Where to begin, what names to google for, what to read?
Engineering news on
  • #2
Figured it out.
Two ways to do it, good and bad.

1. The bad. Produce the sound as beat frequency of the carrier. Sound sample = input sample (as a complex number I,Q) multiplied by sin(wt)+i*cos(wt), where w is 2*PI*Fcarrier.
This results in a sound, but the sound is quite bad.
Also, you need to pick the frequency exactly, or the sound will overlap with noise and shifted carrier.
Only advantage is - it's simple to implement.
Might be useful for some other signal type, but not quite good enough for AM audio.

2. The good. Apply a band pass filter to the target's frequency (i.e. carrier+-4KHz). Now, the sound is the complex magnitude of the input sample - the envelope of the AM signal.
This gives clear audio.
The trick is to get a good enough band-pass filter, and these are two orders of magnitude harder to implement than both the first method and the rest of the receiver program combined.
I ended up using Butterworth IIR filter, for which there is good info on .

In both cases it's a good idea to apply even simple low-pass and high-pass filters to the audio, to get rid of stuff at the edges.

Things to look for and google:
-DSP, digital signal processing
-C Algorithms For Real Time DsP, by Paul Embree, a book.

Perhaps this is better moved to Math section?

FAQ: Decoding AM station from SDR into sound?

1. How does decoding AM station from SDR into sound work?

Decoding AM station from SDR into sound involves using a software-defined radio (SDR) to receive the amplitude-modulated (AM) radio signals transmitted by the station. The SDR then demodulates and converts the signals into an audio format that can be played through speakers or headphones.

2. What equipment do I need to decode AM station from SDR into sound?

To decode AM station from SDR into sound, you will need an SDR device, a computer or mobile device, and audio output equipment such as speakers or headphones. Some SDR devices may also require an antenna for better signal reception.

3. Can I decode AM station from SDR into sound with any SDR device?

Most SDR devices are capable of decoding AM station into sound, but it's important to check the specifications and compatibility of your device before attempting to decode AM signals. Some SDR devices may have limited frequency ranges or require additional software to decode AM signals.

4. Are there any legal restrictions or requirements for decoding AM station from SDR into sound?

In most countries, it is legal to decode AM station from SDR into sound for personal use. However, some countries may have regulations or restrictions on the use of SDR devices, so it's important to research and adhere to any laws or guidelines in your area.

5. Can I decode multiple AM stations at once using an SDR device?

Many SDR devices have the capability to decode multiple AM stations at once, depending on the bandwidth and processing power of the device. However, the quality of the decoded audio may be affected if too many stations are decoded simultaneously. It's best to experiment with your specific SDR device to determine the optimal number of stations to decode at once.

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