Designing Rack and Pinion Gears: How Do I Calculate the Required Parameters?

In summary, the conversation is about designing rack and pinion gears and the necessary formulae and factors needed for the design process. The steering ratio and load on the front axle are mentioned, as well as the calculated torque on the pinion based on various factors. The conversation also touches on the need for help with finding the module, selecting teeth on the pinion, and pitch, as well as understanding linear force and speed in the design process. The conversation ends with a request for help before the approaching deadline.
  • #1
Can anyone help me in designing rack and pinion gears and their formulae...steering ratio of my steering=9.23 ,the load that on front =1500N...I.e.,load to move by pinion ,torque on pinion is 9Nm...that torque was caluclated based on tyre pressure ,friction between tyres,front axle max load,i.e., T=(2*co-efficient of friction*Wf^1.5)/(√(π*p))...was that correct??...c factor =2.19 in . (c factor = 2*module*Zp(pinion teeth)) ...pls help in module finding,teeth selection on pinion,pitch,i heard linear force,speed of pinion ,linear speed of rack...((angular velocity of pinion/linear velocity of rack)=1/radius of pinion) are all required for designing ryt...i don't know how to caluclate linear force those and all...please help ...I m almost in deadline...hope someone will lift me... Tq :)
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  • #3
I have to submit my reports by end of this month...nd I have started new thread with the values I have..
Help me to step forward