Disproving perpetual energy and perpetual motion machines.

In summary, during a discussion about perpetual motion machines, it was mentioned that they violate the laws of thermodynamics and examples were provided to explain why they are impossible. The conversation also referenced a mischievous physicist who developed machines that appeared to be perpetual motion and challenged others to figure out how they worked. Various articles and resources were recommended for further reading on the topic.
  • #1

I was having a discussion with somebody who was trying to convince me of these things which I don’t believe.
However I kept trying to think of the physics laws that make these things impossible.

To my mind came resistance and friction. But I feel there are other science laws that I have missed.

Some law of thermodynamics comes to mind.

What terms and laws have I missed so I am even better prepared for next time

Plus any great articles that you can recommend to read.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Perpetual motion machines violate the laws of thermodynamics as you can always find places where energy is disappated in either friction or air resistance or resistance to a magnetic field...

Here's some examples:


and here's some discussion on why they fail:

Lastly, there was a mischievous physicist in England, Prof David Jones who developed machines that appeared to be perpetual motion machines and challenged folks to figure out how they worked.

You can find more online via Google.

Closing this thread now since we no longer discuss perpetual motion on PF.
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FAQ: Disproving perpetual energy and perpetual motion machines.

1. What is perpetual energy and perpetual motion?

Perpetual energy and perpetual motion refer to the concept of creating a machine that can continuously produce energy or motion without the need for an external source of energy.

2. Is it possible to create a perpetual energy or perpetual motion machine?

No, it is not possible to create a perpetual energy or perpetual motion machine. This goes against the laws of thermodynamics, specifically the first and second laws, which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed and that there will always be some energy lost in the form of heat in any energy conversion process.

3. Why do some people claim to have created perpetual energy or perpetual motion machines?

Some people may claim to have created perpetual energy or perpetual motion machines due to misunderstandings of the laws of thermodynamics or fraudulent intentions. There have been many attempts to create such machines throughout history, but none have been scientifically proven to work.

4. Are there any examples of perpetual energy or perpetual motion machines?

No, there are no proven examples of perpetual energy or perpetual motion machines. Many machines have been proposed and claimed to work, but they have all been debunked by scientific research and analysis.

5. What are the potential consequences of believing in perpetual energy or perpetual motion machines?

Believing in perpetual energy or perpetual motion machines can lead to wasted time, resources, and money on attempting to create something that is scientifically impossible. It can also hinder scientific progress by promoting false ideas and diverting attention and resources away from more promising avenues of research.
