Dirac delta function with complex arguments

In summary, the Dirac delta function is a "Distribution" or "Generalized Function" that can be defined in a number of ways, with the most common definition being that the integral over all space is 1 if 0 is in the set, and 0 otherwise. It can also be thought of as the limit of a sequence of functions. When used with complex numbers, the delta function scales according to a certain property, but it can lead to confusion and misunderstandings when used in integrals with complex arguments. Further clarification may be needed when working with complex arguments.
  • #1
This is probably a silly question to some, but I've been struggling to understand how the delta function behaves when given a complex argument, that is \delta(z), z \in C. I guess the basic definition is the same that the integral over all space is 1, but I'm looking for a more detailed guide on the inner workings. Does someone know of a good reference?

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  • #2
The (Dirac) delta function, which is a "Distribution" or "Generalized Function", rather than a true "function", can be defined in a number of ways. The most common definition is that
[tex]\int_C f(x)\delta (x)dx[/tex]
is equal to 1 if 0 is in set C, equal to 0 if 0 is not in set C.

More generally
[tex]\int_C f(x)\delta (x-a) dx[/itex]
is equal to 1 if a is in set C, equal to 0 if 0 is not in set C.

There is no reason C cannot be a subset of the complex numbers and a a complex number.

It can be thought of, roughly, as the limit of a sequence of functions, fn, such that fn= n if |z|< 1/n, 0 other wise. Of course, that sequence doesn't actually converge which is why [itex]\delta(z)[/itex] is not a true function!
  • #3
I kind of have a follow-up question to JayFsd (a year later, ha).

Suppose that [tex]a[/tex] is complex and you have the integral

[tex]\int_C f\left(x\right) \delta\left(x - a\right)dx[/tex]

such that [tex]a[/tex] lies on the countour [tex]C[/tex], you would expect the result to be:

[tex]\int_C f\left(x\right) \delta\left(x - a\right)dx = f\left(a\right)[/tex].

However, to evaluate this integral for a specific contour, let's say, we do the substitution [tex] x = x\left(t\right),\, 0 <t < 1 [/tex] and get

[tex]\int_0^1 f\left(x\left(t\right)\right)\delta\left(x\left(t\right) - x\left(t_a\right)\right)\frac{dx}{dt}dt[/tex]

where [tex] x\left(t_a\right) = a[/tex]

Ok, so the question I have:

According to Wikipedia, the dirac delta scales as

[tex]\delta\left(g\left(x\right)\right) = \sum_i\frac{\delta\left(x - x_i\right)}{|g'\left(x_i\right)}[/tex]

where the [tex]x_i[/tex] are the roots of [tex]g[/tex].

So if I use that scaling property in the above integral, then I get

[tex]\int_0^1 f\left(x\left(t\right)\right)\delta\left(x\left(t\right) - x\left(t_a\right)\right)\frac{dx}{dt}dt = \frac{dx}{dt_a}/\left|\frac{dx}{dt_a}\right|f\left(x\left(t_a\right)\right)[/tex]

which doesn't agree with the expected result. It seems as if I don't understand the derivation of the scaling property well enough -- that is with real numbers it seems fine, but when you throw complex numbers in the mix I get hopelessly lost.

Anyone care to chime in and help me?

FAQ: Dirac delta function with complex arguments

1. What is the Dirac delta function with complex arguments?

The Dirac delta function with complex arguments, also known as the complex delta function, is a mathematical function used in the field of complex analysis. It is a generalized version of the Dirac delta function and is defined as a distribution that is infinite at the origin and zero everywhere else in the complex plane.

2. How is the Dirac delta function with complex arguments different from the regular Dirac delta function?

The Dirac delta function with complex arguments is a more general version of the regular Dirac delta function. While the regular Dirac delta function is only defined for real arguments, the complex delta function is defined for complex arguments. Additionally, the complex delta function is not a function in the traditional sense, but rather a distribution or generalized function.

3. What are the properties of the Dirac delta function with complex arguments?

The Dirac delta function with complex arguments possesses many of the same properties as the regular Dirac delta function. These include the sifting property, linearity, and scaling. However, it also has some unique properties, such as the symmetry property and the fact that it is an entire function in the complex plane.

4. What are the applications of the Dirac delta function with complex arguments?

The Dirac delta function with complex arguments has various applications in complex analysis and signal processing. It is often used to model impulses in systems with complex inputs or to represent point sources in two-dimensional fields. It is also used in the study of partial differential equations and in the analysis of systems with complex-valued inputs and outputs.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Dirac delta function with complex arguments?

As with any mathematical tool, there are limitations to using the Dirac delta function with complex arguments. One limitation is that it is not a true function and therefore cannot be graphed like a traditional function. Additionally, using the complex delta function requires a solid understanding of complex analysis, which may be challenging for those unfamiliar with the subject.

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