Elastic collision in a pendulum

In summary: You can solve for the final velocities of both balls.In summary, the conversation discusses a physics problem involving two balls of different masses attached to strings and moving in a quarter circle motion. The question is about finding the maximum heights the balls can reach after one collides with the other. The conversation mentions using the formula for an elastic collision and solving for the final velocities of both balls.
  • #1
Hello people. New here and I've got a problem here which i would appreciate some help with.

Situation :
A ball of mass 300g is attached to a massless string of 0.2m suspended at a 90 degree angle to another ball of mass 500g held by a massless string at length 0.2m.
Imagine the ball A (0.3kg) is positioned next to ball B, which are equal except for masses. Ball A is moved in a quarter of a circle motion up 0.2m, keeping it's string straight. That is the case we are examening.
The question is, what are the maximum heights ball A and B can attain after ball A is released collides with B?

We assume that this is an insulated system, meaning 100 % conserved energy and momentum.

Through PEi + KEi = PEf + KEf We achieve the velocity 1.98 m/s right before collision with ball B.

The problem arises when the total KE for the system has to be distributed correctly between ball A and B post-collision. I've reached the point where the KEi = Va final + 5/3 Vb final

How do you go about finding either one of the velocities? I know that the V of B will be greater than V of A since B has less than double the mass of A

Appreciate your help!
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  • #2
Use the formulas for an elastic collision.

[tex]p_{before} = p_{after}[/tex]

[tex]KE_{before} = KE_{after}[/tex]

That will give you 2 equations with 2 unknowns.
  • #3

Hello there! I would like to provide some insight into your problem. First of all, this situation can be described as an elastic collision between two objects, which means that both the kinetic energy and momentum are conserved during the collision. This is due to the assumption of an insulated system, where there is no external force acting on the system.

To find the maximum heights that balls A and B can attain after the collision, we need to use the conservation of energy and momentum equations. The initial potential energy (PEi) of ball A is converted into kinetic energy (KEi) as it moves up 0.2m, and this energy is then transferred to ball B during the collision. This means that the final kinetic energy (KEf) of the system after the collision is equal to the initial potential energy of ball A.

Using the equation PEi + KEi = PEf + KEf, we can solve for the final velocities of balls A and B. Since the masses and initial velocities of both balls are known, we can then use the equation for conservation of momentum (m1v1i + m2v2i = m1v1f + m2v2f) to solve for the final velocities of both balls.

In this case, the final velocity of ball A will be less than the final velocity of ball B, as you correctly pointed out. This is because of the difference in masses between the two balls. To find the exact velocities, you will need to substitute the values into the equations and solve for the final velocities.

I hope this helps you in solving your problem. Keep in mind that in an ideal scenario, the collision between the two balls would be perfectly elastic, meaning that no energy is lost during the collision. However, in real-world situations, there may be some energy loss due to factors such as friction and air resistance. But in an insulated system, we can assume that the collision is perfectly elastic.

Good luck with your calculations! And don't hesitate to ask for further clarification if needed.

FAQ: Elastic collision in a pendulum

1. What is an elastic collision in a pendulum?

An elastic collision in a pendulum is a type of collision in which the total kinetic energy of the system is conserved. This means that the initial energy of the system before the collision is equal to the energy after the collision. In a pendulum, this occurs when the mass at the end of the pendulum swings and collides with another object, such as a stationary wall, and then bounces back without losing any energy.

2. How is the energy conserved in an elastic collision in a pendulum?

The conservation of energy in an elastic collision in a pendulum is due to the fact that the forces acting on the system are conservative. This means that the work done by these forces is equal to the change in potential energy, which is converted into kinetic energy during the collision. Therefore, the total energy of the system remains constant.

3. What factors affect the magnitude of an elastic collision in a pendulum?

The magnitude of an elastic collision in a pendulum is affected by the mass of the pendulum, the angle at which it is released, and the elasticity of the materials involved. A heavier pendulum will have more kinetic energy and therefore a greater impact during the collision. A larger angle of release will also result in a greater magnitude of collision. Additionally, the more elastic the materials, the more energy will be conserved during the collision.

4. Can an elastic collision in a pendulum be perfectly elastic?

Yes, an elastic collision in a pendulum can be perfectly elastic if there is no loss of energy during the collision. This would occur in a system with perfectly elastic materials and in a situation where there is no external friction or resistance to the motion of the pendulum. In this case, the pendulum would continue to oscillate with the same amplitude and frequency after the collision.

5. What real-life applications use elastic collisions in pendulums?

Elastic collisions in pendulums are commonly used in sports equipment, such as golf clubs and tennis rackets, where the collision between the ball and the racket must be highly efficient in order to achieve maximum distance or speed. They are also used in engineering and design, such as in shock absorbers on vehicles, to reduce impact and conserve energy. In addition, pendulums are used in scientific experiments to study the laws of motion and energy conservation.

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