Derivatives of a radial function

In summary, V(r) is a central potential and dV/dx = dV/dy = dV/dz if r is the position vector in Cartesian coordinates. However, if r is the distance from the origin in spherical coordinates then dV/dx = dV/dr * dr/dy and dV/dy = dV/dz.
  • #1
I have a scalar function of position only, V(r) where r is the position vector (x, y,z). Since V depends only on position, is it true to say that

dV/dx = dV/dy = dV/dz ?
(these should be partial derivatives)

I am trying to show L = r x [nab] commutes with any radial function V(r) meaning that for any function f

r x [nab] ( V(r) * f) - V(r) * r x [nab] f = 0

most of the terms cancel out but I am left with

(y dV/dz - x dV/dz -zdV/dy + xdV/dy + z dVdx - y dV/dx) * f

or (y (dV/dz - dV/dx) + x( dV/dy - dVdz ) +z( dV/dx - dV/dy ) ) * f

If the partial derivatives cancel then I am done. If not I have no clue how to continue but I do know the final answer must be zero.
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  • #2
Originally posted by mmwave
I have a scalar function of position only, V(r) where r is the position vector (x, y,z). Since V depends only on position, is it true to say that

dV/dx = dV/dy = dV/dz ?
(these should be partial derivatives)

What, all the Cartesian components of the gradient of V should equal each other, for an arbitrary function V? If that's what you mean, then no.
  • #3
By the way, L does not commute with V unless V is spherically symmetric, i.e. V ≡ V(r) where r is the distance from the origin (not the position vector).
  • #4

Originally posted by Ambitwistor
By the way, L does not commute with V unless V is spherically symmetric, i.e. V ≡ V(r) where r is the distance from the origin (not the position vector).

Yes, thank you. That is correct and in fact I think the book means that V(r) is a central potential so the spherically symmetric is true in this case. Does that mean the answer is yes - the spherical symmetry means dV/dx = dV/dy = dV/dz ?
  • #5

Originally posted by mmwave
Yes, thank you. That is correct and in fact I think the book means that V(r) is a central potential so the spherically symmetric is true in this case. Does that mean the answer is yes - the spherical symmetry means dV/dx = dV/dy = dV/dz ?

No. (Consider a central potential at a point on the x axis. At that point, dV/dx will generally be nonzero in the x direction since it is the radial direction, but dV/dy = dV/dz = 0 since they are perpendicular to the radial direction.)

It's hard to incorporate the central constraint in Cartesian coordinates, which is why everyone does this calculation in spherical coordinates.
  • #6
Thanks for keeping me from seizing the easy incorrect answer. When I took the physics out of the problem to simplify it I took out an essential element.

What I really had was
x dV/dy - y dV/dx and similar terms so you can have cancelation without having dV/dy = dVdx = 0. Saddly I didn't see the trick but using dV/dy = dV/dr * dr/dy and similar for x gets the terms to cancel. I hope I don't forget this trick.

FAQ: Derivatives of a radial function

1. What are derivatives of a radial function?

Derivatives of a radial function are the rate of change of a function in a radial direction, where the distance from the origin is the independent variable. It measures how much a function changes as the distance from the origin changes.

2. Why are derivatives of a radial function important?

Derivatives of a radial function are important because they allow us to analyze and understand the behavior of functions in a radial direction. They also help us to solve problems in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

3. How do you find the derivatives of a radial function?

To find the derivatives of a radial function, we use the chain rule and the product rule from calculus. We first rewrite the function in terms of the radial variable, then take the derivative using the chain rule. The product rule is used when the function is a product of multiple terms.

4. What is the relationship between derivatives of a radial function and the shape of the function?

The derivatives of a radial function provide information about the shape and behavior of the function. For example, the first derivative can tell us about the slope of the function at a given point, while the second derivative can tell us about the curvature of the function.

5. Can derivatives of a radial function be negative?

Yes, derivatives of a radial function can be negative. This indicates that the function is decreasing in value as the distance from the origin increases. It is also possible for the derivatives to be positive, which would indicate that the function is increasing in value as the distance from the origin increases.

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