Early universe: equilibrium before nucleosynthesis

In summary: Thank you for the explanation.In summary, the conversation discusses the evolution of the universe and the reactions that maintain kinetic and chemical equilibrium at a temperature of 100 MeV. The reactions mentioned include e^- + e^+ \longleftrightarrow \gamma +\gamma and e^\pm + \gamma \longleftrightarrow e^\pm + \gamma, while reactions such as p + e^+ \longleftrightarrow p + e^+ and p + e^- \longleftrightarrow n + \nu_e + e^+ + e^- are not taken into account due to their elastic nature. The conversation also touches on the additivity of reactions and how it relates to the two processes e^- + e^+ \longleftrightarrow \nu + \
  • #1

First of all I apologize because I already posted this topic in the "Homework & Coursework Questions > Advanced Physics" but since it exquisitely concerns astrophysics and it is not getting many answers, I believe it's better to post it here. If a moderator wants to merge the two conversation, I would be glad.

I am studying the evolution of the universe.
In particular, I am reading the history of the universe happening just under a temperature of 100 MeV.
At this time, it is said that neutrons and protons are present along with some other particles: electrons, positrons, photons, neutrinos and anti-neutrinos.
They say the reactions which maintain kinetic equilibrium are:
[tex]e^- + e^+ \longleftrightarrow \gamma +\gamma[/tex]
[tex]e^\pm + \gamma \longleftrightarrow e^\pm + \gamma[/tex]
while the reactions which are responsible for both kinetic and chemical equilibrium are:
[tex]e^- + e^+ \longleftrightarrow \nu + \bar\nu[/tex]
[tex]\nu + e^- \longleftrightarrow e^- + \nu[/tex]
[tex]n + \nu_e \longleftrightarrow p + e^-[/tex]
[tex]n + e^+ \longleftrightarrow p + \bar\nu_e[/tex]
[tex]n \longleftrightarrow p + e^- + \bar\nu_e[/tex]
I am wondering why reactions such as:
[tex]p + e^+ \longleftrightarrow p + e^+[/tex]
[tex]p + e^- \longleftrightarrow n + \nu_e + e^+ + e^-[/tex]
are not taken into account.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
How could a proton and an electron have a reaction that produced a proton and an electron??

Also, if i had to guess i would say that the reverse beta decay reaction doesn't happen as much because it is moderated by the weak force instead of the electromagnetic or strong forces. Just a guess though.
  • #3
Drakkith said:
How could a proton and an electron have a reaction that produced a proton and an electron??
I believe it is perfectly legal and it is simply a momentum/energy exchange which maintains kinetic equilibrium. I think it is like compton scattering, where a photon and an electron hit and particles type are the same incoming and outcoming.
  • #4
Davide82 said:
I believe it is perfectly legal and it is simply a momentum/energy exchange which maintains kinetic equilibrium. I think it is like compton scattering, where a photon and an electron hit and particles type are the same incoming and outcoming.

I could see that. I would say that the transfer of kinetic energy from a moving proton to an electron or vice versa probably isn't the kind of "reaction" they meant. But that's just a guess.
  • #5
But they in the very beginning are writing a similar reaction:
Davide82 said:
[tex]e^\pm + \gamma \longleftrightarrow e^\pm + \gamma[/tex]

So I believe these kind of reactions are considered, too.
  • #6
Davide82 said:
But they in the very beginning are writing a similar reaction:

So I believe these kind of reactions are considered, too.

Ah, ok. Now I understand the confusion. And have joined in too!
  • #7
The reason that p+e^+ -> p + e^+ isn't considered is because of the mass difference between positrons and protons.

The mass between the proton and the positron is so large that it's an elastic collision and there isn't any kinetic energy change. You can think of it as bouncing a ball off a mountain. The momentum changes, but the energy doesn't. By contrast, electrons are light. If you hit the electron with a photon or neutrino there is energy transfer.

(I edited the following a few times.)

The second equation can be seen as the combination of the equations that did get listed. Take the first equation in the first section and add it to the third equation in the second.
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  • #8
Thank you twofish-quant.
I understand your point with elastic collision. It didn't come to my mind.

But, regarding the second equation, I don't understand well what you mean...
because of course the processes are related:
for example the two processes:
[tex]e^- + e^+ \longleftrightarrow \nu + \bar\nu[/tex]
[tex]\nu + e^- \longleftrightarrow e^- + \nu[/tex]
have the same interaction vertex, as far as I know, because you can take an antiparticle to the other side of the reaction (this means temporal inversion).
But the two precesses, if I am not mistaken, are different due to the phase space of the final states... This is why we are considering both.
I never heard about this "additivity" of reactions that you are telling about.
  • #9
What we have is something different. There are two reactions

p + e- <-> n + ve

gamma + gamma <-> e+ + e-

The reaction rate for

p + e- + gamma + gamma <-> n + ve + e+ + e-

Can be decomposed into the reaction rates for those two processes.
  • #10
Ok. I am understanding.

FAQ: Early universe: equilibrium before nucleosynthesis

1. What is the "early universe" and when did it occur?

The early universe refers to the period of time in the history of the universe when it was extremely hot and dense, immediately after the Big Bang. This is estimated to have occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago.

2. What is meant by "equilibrium" in the context of the early universe?

In the early universe, equilibrium refers to the state in which the different types of particles and energy were evenly distributed throughout the universe. This is important for understanding the processes that occurred during this time, such as nucleosynthesis.

3. What is nucleosynthesis and why is it significant?

Nucleosynthesis is the process by which the nuclei of atoms are formed through the fusion of smaller particles. In the early universe, this process was responsible for the creation of the first elements, such as hydrogen and helium. This process is significant because it helps us understand the composition of the universe and how it has evolved over time.

4. How do scientists study the early universe and its equilibrium before nucleosynthesis?

Scientists use a combination of observations, mathematical models, and experiments to study the early universe. They analyze the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is the faint remnant of the Big Bang, and also use particle accelerators and simulations to recreate the conditions of the early universe.

5. What are some current theories about the early universe and its equilibrium before nucleosynthesis?

One of the most widely accepted theories about the early universe is the Big Bang theory, which states that the universe began as a singularity and has been expanding ever since. Another theory is inflation, which suggests that the universe underwent a period of rapid expansion in its early stages. There are also ongoing debates and research about the role of dark matter and dark energy in the early universe and how they may have affected the equilibrium and nucleosynthesis processes.
