Can Quantum Mechanics Allow for Discontinuous Wavefunctions and Probabilities?

In summary: There's no contradiction - discontinuity of the wave function at t=0 is perfectly consistent with the probabilistic interpretation. In fact, it's actually required in order to have a probabilistic interpretation! The problem is that general relativity allows singularities, which means that there could be a discontinuity of the wavefunction and its derivative at a point in spacetime. So if quantum mechanics allows for discontinuity of a single wavefunction and its derivative, then general relativity should allow for discontinuity of the wavefunction and its derivative.In summary, quantum mechanics requires continuity of the wavefunction and its first derivative. If general relativity allows singularities, why not have possible discontinuity of a single wavefunction and its derivative
  • #1
Loren Booda
Quantum mechanics requires continuity of the wavefunction and its first derivative. How stringent is this requirement? If general relativity allows singularities, why not have possible discontinuity of a single wavefunction and its derivative?

Take [psi]1(x)=cos(x) and [psi]2(x)=-cos(x). Although themselves and their derivatives respectively discontinuous, these wavefunctions define a continuous probability, |[psi]1(x)|2=|[psi]2(x)|2.

What of discontinuos quantum probability itself? Take a probability step function of finite domain, discrete at x=0. If we can say that an event occurs with probability P for -[ee]<x<0, what can we say about a probability P' for -[ee]<x<[ee]? It seems to me that this singular step makes undefinable probability P' in terms of P.
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  • #2
discontinuity of the wave function.

First of all, it is funny you consider cos(x) as being a discontinuous function . But ok, apart from that, the continuity constraints on the wave function psi come essentially from the condition that it has to obey the Schroedinger equation, which is second order in x. In order for the second order derivative to be finite (even if discontinuous), the first order derivative and the function itself should be continuous. If you allow for infinite potentials (such as a hard wall), then the second order derivative should also become infinite, hence only the function itself should be continuous, but it is clear that this is an idealisation in the model.

  • #3

"respectively discontinuous." Just graph them together - at no value of x are cos(x) and -cos(x) in continuous agreement, or are their derivatives.
  • #4
Ah... I suppose you're talking about a function, f(x), such that:

f(x) = cos(x) if x<y
f(x) = - cos(x) if x > y

for some y.

Sorry, the expression "respectively discontinuous" was a bit weird to me, but I guess you meant the above.

f(x) won't be the solution to any "reasonable" Schroedinger equation. I say, "reasonable" because you could think of a highly singular potential function which doesn't represent a physical situation for which this could be heuristically true (with derivatives of Dirac impulses).
The probability is not the only physical content of the wave function. The phase is just as important, and in the classical limit, the phase corresponds to Hamilton's principal function (in Hamilton-Jacobi theory in classical mechanics). So it is not because the probability seems to make sense that any underlying complex function makes sense as a quantum wave function.

  • #5
vanesch said:
But ok, apart from that, the continuity constraints on the wave function psi come essentially from the condition that it has to obey the Schroedinger equation, which is second order in x.

But this does not mean that the wave function cannot be discontinuous at the initial time t=0, right? So if at t=0 a wavefunction is discontinuous at a point, doesn't that go against the probabilistic interpretation? I mean, probability of finding a particle at that point would be undefined.

FAQ: Can Quantum Mechanics Allow for Discontinuous Wavefunctions and Probabilities?

1. What is a discontinuous wavefunction?

A discontinuous wavefunction, also known as a piecewise wavefunction, is a mathematical description of a quantum state that changes abruptly at specific points. This means that the wavefunction is not continuous at these points and has different functional forms in different regions.

2. How is a discontinuous wavefunction different from a continuous wavefunction?

A continuous wavefunction is a mathematical function that is smooth and unbroken, meaning that it has a defined value at every point. In contrast, a discontinuous wavefunction has abrupt changes at certain points, and is not defined or continuous at those points.

3. What causes a wavefunction to be discontinuous?

A wavefunction may be discontinuous due to the presence of a potential barrier or a boundary. These can cause the wavefunction to abruptly change as it encounters these obstacles, resulting in a discontinuous behavior.

4. How do discontinuous wavefunctions affect quantum systems?

Discontinuous wavefunctions can have significant effects on quantum systems. They can lead to phenomena such as quantum tunneling, where particles can pass through potential barriers that would be impossible according to classical physics. They can also affect the behavior of particles within a system and can be used to model and understand various quantum systems.

5. Can a discontinuous wavefunction be observed experimentally?

As with any quantum phenomenon, a discontinuous wavefunction cannot be directly observed. However, its effects can be observed and measured through experiments and observations of quantum systems. The predictions made by discontinuous wavefunctions have been confirmed by numerous experiments, providing evidence for their existence.

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