Einstein's Photoelectric effect expirement

In summary, the conversation discusses a picture from a book that shows the collector's voltage decreasing and asks for an explanation. The conversation explains that the decreasing voltage is due to fewer electrons reaching the collector as the voltage between the collector and emitter is increased. This is because the photoelectrons being extracted from the metal surface are unable to overcome the potential difference created by the increasing voltage. The experiment is used to determine the maximum energy of the photoelectrons expelled from the metal.
  • #1
First check out this picture (from the book I'm reading)


It says that the collector's voltage is decreasing , can you explain why?

also it says "few photoelectrons can overcome this potential difference", since the potential difference is high so the metal surface should be having a higher voltage than the collector so what prevents photoelectrons from reaching the collector?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Makveger said:
It says that the collector's voltage is decreasing , can you explain why?

Do you mean to say why is the collector's voltage becoming increasingly negative? The point is this, you are extracting electrons from some metal at the bottom of the the picture (photoelectrons). Let's start the voltage at 0. If we do that the photoelectrons will not have any force on them and will be detected as a current. If we begin to make the voltage increasingly negative, which really just means we are going to be getting a lot of electrons to start collecting at the collector (from the battery). This will create a force on the photoelectrons. If the voltage is strong enough it will create such a force on the photoelectrons as to cause no current to be detected from them, because they will not be able to move towards the collector. If we slowly increase this voltage we will get less and less photoelectrons (this is dependent on the energy they have). A very high energy electron can move further through a potential difference than a low energy photon.

Basically the experiment is being used to find the maximum energy of the photoelectrons that are being expelled from the metal.
  • #3
The collectors voltage is decreasing because fewer electrons are reaching the collector when you increase the voltage between the collector and the emitter. The metal itself isn't being charged. (I can't see the picture from here at work, but the experiment I've heard of originally had a metal mesh that was charged I believe. The electrons would go through the holes in the the mesh and reach the collector, but as the mesh had its voltage increased fewer electrons could overcome the potential until finally none could.)

FAQ: Einstein's Photoelectric effect expirement

What is the Photoelectric Effect Experiment?

The Photoelectric Effect Experiment was a groundbreaking experiment conducted by Albert Einstein in 1905, which provided evidence for the particle nature of light. It demonstrated that light, which was previously thought to be a wave, can also behave like a stream of particles.

What was the purpose of the Photoelectric Effect Experiment?

The purpose of the experiment was to explain the observation that metals emit electrons when light shines on them. At the time, this phenomenon could not be explained by existing theories of light and electricity.

What were the key findings of the experiment?

The experiment showed that the energy of electrons emitted from a metal surface is directly proportional to the frequency of the incident light, rather than its intensity. This led to the discovery of the photoelectric effect, which states that light can eject electrons from a metal surface if its frequency is above a certain threshold.

How did the Photoelectric Effect Experiment contribute to the development of quantum mechanics?

Einstein's experiment was a crucial step in the development of quantum mechanics, as it provided the first evidence of the particle-wave duality of light. It also led to the understanding that energy is quantized, rather than continuous, which was a major shift in scientific thinking at the time.

What impact did the Photoelectric Effect Experiment have on modern technology?

The discovery of the photoelectric effect has had a significant impact on modern technology, as it is the basis for many devices such as solar panels, photodiodes, and digital cameras. It has also paved the way for further research in quantum mechanics, which has led to many technological advancements in fields such as computing and telecommunications.

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