Dependence on UV cut off on some $\phi^4$ diagrams

In summary: Is there a way to view it without paying?Yes, you can view the document without paying by following the link:In summary, Weinberg's theorem tells you that the two diagrams are UV divergent.
  • #1
Gold Member
Consider the one loop corrections to the propagator and the vertex in ##\phi^4## theory in the attachment

The former gives an integral representation proportional to ##\int d^4 k/k^2## in ##4## dimensions while the latter gives a representation ##\int d^4 k/k^2 (k+p)^2## where ##p## is the momenta input into the vertex from the external legs. Power counting tells us that both diagrams are UV divergent. Can we predict a priori what the dependence on some UV cut off scale would like for both diagrams? I know that it would be a finite function of the cut off such that in the limit that this cut off is extended to infinity, the function diverges. But can we say anything about the functional dependence just by this power counting?

In the former case, the integral is quadratically divergent. So maybe something like ##\Lambda_{UV}^2## or ##\log (\Lambda_{UV}^2)##? The latter diagram is maybe just ## \propto \Lambda_{UV}##?



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  • #2
This is what Weinberg's theorem tells you. It's not so easy to prove:

Weinberg, Steven: High-Energy Behavior in Quantum Field Theory, Phys. Rev. 118, 838, 1960

There is however a shortcut by dimensional arguments, which makes the theorem quite plausible: Since you look at the massless theory there are only the momentum cutoff (most simply implemented in the Wick rotated Euclidean theory) and the external momenta of the diagrams. Thus your cut-off regularized self-energy ##\Pi(p^2,\Lambda)## , which is of mass dimension 2 can only go like ##p^2## and ##\Lambda^2##. Experience shows that there are also (powers of) logarithms, which can only be of the form ##\ln(p^2/\Lambda^2)##, because the argument of the logarithm MUST be dimensionless, because a logarithm with a dimensionful argument are indefined useless expressions.

In your case a specialty of ##\phi^4## theory occurs. At one-loop order there's indeed only the diagram you've drawn, and it's an effective one-point function, i.e., independent of the external momentum. In this case thus your diagram can only be of the form
##\Pi(p^2,\Lambda)=A \Lambda^2,##
because there's nothing to compensate the dimensionful ##\Lambda## in a possible logarithm (with ##A## some dimensionless constant).

The same dimensional argument holds for the four-point function, which however is also again an effective two-point function, i.e., the single dinosaur diagram depends only on one external momentum, the sum of the incoming (and then due to energy-momentum conservation also outgoing) momenta. So the dinosaur diagram must be of the form
$$\Gamma(p^2)=A+B [\ln(p^2/\Lambda^2)]^k,$$
with some power ##k## and dimensionless constants ##A## and ##B##. The actual calculation leads to ##k=1## in this case.
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  • #3
Hi vanhees71, many thanks, I think I got the just of what you said. A few follow up questions:
1) In the second example, why can't we have something like ##\Lambda^2/p^2## on its own? (i.e without the logarithm)
2) If we were to have massive propagators, can we have something like the integral being proportional to ##m^2 + \Lambda^4/m^2## in the first example or something like ##\log(\Lambda^2/m^2)## in the second?

  • #4
That you don't have such terms is the content of Weinberg's theorem!
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  • #5
I see, thanks! I tried accessing the link but it requires a payment to proceed with viewing the document.

FAQ: Dependence on UV cut off on some $\phi^4$ diagrams

1. What is the UV cut off in $\phi^4$ diagrams?

The UV cut off in $\phi^4$ diagrams refers to the maximum energy scale that is included in the calculation of the diagram. This is necessary because quantum field theories, such as $\phi^4$, can produce infinite results when the energy scale approaches infinity. The UV cut off acts as a regulator to prevent these infinite results.

2. How does the dependence on UV cut off affect the results of $\phi^4$ diagrams?

The dependence on UV cut off can affect the results of $\phi^4$ diagrams in several ways. As the UV cut off is increased, the diagrams can become more divergent, resulting in larger corrections to the calculations. Additionally, the final results may also depend on the specific choice of UV cut off value, leading to potential discrepancies between different calculations.

3. Is there a preferred UV cut off value for $\phi^4$ diagrams?

There is no universally preferred UV cut off value for $\phi^4$ diagrams. The choice of UV cut off often depends on the specific problem being studied and the desired level of accuracy. Some common choices include the momentum cutoff, dimensional regularization, and lattice regularization.

4. How can the dependence on UV cut off be minimized in $\phi^4$ diagrams?

The dependence on UV cut off in $\phi^4$ diagrams can be minimized by using more advanced regularization techniques, such as dimensional regularization or renormalization. These methods involve subtracting out the infinite parts of the diagrams and rescaling the remaining finite parts to obtain physically meaningful results.

5. Are there any consequences of ignoring the dependence on UV cut off in $\phi^4$ diagrams?

Ignoring the dependence on UV cut off in $\phi^4$ diagrams can lead to incorrect or meaningless results. The infinite parts of the diagrams must be properly regulated in order to obtain physically meaningful results. Additionally, neglecting the dependence on UV cut off can result in discrepancies between different calculations and hinder the ability to make accurate predictions in quantum field theory.

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