Differentiation of a product of 4-gradients wrt a 4-gradient

In summary: Uh, oh. I think I have done something wrong. I should have written ##{\Lambda^{\beta}}_{\alpha}## instead of ##{(\Lambda)_{\alpha}}^{\beta}##. So, now,##\frac{\partial(\partial_{\mu}\phi(x))}{\partial(\partial_{\alpha}\phi(x))} \rightarrow \frac{\partial({(\Lambda^{-1})^{\nu}}_{\mu}(\partial_{\nu}\phi)(\Lambda^{-1}x))}{\partial({\Lambda^{\beta}}_{\alpha}(\partial_{\beta}\phi)(\Lambda^{-1}x))}##So, I get the ##\nu
  • #1
I know that ##\frac{\partial}{\partial (\partial_{\mu}\phi)} \big( \partial_{\mu} \phi\ \partial^{\mu} \phi \big) = \partial_{\mu} \phi##.

Now, I need to prove this to myself.

So, here goes nothing.

##\frac{\partial}{\partial (\partial_{\mu}\phi)} \big( \partial_{\mu} \phi\ \partial^{\mu} \phi \big)##
## = \frac{\partial}{\partial (\partial_{\mu}\phi)} \big( \eta^{\mu\nu}\partial_{\mu} \phi\ \partial_{\nu} \phi \big)##
##= \eta^{\mu\nu}\ \partial_{\nu} \phi + \eta_{\mu\nu} \eta^{\mu\nu}\ \partial_{\mu} \phi##,

where I first differentiated the factor ##\partial_{\mu}\phi## with respect to ##\partial_{\mu}\phi## and then I differentiated the factor ##\partial_{\nu}\phi## with respect to ##\partial_{\mu}\phi##.

Am I correct so far?
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  • #2
Your indices in the second term don't match with those in the first so that's an indication something is wrong.

Try using the following form

$$\frac{\partial}{\partial (\partial_{\alpha}\phi)} \big( \partial_{\mu} \phi\ \partial^{\mu} \phi \big)$$

This helps you avoid the problem where you have ill-defined expressions like ##\eta_{\mu\nu}\eta^{\mu\nu}\partial_\mu\phi##.
The latter can mean two things
or it can mean (using ##\eta_{\mu\nu}\eta^{\mu\nu}=D## with D the number of spacetime dimensions)
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Likes spaghetti3451
  • #3
Firstly, I need to say that ##
\frac{\partial}{\partial (\partial_{\mu}\phi)} \big( \frac{1}{2}\partial_{\mu} \phi\ \partial^{\mu} \phi \big) = \partial^{\mu} \phi##.
I made a mistake in my first post of placing the ##\mu## index on the RHS downstairs, instead of upstairs. I also made a mistake of forgetting the factor of ##\frac{1}{2}##.


##\frac{\partial}{\partial (\partial_{\alpha}\phi)} \big( \frac{1}{2}\partial_{\mu} \phi\ \partial^{\mu} \phi \big)##
##=\frac{1}{2}\eta^{\mu\nu}\frac{\partial}{\partial (\partial_{\alpha}\phi)} \big( \partial_{\mu} \phi\ \partial_{\nu} \phi \big)##

Am I correct?
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  • #4
Why do you use that

A hint that something is wrong, is that the indices don't correspond. You can check this by performing a transformation ##x^\mu\to x^{\prime\mu}## you should find that there is an upper and a lower index. [*]

It's equal to ##\delta^\alpha_\mu\,\,\,\left(=\eta^\alpha_{\,\,\, \mu}\right)## as far as I can tell.

[*]: Oddly it seems that this would turn out correct if you contract the metric so I'm starting to doubt myself.
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Likes spaghetti3451
  • #5
Ok, let me rework my answer using your suggestion.

##\frac{\partial}{\partial (\partial_{\alpha}\phi)} \big( \frac{1}{2}\partial_{\mu} \phi\ \partial^{\mu} \phi \big)##
##=\frac{1}{2}\eta^{\mu\nu}\frac{\partial}{\partial (\partial_{\alpha}\phi)} \big( \partial_{\mu} \phi\ \partial_{\nu} \phi \big)##

It appears that in the answer, the index ##\alpha## should be upstairs, not downstairs. I made this mistake in my previous post.
  • #6
Try to see why the ##\alpha## index is upstairs and also why you can write ##\eta^\alpha_{\,\,\,\mu}=\delta^\alpha_\mu## where delta is the kronecker delta.

Other than that it is correct.
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Likes spaghetti3451
  • #7
JorisL said:
Try to see why the ##\alpha## index is upstairs

Shouldn't the index ##\alpha## be upstairs because we are differentiating the product of an upstairs index and a downstairs index with respect to a downstairs index?

JorisL said:
and also why you can write ##\eta^\alpha_{\,\,\,\mu}=\delta^\alpha_\mu## where delta is the kronecker delta.

I think ##\eta^\alpha_{\,\,\,\mu}=\delta^\alpha_\mu## because ##\eta^\alpha_{\,\,\, \mu} = \eta^{\alpha\nu}\eta_{\nu\mu} = \delta^\alpha_\mu##.

Am I correct?
  • #8
The latter part is perfect.

