Double slit Scattering explanation

In summary, Ballentine's 1970 paper "Statistical Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics" explains that the discrete set of possible scattering angles in a crystal or diffraction grating is due to quantization of momentum transfer, which is a result of the periodic displacement of the object. This explanation refutes the idea that the electron spreads itself wavelike, and instead suggests that it is the crystal which is spread out and interacts with the electron as a whole through the laws of quantum mechanics. The use of a detector to determine the "which path" information would destroy the interference pattern. It is suggested that finding a way to bypass or minimize the momentum disturbance caused by the detector could provide more insight into the behavior of particles in the double slit
  • #1
A single particle can behave like its interfering with itself by means of the following explanation (is it true or can you refute it?):

Ballentine wrote in his 1970 paper "Statistical Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics":

"As in any scattering experiment, quantum theory predicts the statistical frequencies of the various angles through which a particle may be scattered. For a crystal or diffraction grating there is only a discrete set of possible scattering angles because momentum transfer to and from a periodic object is quantized by a multiple of delta p = h/d, where delta p is the component of momentum tranfer parallel to the direction of the periodic displacement d. This result, which is obvious from a solution of the problem in momentum representation, was first discovered by Duane (1923), although this early paper had been much neglected until its revival by Lande (1955, 1965). There is no need to assume that an electron spreads itself, wavelike, over a large region of space in order to explain diffraction scattering. Rather it is the crystal which is spread out, and the electron interacts with the crystal as a whole through the laws of quantum mechanics."

(my comment)

This behavior of periodic object and quantization of scattering angles can be said to explain what formed the regions of destructive interference where there are no particles detected. Any actual experiment been done with this? Can this account for all interference experiments to date? Can you maybe put a detector in the slit (inside the material of the slit) that won't disturb the scattering and know the which way path yet there is still interference (has no one tried this?)?
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Physics news on
  • #2
Varon said:
Can you maybe put a detector in the slit (inside the material of the slit) that won't disturb the scattering and know the which way path yet there is still interference (has no one tried this?)?

Really? You are asking that question NOW? With all of the posting you have done about the double slit experiments and their interpretation in the various flavors of QM, you have not realized that the question you just asked is the very essence of the "problem" with the double slit experiment?

Anyway, the answer to your question is a (rather emphatic) NO! Any "detector" that reveals "which path" information destroys the interference pattern. Check out Dr. Chinese's website for lots of instructive examples and illustrations.
  • #3
SpectraCat said:
Really? You are asking that question NOW? With all of the posting you have done about the double slit experiments and their interpretation in the various flavors of QM, you have not realized that the question you just asked is the very essence of the "problem" with the double slit experiment?

There is a difference here because as described thus "For a crystal or diffraction grating there is only a discrete set of possible scattering angles because momentum transfer to and from a periodic object is quantized by a multiple of delta p = h/d, where delta p is the component of momentum transfer parallel to the direction of the periodic displacement d."

Now with this special knowledge. One can specifically design a detector that can bypass this scattering angles quantization trick. I wonder if such detector has been built that is maybe put inside the material of the slit itself so it won't affect the momentum of the periodic object that has positions at all times.

Anyway, the answer to your question is a (rather emphatic) NO! Any "detector" that reveals "which path" information destroys the interference pattern. Check out Dr. Chinese's website for lots of instructive examples and illustrations.

This is if you assume it is the omnicient wave function that passes thru the slit. But if Ballentine explanation holds and it is a solid particle with all positions like a classical ball and the scattering is due to momentum transfer, then we can design special detectors that can bypass or minimize this momentum disturbance.

For now let's avoid the EPR/Bell's Theorem issues.
  • #4
I just can't understand this passage " momentum transfer to and from a periodic object is quantized by a multiple of delta p = h/d, where delta p is the component of momentum transfer parallel to the direction of the periodic displacement d."

Does this also work with a wave function or just classical object? How is delta p = h/d derived? What is other example of periodic object?
  • #5
Only my second post, so be gentle o:)

I think the double split experiment needs to be explained in another fashion, by thinking outside of the box. Rather than trying to explain the particle being in two places at the same time one must look into how the particle exists, this is what I am looking into in another thread, (well kind of). I think the double split experiment can only be explained by the way the particle exists in space itself, that is, we should not be looking at the particle, but rather how space moves between the slits. :)

I think it is the movement of space itself that determines how the particle exists.



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FAQ: Double slit Scattering explanation

What is the double slit scattering phenomenon?

The double slit scattering phenomenon is a fundamental concept in physics that refers to the interference pattern observed when a beam of particles or waves passes through two parallel slits. This pattern can be observed with various types of particles, such as electrons, photons, and even larger molecules.

How does the double slit scattering pattern form?

The double slit scattering pattern forms due to the wave-like behavior of particles. When particles pass through the two slits, they diffract and interfere with each other, creating a series of light and dark fringes on a screen placed behind the slits. This pattern is a result of the superposition of the waves from the two slits.

What is the significance of the double slit scattering experiment?

The double slit scattering experiment is significant because it demonstrates the wave-particle duality of matter. This means that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behaviors, depending on the experimental setup. It also provides evidence for the quantum nature of matter and the probabilistic nature of the universe.

How does the distance between the slits affect the double slit scattering pattern?

The distance between the slits plays a crucial role in the double slit scattering pattern. As the distance increases, the interference pattern becomes more spread out and the fringes become wider. This is because the waves from the two slits have a larger phase difference, resulting in a larger superposition.

Can the double slit scattering phenomenon be observed with macroscopic objects?

While the double slit scattering phenomenon has been observed with larger molecules, it is not feasible to observe it with macroscopic objects due to their large mass and short de Broglie wavelength. The de Broglie wavelength describes the wave-like behavior of particles and is inversely proportional to their mass. Therefore, the larger the mass, the shorter the de Broglie wavelength, making the interference effects negligible.
