What is the relationship between differential forms and degree?

In summary: This convention is convenient because it allows us to write down the laws of composition of forms simply by summing over all 1-forms, 0-forms, and antisymmetric k-forms.
  • #1
I have a quetion about the forms.

When we say, "differential forms of degree one (or more)" rather than degree zero, the algebra is now mixed with topological properties. Am I correct?

I am simply trying to find my way to understand this.
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  • #2
Sorry,what do you mean by "mixed with topological properties" ?
  • #3
uh, it is hard to express in words, though. I will do my best.

Algebra and topology are distinct mathematical concepts because they have their own definitions. We can develop mathematical theorems with each of those independently. When we talk about the differential forms of degree ZERO, it is purely a matter of algebra. But now it is degree one or higher, then it is now the concept of differential kicks in. Can I say in this case that two distinct mathematical concepts "work together" to form whatever comes out?

please ask me again if unclear...
  • #4
I think that one can even study the topological aspect of functions i.e: forms of degree 0 ! Furthermore one can also find algebraic structures for the algebra of forms as a whole (the graded algebra)...
>> Can I say in this case that two distinct mathematical concepts "work together" to form whatever comes out?
Yes, hey give what is called algebraic topology, which has for principal idea to associate to a topological space an algebraic object (vector-space, group, ...) which is topological invariant, i.e: which remains unchanged if one performs a continuous deformation of the topological space: a homeomorphism , the well-known example is the Euler number...
But why do you say that degree 0 is purely a matter of algebra and that the concept of differentials implies automatically topological structures?
  • #5
astros said:
But why do you say that degree 0 is purely a matter of algebra and that the concept of differentials implies automatically topological structures?

I am only guessing. If you say I am wrong, that is simply because I am not that good yet. I found these concepts very difficult to organise in my head. I am trying to find the best way to understand the differential forms of degree TWO or higher.

Regarding "topological invariant", does this mean that topological aspects are not so obvious? In other words, one can study other mathematical concepts without paying much attention to it?
  • #6
I think that one can study other mathematical concepts independently of topology, but I'm not an expert on the subject, For this reason, I will content myself to give you this link, It has served me in the past ... But warn me when you'll get it, So I remove it! I hope that it will serve you.
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  • #7
Differential forms are just tensors that are antisymmetric and map k-tuples of tangent vectors into the base field. They can reflect the topology of the underlying manifold but on each tangent space they are purely algebraic.

If one has a metric then forms can be thought of as defining infinitesimal areas, volumes, or hypervolumes on each tangent space.
  • #8
wofsy said:
Differential forms are just tensors that are antisymmetric and map k-tuples of tangent vectors into the base field.
I don't see how you arrived at that assertion. A 1-form is a map from vectors into real numbers and as such is a tensor of first rank and as such antisymmetric has no meaning for such a tensor.

Please clarify your comment so that I may better understand what you're referring to. Thanks.

  • #9
pmb_phy said:
I don't see how you arrived at that assertion. A 1-form is a map from vectors into real numbers and as such is a tensor of first rank and as such antisymmetric has no meaning for such a tensor.

Please clarify your comment so that I may better understand what you're referring to. Thanks.


Wofsy is completely correct. A 1-form is antisymmetric by default: Since there is only one slot to do any switching of variables, it is vacuously true that a 1-form is antisymmetric.

You can also look at it as simply convention. We define a 0-form to be a function; a 1-form to be a 1-tensor; and a k-form to be an anti-symmetric k-tensor for k>1.

FAQ: What is the relationship between differential forms and degree?

1. What are differential forms?

Differential forms are mathematical objects used to describe geometric concepts, such as curves, surfaces, and higher dimensional spaces. They are a generalization of vectors and are used extensively in the study of calculus, differential geometry, and physics.

2. How are differential forms different from traditional functions?

Differential forms are different from traditional functions in that they are defined on a space rather than on a set of numbers. They also have the ability to describe both the magnitude and direction of a quantity, whereas traditional functions only describe the magnitude.

3. What is the degree of a differential form?

The degree of a differential form is a measure of its complexity or dimension. It is determined by the number of variables involved in the form, with each variable contributing a degree of one. For example, a differential form with two variables would have a degree of two.

4. How are differential forms used in physics?

Differential forms are used in physics to describe physical quantities, such as force, velocity, and energy, in a precise and geometrically meaningful way. They are also used in the study of fields, such as electromagnetism and general relativity, where they provide a way to express the laws of nature in a covariant manner.

5. What are some practical applications of differential forms?

Differential forms have a wide range of applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer graphics. They are used in the study of fluid dynamics, control theory, and optimization problems, as well as in computer-aided design and computer vision. They also have important applications in the development of numerical methods for solving differential equations.

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