Do you trust the word of John Howard?

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  • Thread starter Adam
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In summary: He's a bloody LIAR.He rarely speaks the truth about anything political/social/economic...He's much like George Bush and Tony Blair.I'd trust a Mafia hit-man's words more than that "Unholy Trinity"...The problem with the Tampa thing, and what was called the Children Overboard matter, was that Howard was caught lying to the Australian people about what he knew, and he didn't want the refugees on the ship to land in Australia because it would have been against his political agenda.

Do you trust the word of John Howard?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 8 88.9%

  • Total voters
  • #1
A simple question: Do you trust the word of John Howard?

This is the first PM to be hit with a vote of no confidence. The PM who sent our troops to war on no evidence, with no attempt to consult the Australian people. The PM who has been caught lying many times.

Do you trust him?
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  • #2
He was the one who didn't want to allow the freight ship with the refugees in it land in Australia right?

Never trusted him after that...
  • #3
Shahil said:
He was the one who didn't want to allow the freight ship with the refugees in it land in Australia right?

Never trusted him after that...

How does making that decision equate to a trust issue?
  • #4
Phatmonky, get you on this one (for once!).

That decision should not be a basis for me not trusting him BUT here's my point:

In that situation, a cargo ship filled with refugees from one of the East Indie islands was running into trouble. The people aboard, even though there illegally, were in a terrible state - no proper food, sanitation, the works. Pres. Howard, even though he knew about these conditions, did not wnat the ship to dock at an Australian port so to help these suffering people.

Now, even though these people were on this ship illegally and were in fact aliens if they landed on Australian soil, come on, where's the humanity in that? You are risking the lives of these poor people just because they didn't hold a passport. That's just sick to me.

Soooo, why should I trust a human being who wishes to inflict this upon another??
  • #5
What does "get you on this one (for once!)" mean?
  • #6
How many ended up dying on that ship?
  • #7
studentx said:
How many ended up dying on that ship?


Ohh no, they were starving- but it wasn't because of Australia...

The SAS personnel on the vessel have put it to the captain that the appropriate thing would be for the captain to return to international waters
The Tampa had been lying off the remote Australian territory of Christmas Island since Monday, with its human cargo of 438 mainly Afghan refugees.

Many of them are on hunger strike and have threatened to riot or jump overboard if they are not allowed to land in Australia

They didn't want Australians on their ship (despite leaving international orders), but they sure thought they were entitled to Australia...

The ship's owners have accused Australia of "piracy", saying it had no right to board the ship because it represents a sovereign territory of Norway.

A deal was made to bring food and supplies aboard...
the soldiers are there to help coordinate efforts to bring food and medicine to those on board.

They are also there in case the crew needs protection, officials said.

doctors were allowed on board, as part of the deal to stay in international waters...
Australian doctors who have boarded the vessel say only a handful needed medical attention

the deal was not honored:

Mr Howard said that the Tampa had entered Australian territorial waters despite an earlier undertaking not to do so if medical assistance was given.

In the end, Indonesia, who originally said they would take the refugees was pressured by Australia to keep their word.
  • #8
Hmm...seems I didn't get that part of the story! Still, I don't trust Mr. Howard - personal thing that prob won't change!

phatmonky said:
What does "get you on this one (for once!)" mean?

I've noticed that your viewpoints don't really match mine on certain subjects so just wanted to acknowledge that it did match (i hope and think!) about your comment saying that the ship debacle is not grounds to mistrust Mr. Howard. :smile:
  • #9
hehe, although it may not be grounds to distrust Howard's, it is now grounds to mistrust information given by Shahil! OOPS! /tease
  • #10
Shahil said:
Hmm...seems I didn't get that part of the story! Still, I don't trust Mr. Howard - personal thing that prob won't change!

I've noticed that your viewpoints don't really match mine on certain subjects so just wanted to acknowledge that it did match (i hope and think!) about your comment saying that the ship debacle is not grounds to mistrust Mr. Howard. :smile:

We match view points all the time. Peace, fight poverty, provide healthcare to all, etc. We just differ in the means to getting there :smile:
  • #11
John Howard Is A LIAR!

He's a bloody LIAR.
He rarely speaks the truth about anything political/social/economic...

He's much like George Bush and Tony Blair.

I'd trust a Mafia hit-man's words more than that "Unholy Trinity"...
  • #12
The problem with the Tampa thing, and what was called the Children Overboard matter, was that Howard was caught lying to the Australian people about what he knew, and when.
  • #13
Adam said:
The problem with the Tampa thing, and what was called the Children Overboard matter, was that Howard was caught lying to the Australian people about what he knew, and when.

Ja, I think that's the bit that I caught on to. As I saw it when it came out, Howard really just seemed a bad guy in the whole affair. I know the press (what I watched ie. State and Independent Broadcasters in SA) seemed to tag on to this point!

FAQ: Do you trust the word of John Howard?

1. How can I trust the word of John Howard if he has been involved in controversial political decisions in the past?

While it is important to critically examine the actions and decisions of any politician, it is also important to recognize that people can change and learn from their mistakes. John Howard's past decisions do not necessarily reflect his current beliefs and values.

2. Is there evidence to support the trustworthiness of John Howard?

There is no definitive answer to this question as trust is subjective and can vary from person to person. However, John Howard has a long career in politics and has received numerous awards and honors for his leadership and service to the country, which may be seen as evidence of his trustworthiness.

3. How do his political affiliations affect trust in his word?

John Howard's political affiliations may influence trust in his word for some individuals. However, it is important to evaluate a person's character and actions rather than solely relying on their political party. Additionally, individuals can change their political affiliations throughout their career.

4. Are there any specific instances where John Howard has proven to be untrustworthy?

There is no clear answer to this question as trustworthiness is subjective. However, there may be instances where individuals disagree with John Howard's actions or decisions, which may affect their perception of his trustworthiness.

5. How can I determine if I should trust the word of John Howard?

Ultimately, the decision to trust someone's word is a personal one. It may be helpful to research and evaluate John Howard's track record, values, and actions as a politician. It can also be beneficial to consider multiple perspectives and sources of information before making a judgment on trust.

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