Do Particle-Antiparticle Annihilations Emit Detectable X-rays in Space?

In summary, the universe does not create particles and antiparticles every time by giving energy to do so. The energy comes from the Uncertainty principle. When they are coupled, there must be radiate x-rays, but they are not real. The universe creates particles and antiparticles by hosting an uncertainty principle.
  • #1
We know that the universe creates particles and antiparticles every time.I know that it's happens by uncertainty principle.I want to know, when the universe creates them, the universe gives a energy to create this particles.But when they coupled there must be radiate x-rays.My question is,
Is it happens somewhere in the universe (can we see this x-rays ?) or when they coupled, Is the mass returns energy and the universe absorbs this energy ?
Physics news on
  • #2
We know that the universe creates particles and antiparticles every time.
That is a problematic model, and it is not related to the uncertainty principle.
I want to know, when the universe creates them, the universe gives a energy to create this particles.
It does not, the total energy is 0.
But when they coupled there must be radiate x-rays.
They do not.
  • #3
Hawking Radiation's foundation is this imaginary particles
  • #4
Virtual particle/antiparticle pairs are a model to visualize the result of the calculations.
  • #5
PhyHunter said:
Hawking Radiation's foundation is this imaginary particles
Yes, as mfb says, there isn't a single whiff of virtual particles in Hawking's calculation, either in the math or the physics. The picture based on virtual particles is a popularization designed to assist in visualizing the physics, but it is not rigorously informed by the calculation.
  • #6
mfb said:
That is a problematic model, and it is not related to the uncertainty principle.

I think its not a problematic model, the virtual particle pairs theory must be true. But you are right, the total energy must be zero.And there will be never x-rays or something.
  • #7
PhyHunter said:
I think its not a problematic model, the virtual particle pairs theory must be true.
Why must it be true?
  • #8
There is no "virtual particle pairs theory". There is quantum field theory, which has fields as fundamental elements. For weak interactions (like the electromagnetic interaction), it is possible to approximate the action of fields with perturbation theory, and virtual particles are a method to visualize those perturbations.
Those particles are called "virtual" for a good reason. It does not make sense to say "see: there was a virtual particle pair right now!"
  • #9
The universe can't be real "empty" because that time the electromagnetic field or another fields value and the rate of change over time must be exactly zero. And we know, it can't be possible so Fields value and the rate of change over time like a particles location and momentum.And it is like a uncertainty principle.Field value must be hosted uncertanity.And it happens create virtual particle pairs in the universe.