The first part becomes clearest when explicitly changing coordinates In other words how does the

\partial_\mu\phi(x)=\frac{\partial\phi(x)}{\partial x^\mu}

Apply a coordinate transformation ##x^\mu\to x^{\prime\mu}## and look at the way the Jacobian shows up.
The Jacobian is given by (or "upside down" doesn't matter too much since we look at invertible transformations)

\frac{\partial x^{\prime\mu}}{\partial x^{\mu}}
  • #9
Under the coordinate transformation ##x^{\mu}\rightarrow x'^{\mu}={\Lambda^{\mu}}_{\nu}x^{\nu}##,

##\partial_{\mu}\phi(x)~=~\frac{\partial\phi(x)}{\partial x^{\mu}}~##

##\rightarrow \frac{\partial\phi(\Lambda^{-1}x)}{\partial x^{\mu}}=\frac{\partial (\Lambda^{-1}x)^{\nu}}{\partial x^{\mu}}\frac{\partial\phi(\Lambda^{-1}x)}{\partial (\Lambda^{-1}x)^{\nu}}=\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{\mu}}\Big( {(\Lambda^{-1})^{\nu}}_{\rho}x^{\rho} \Big)(\partial_{\nu}\phi)(\Lambda^{-1}x)={(\Lambda^{-1})^{\nu}}_{\rho}\delta^{\rho}_{\mu}(\partial_{\nu}\phi)(\Lambda^{-1}x)={(\Lambda^{-1})^{\nu}}_{\mu}(\partial_{\nu}\phi)(\Lambda^{-1}x)##.

How does this help?
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  • #10
Well, now use it in the derivative w.r.t. ##\partial_\mu\phi##.
You should get something of the form
\frac{\partial\left(\partial_\mu\phi\right)}{\partial\left(\partial_\alpha\phi\right)}\to \left(\Lambda^{-1}\right)^\nu_{\,\,\, \mu}\Lambda^\alpha_{\,\,\, \beta}\frac{\partial\left(\partial_\nu\phi(x^\prime)\right)}{\partial\left(\partial_\beta\phi(x^\prime)\right)}

This means that the object transform as a (1,1)-tensor i.e. it has one upper and one lower index.

This might help with the details https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/kronecker-delta-as-tensor-proof.320692/
  • #11
Ok. So, under the coordinate transformation ##x^{\mu} \rightarrow {\Lambda^{\mu}}_{\nu}x^{\nu}##,

##\frac{\partial(\partial_{\mu}\phi(x))}{\partial(\partial_{\alpha}\phi(x))} \rightarrow \frac{\partial({(\Lambda^{-1})^{\nu}}_{\mu}(\partial_{\nu}\phi)(\Lambda^{-1}x))}{\partial({(\Lambda^{-1})^{\beta}}_{\alpha}(\partial_{\beta}\phi)(\Lambda^{-1}x))}=\frac{\partial({(\Lambda^{-1})^{\nu}}_{\mu}(\partial_{\nu}\phi)(\Lambda^{-1}x))}{\partial({(\Lambda)_{\alpha}}^{\beta}(\partial_{\beta}\phi)(\Lambda^{-1}x))}##

How should I now take ##{(\Lambda)_{\alpha}}^{\beta}## to the numerator?
  • #12
You can take ##\Lambda## outside of the derivatives. But I suggest you look at a text on (special) relativity.

I suppose you're studying relativistic field theory? This means that knowing how to quickly read and interpret indices (upper/lower) can help you focus on the physics content instead of the manipulations of expressions.
  • #13
Thanks for the reply.

Let me finish the steps of my derivation:


JorisL said:
I suppose you're studying relativistic field theory? This means that knowing how to quickly read and interpret indices (upper/lower) can help you focus on the physics content instead of the manipulations of expressions.

Hmm. I guess that's very important. I was just trying to practice my skills in tensor manipulations since I'm still new to this kind of math.
  • #14
Wait! My order of indices on ##{(\Lambda)_{\alpha}}^{\beta}## in the final result are not the same as your order of indices in ##{\Lambda^{\alpha}}_{\beta}##.

Did I make a mistake in the second step of my calculation in the previous post?

FAQ: Differentiation of a product of 4-gradients wrt a 4-gradient

1. What is the definition of differentiation of a product of 4-gradients wrt a 4-gradient?

The differentiation of a product of 4-gradients wrt a 4-gradient refers to the process of finding the rate of change of a four-dimensional quantity with respect to another four-dimensional quantity. This involves taking the partial derivatives of each component of the product with respect to each component of the 4-gradient.

2. Why is differentiation of a product of 4-gradients wrt a 4-gradient important?

This type of differentiation is important in fields such as physics and engineering, where four-dimensional quantities are commonly encountered. It allows for the calculation of important physical quantities, such as velocity and acceleration, in four-dimensional systems.

3. What is the mathematical notation for differentiation of a product of 4-gradients wrt a 4-gradient?

The mathematical notation for this type of differentiation is ∂(f*g)/∂(a*b), where f and g are functions of four variables and a and b are the components of the 4-gradient.

4. How is the chain rule applied in differentiation of a product of 4-gradients wrt a 4-gradient?

The chain rule is used in this type of differentiation by first taking the partial derivatives of each component of the product with respect to the four variables, and then multiplying those derivatives by the partial derivatives of the four variables with respect to the four components of the 4-gradient.

5. Are there any real-world applications of differentiation of a product of 4-gradients wrt a 4-gradient?

Yes, this type of differentiation is used in various fields such as fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and general relativity to calculate physical quantities and model complex systems. It also has applications in computer science, specifically in computer graphics and animation.

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