Decomposition of Vector Addition to lead to unique solution

In summary, the problem is to find the two vectors that result in a given resultant through vector addition. The given information states that one vector is held in place while the other is rotated by certain angles without changing its length. However, the lack of specification of the axis or plane of rotation makes the problem unsolvable as there is only one unique solution when considering two-dimensional coordinates. This is because rotating a vector by a multiple of 90 degrees results in the zero vector, which has no length and therefore does not contribute to the resultant.
  • #1
I have a puzzling question that a gentleman discussed and have differnt view on the problem, the probelm goes as follows:

What is know is the Resultant of a Vector Addition, the goal is to find the two vectors from which the resultant came from. The other piece of information that is know is that one of the vectors is held in place and the other vector is rotated 90, 180, 275 degress and the resultant remainds constant.

My thought of this is that there is more then one answer to the solution and there is no one unique solutions. Beacuse different combinations exists for one single resultant and the rotation of these angles does not play a part.

I hope this makes sense, will clarify if needed!

Thank for your input.
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  • #2
Hey mostarac2487 and welcome to the forums.

So we are given a + b = c where we know and want to find a and b. We also know that if we fix one vector a, and rotate b either multiples of 90 degrees without changing length that c doesn't change.

Now for this problem the thing is that for a rotation, you need to specify an axis or a plane that the rotation is happening in, which you have not. In some rotations, you can set up the rotation in a way that if you try and rotate it by any angle nothing changes and this happens when the axis of rotation and the vector you are rotating are linearly dependent (i.e. parrallel).

So let's stick to a 2D example for the moment. Let your a vector be (ax,ay) your b vector (bx,by) and your c vector (cx,cy).

Now cx = ax + bx and cy = ay + by.

Lets find out the values of rotating b for 90, 180, and 270 degrees by multiplying by the square root of -1. This gives us:

b_90 = i * (bx,by) = (-by,bx)
b_180 = i* (-by,bx) = (-bx,-by)
b_270 = i* (-bx,-by) = (by,-bx)

Now we know that for all these b's the a + b = c must hold. So let's look at the consequences of this:

ax + bx = cx, ay + by = cy implies for all b's that

ax + bx = cx, ay + by = cy (0 degrees rotation)
ax - by = cx, ay + bx = cy (90 degrees rotation)
ax - bx = cx, ay - by = cy (180 degrees rotation)
ax + by = cx, ay - bx = cy (270 degrees rotation).

This means bx = by, 2bx = 0, 2by = 0 and so on. This means that bx and by must equal 0 which means we only have one solution with two-dimensional co-ordinates.

The easiest way to think about this is that if take the zero vector and rotate it, you will always have the zero vector which has no length to begin with so you are effectively "rotating a point" which doesn't change a thing.

FAQ: Decomposition of Vector Addition to lead to unique solution

1. What is decomposition of vector addition?

Decomposition of vector addition is a method used to break down a vector into its individual components in order to simplify calculations and solve problems involving multiple vectors.

2. How does decomposition of vector addition lead to a unique solution?

Decomposition of vector addition leads to a unique solution by breaking down a single vector into its horizontal and vertical components, allowing for more accurate and precise calculations. This method ensures that the final solution is not affected by the direction of the original vector.

3. When should decomposition of vector addition be used?

Decomposition of vector addition should be used when dealing with multiple vectors in a problem, as it simplifies calculations and allows for a more precise solution. It is also useful when dealing with vectors in different directions.

4. What are the steps involved in decomposition of vector addition?

The steps involved in decomposition of vector addition are:
1. Identify the vector to be decomposed
2. Draw a coordinate system with the x and y axes
3. Use trigonometry to determine the magnitude and direction of the vector's horizontal and vertical components
4. Write the components as separate vectors using the unit vectors i and j
5. Use vector addition to find the resultant vector

5. Can decomposition of vector addition be used with vectors in three dimensions?

Yes, decomposition of vector addition can be used with vectors in three dimensions by adding a third component, z, and using the unit vector k to represent the vector's magnitude and direction in the z-axis. This method is known as rectangular or Cartesian decomposition.
