Determine Direct and Inverse Image f(E) and f^-1 (G)

In summary: Georg I can see you have been doing some work on your LaTeX, but you have not quite got it right yet.In the future please start a new thread for a new question. Yes, $ gives you the math mode.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f(x):=1/x^2, x not equal 0, x belongs R
a) Determine the direct image f(E) where E:= (x belongs R : 1<=x<=2)
b) Determine the inverse image f^(-1)(G) where G:= (x belongs R : 1<=x<=4)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

A) Let f: R -> R be defined by f(x):=1/x^2. Then, the direct image of the set E:=(x:1<=x<=2) is the set f(E)=(y:1<=x<=1/4).
If G:= (y : 1<=x<=4), then the inverse image of G is the set f^-1 (G)=(x:

And here I don't quite understand how to find an inverse image. Please help.
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  • #2
how about starting by finding the inverse map...

if you choose a reasonable domain f will be 1:1, so its inverse will exist such that f^(-1)(f(x)) = x
  • #3
I have no idea what you are talking about, I am sorry...
  • #4
What I have done:


This is the inverse formula. What should I do now?
  • #5
I prefer to keep the variables differnt for the function & its inverse as below, i find it makes thing easier, so let:

[itex] y = f(x) [/itex] is a function that maps from x to y

for question a), if the domain of x is [1,2], then the y is in the range [1/4,1] as you've found

now for question b) assuming f is 1:1 we can find its inverse function, let's call it g
[itex] x = f^{-1}(y) = g(y) [/itex] which maps y back to x
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  • #6
now with all that in mind, starting with the function
[tex] y = f(x) = \frac{1}{x^2}[/tex]

you've said the inverse funtion is
[tex] x = g(y) = f^{-1}(y) = y^2[/tex]

lets check if it actually satisfies the inverse property
[tex] f^{-1}(f(x)) = g(f(x)) = (f(x))^2 = (\frac{1}{x^2})^2 = \frac{1}{x^4} \neq x [/tex]

so this is not infact the correct inverse function
  • #7
to find the correct inverse, start with
[tex] y = \frac{1}{x^2}[/tex]

now solve for x in terms of y, that gives you g
  • #8
I am so lost with your last comment. I can only see that this formula is the same as in your previous post.
Please any clues?
  • #9
OK, I think I got it. Please check if I am right,


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  • #10
yep that looks good
[tex] y(x) = \frac{1}{x^2}[/tex]

so rearranging gives
[tex] x(y) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{y}}[/tex]
  • #11
phillyolly said:

Homework Statement

Let f(x):=1/x^2, x not equal 0, x belongs R
a) Determine the direct image f(E) where E:= (x belongs R : 1<=x<=2)
b) Determine the inverse image f^(-1)(G) where G:= (x belongs R : 1<=x<=4)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

A) Let f: R -> R be defined by f(x):=1/x^2. Then, the direct image of the set E:=(x:1<=x<=2) is the set f(E)=(y:1<=x<=1/4).
Everyone has been focusing on (B) but let me make an obvious point 1 is not "less than or equal to" 1/4! Also, it make no sense to say "y such that x has some property". What you should have is f(E)= {y: 1/4<= y<= 1}.

If G:= (y : 1<=x<=4), then the inverse image of G is the set f^-1 (G)=(x:

And here I don't quite understand how to find an inverse image. Please help.
  • #12
Hi! This is an old posting of mine. I am going back to this discussion. Is it right that for question b the answer is:


? Thanks!
  • #13
No, it's not. Notice that if x= -1/2, y= 1/(-1/2)^= 4. f is an even function so its graph is symmetric about the y-axis. lanedance made an error when he said the inverse function is given by [itex]x= 1/\sqrt{y}[/itex]. In fact, this function does not have an inverse!

In my first year in grad school, I had to present, before the class, a proof involving [itex]f^{-1}(A)[/itex] where A is a set. I did the whole problem assuming that f had an inverse- very embarassing!

The way you should have approached the problem is to look for x such that f(x)= 1/x^2= 1 and f(x)= 1/x^2= 4. The first equation has solutions 1 and -1, the second has solutions -1/2 and 1/2. Further, the derivative of f is -1/x^3 which is always negative between 1 and 2 and positive between -2 and -1. The fact that the function is decreasing on one interval and negative on the other tells you the domain is just the two intervals, [itex]1< x\le 2[/itex] and [itex]-2\le x< -1[/itex].

If, for some x in either of those intervals, the derivative were 0, you would have to consider the possibility that there is a turning point in the interval.
  • #14
this isn't very fresh in my head, but I'm not sure I understand

Unless I'm missing something f(x):=1/x^2 on 1<=x<=4 is monotone decreasing with f'(x) not zero anywhere so the inverse exist
  • #15
But it is not x, in the original function, that is between 1 and 4. The problem was to find [itex]f^{-1}(G)[/itex] where G is [1, 4]. If we write the original function [itex]y= 1/x^2[/itex]. Then we are looking for x such that [itex]1\le y\le x[/itex].

Yes, the problem was written in terms of [itex]f^{-1}(x)[/itex] with [itex]1\le x\le 4[/itex] but in terms of the original function, y= f(x), it is y that is between 1 and 4.

Is there a reason why LaTeX is not working?
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  • #16
The solution of f(E) is not right because 1≤ y≤ 1/4 would imply the set (-∞,1/4] U [1,∞). But, f(1.5) = 0.444 ∉ (-∞,1/4] U [1,∞) whereas 1.5 satisfies x ∈ [1,2]. Therefore f(E) is derived as follows:

f(E)= f{x∈ : 1≤ x ≤ 2}

Now, 1≤ x ≤ 2 ⇔ 1≥ 1/x ≥ 1/2 ⇔ 1≥ 1/x^2 ≥ 1/4 ⇔ 1≥ y ≥ 1/4

∴ f(E) = {y∈ : 1/4 ≤ y ≤ 1}

FAQ: Determine Direct and Inverse Image f(E) and f^-1 (G)

1. What is the difference between direct and inverse image?

The direct image of a set E under a function f is the set of all elements in the range of f that can be obtained by applying f to elements in E. The inverse image, on the other hand, is the set of all elements in the domain of f that map to elements in the given set G. In simpler terms, the direct image focuses on the output of the function, while the inverse image focuses on the input.

2. How do you determine the direct image of a set under a function?

To determine the direct image of a set E under a function f, you need to apply f to each element in E and collect all the resulting elements. This set of resulting elements is the direct image of E under f.

3. How do you determine the inverse image of a set under a function?

To determine the inverse image of a set G under a function f, you need to find all the elements in the domain of f that map to elements in G. This set of elements is the inverse image of G under f. It is denoted as f-1(G).

4. Can the direct and inverse image of a set be the same?

Yes, it is possible for the direct and inverse image of a set to be the same. This can happen when the function f is both one-to-one (injective) and onto (surjective). In this case, each element in the range of f maps to a unique element in the domain and vice versa, resulting in the same set for both the direct and inverse image.

5. How do you use direct and inverse image in practical applications?

The concepts of direct and inverse image are commonly used in fields such as mathematics, physics, and computer science. In mathematics, they are used to study the properties of functions and their relationships with sets. In physics, they are used to describe the transformations of objects and their properties. In computer science, they are used in image processing, data compression, and cryptography, among other applications.
