Writing the charge density in the form of the Dirac delta function

In summary, the conversation discusses the correct way to write the charge distribution of a rectangle in the ##xy##-plane, as well as the general formula for charge density on a surface. It is shown that the charge density for a rectangle can be reduced to a surface charge placed in the ##xy##-plane, with the confinement occurring by constraining ##-a/2<x<a/2## and ##-a/2<y<a/2##. The conversation also includes a proof for the general formula for charge density on a surface.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Given a square with side length ##a## and a surface charge of ##\sigma## for ##y>0## and ##\epsilon \sigma## for ##y<0##, write down the charge density ##\rho(\vec{x})## in terms of the dirac delta function.
Relevant Equations
##\rho(\vec{x})=\sigma \cdot...##
Hey guys! Sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm having some trouble to express this charge distribution as dirac delta functions.

I know that the charge distribution of a circular disc in the ##x-y##-plane with radius ##a## and charge ##q## is given by $$\rho(r,\theta)=qC_a \delta(\theta-\pi/2)\delta(r-a)$$ (with ##C_a## being a fitting constant). Based on this I've tried to write down the charge distribution of the rectangle as follows: $$\rho(\vec{x})=C\sigma(\delta(x-a/2)+\delta(y-a/2)+\epsilon \delta(x-a/2)+\epsilon \delta(y+a/2))$$ (With ##C## and ##C_{\epsilon}## being fitting constants)

I do not know though if this is a correct way to write it down or if I have to approach it in some other way. It would be awesome if anyone could give me some strategy on how to think about problems like this. Thank you!
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  • #2
First write down the definition of your ##xy##-plane in the form ##\Phi(\vec{x})=0##. Then think again about how the generalized charge density must look!
  • #3
vanhees71 said:
First write down the definition of your ##xy##-plane in the form ##\Phi(\vec{x})=0##. Then think again about how the generalized charge density must look!
Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply! I think I'm not quite sure what you mean with ##\Phi(\vec{x})=0##, do you mean the electric potential or some plane equation (that would be ##z=0## for the ##xy##-plane I guess). I also thought about writing the charge density in combination with the heaviside function. For example: $$\rho=C\sigma\delta(z)\theta(a/2-|x|)\theta(a/2-y)+...$$ Would a approach like this make sense in this problem?
  • #4
I had the general formula
$$\rho(\vec{x})=\sigma(\vec{x}) |\vec{\nabla} \Phi(\vec{x})| \delta[\Phi(\vec{x})]$$
in mind. In your case ##\Phi(\vec{x})=z##, ##|\vec{\nabla} \Phi|=|\vec{e}_z|=1##.
  • #5
vanhees71 said:
I had the general formula
$$\rho(\vec{x})=\sigma(\vec{x}) |\vec{\nabla} \Phi(\vec{x})| \delta[\Phi(\vec{x})]$$
in mind. In your case ##\Phi(\vec{x})=z##, ##|\vec{\nabla} \Phi|=|\vec{e}_z|=1##.
Oh, thank you, I was not familiar with this general formula. Are there maybe any references to it in some books or online so I can look it up?

But to the problem: So, it looks like the charge density reduces in my case to: $$\rho=\sigma\delta(z)$$ Which, I think, refers to a surface charge placed in the ##xy## plane. So does the confinement of the surface charge to the rectangle only happen by constraining ##-a/2<x<a/2## and ##-a/2<y<a/2##? Thanks again for your patience!
  • #6
I don't know, from where I got this formula, but it's not too difficult to prove. Given is the scalar field ##\Phi(\vec{x})##, defined in a neighborhood of the surface, which is defined implicitly by ##\Phi(\vec{x})=0##. Now we define iso-##\Phi## surfaces by parameters ##(q_1,q_2,q_3)## in such a way that ##\Phi[\vec{x}(q_1,q_2,q_3)]=q_3##. Thus these surfaces are parametrized by ##q_1## and ##q_2## and the surface is determined by the value of ##q_3## (in an intervall containing ##q_3=0##).

Now it's clear that ##\partial_{q_1} \vec{x}## and ##\partial_{q_2} \vec{x}## span the tangent surfaces on the ##\Phi=\text{const}## surfaces and ##\vec{\nabla} \Phi## is always perpendicular to these tangent surfaces and ##\partial_{q_3} \vec{x} \cdot \vec{\nabla} \Phi=1##. Let ##\vec{n}## denote the unit normal vectors at the surface such that ##\vec{n} \cdot \vec{\nabla} \Phi=|\vec{\nabla} \Phi|##.

Now we calculate the charge within some volume element containing part of the surface ##\Phi=q_3=0## in its interior using ##\rho(\vec{x})=\sigma|\vec{\nabla} \Phi| \delta(\Phi)## as charge density, defined by the parameters ##(q_1,q_2,q_3) \in D \subseteq \mathbb{R}^3##:
$$Q_V = \int_D \mathrm{d}^3 q (\partial_{q_3} \vec{x}) \cdot (\partial_{q_1} \vec{x} \times \partial_{q_2} \vec{x}) |\vec{\nabla} \Phi| \delta(q_3) \sigma$$
$$= \int_D \mathrm{d}^3 q |\partial_{q_1} \vec{x} \times \partial_{q_2} \vec{x}| (\partial_{q_3} \vec{x}) \cdot \vec{n} |\vec{\nabla} \Phi| \delta(q_3) \sigma$$
$$= \int_D \mathrm{d}^3 q |\partial_{q_1} \vec{x} \times \partial_{q_2} \vec{x}| (\partial_{q_3} \vec{x}) \cdot \vec{\nabla} \Phi \delta(q_3) \sigma $$
$$= \int_D \mathrm{d} q_3 \mathrm{d}^2 f \sigma \delta(q_3)=\int_F \mathrm{d}^2 f \sigma,$$
where ##F## is the surface defined by ##q_3=\Phi(\vec{x})=0##. This shows that the above defined ##\rho## is equivalent to a surface-charge density ##\sigma##.

Obviously the surface density ##\sigma(\vec{x})## needs only be defined along the surface and is given by your problem in #1.
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