Run Internal Combustion Engine on Liquid Oxygen

  • Thread starter iamapilot94
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    Air Engine
In summary: It also has a very low boiling point, so you run the risk of having your engine blow up on you. Your engine would run very hot, making it very difficult to work with. You would also have to be knowledgeable in the use of valves. Pure O2 can use as its source for combustion, the very piping it is contained in. One of the main forms of disaster is through compression ignition fires in pure O2 systems.In summary, an internal combustion engine could be run on liquid oxygen, but it would be very dangerous and difficult to implement.
  • #1
Hi, i just want to know if its possible to run an internal combustion engine on liquid oxygen instead of air
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  • #2
Seems to me, you'll expend a lot of energy getting the oxygen up to temperature or it will quash ignition.
  • #3
I believe there used to be some soviet submarines that did something similar to this. Unfortunately it seemed that during the cold war... soviet engineering + safety = what?
So many of them had catastrophic fires killing many submariners and the idea was scrapped.
  • #4
iamapilot94 said:
Hi, i just want to know if its possible to run an internal combustion engine on liquid oxygen instead of air

Sure. You could use the hot exhaust manifold to boil the LOX and preheat it. The nitrogen in the air does nothing useful except slightly cool and dilute the burning process, and you might need to fiddle with that a little. But, the idea would work OK - just makes things complicated and expensive.
  • #5
thanks for the reply
i was having a idea to fit it on a commercial submarine so it doesn't have to pop up every 30 seconds
  • #6
Well, the good old USSR thought of it too...there were some very big problems with it's implementation having LOX on a submarine it gave a readily available source of O2 for fires which was the main down side.
  • #7
I think simple compressed air, such as in a scuba tank, would be sufficient, not to mention less dangerous. Of cource, the volume would be prohibitive from a practical standpoint. Scuba tanks generally hold only about 80-100 cubic feet at roughly 2500-3500 psi.
  • #8
pantaz said:
I think simple compressed air, such as in a scuba tank, would be sufficient, not to mention less dangerous. Of cource, the volume would be prohibitive from a practical standpoint. Scuba tanks generally hold only about 80-100 cubic feet at roughly 2500-3500 psi.
Which is why it wouldn't be sufficient. Lose the nitrogen, and you increase your oxygen by a factor of 4.
  • #9
iamapilot94 said:
thanks for the reply
i was having a idea to fit it on a commercial submarine so it doesn't have to pop up every 30 seconds
The German Navy designed and built a fuel cell submarine about 8 years ago having liquid oxygen storage. Hydrogen is stored in metal hydride canisters. Here's a couple of references if you're interested.
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  • #10
iamapilot94 said:
thanks for the reply
i was having a idea to fit it on a commercial submarine so it doesn't have to pop up every 30 seconds

I suppose you might use a snorkel?
  • #11
iamapilot94 said:
Hi, i just want to know if its possible to run an internal combustion engine on liquid oxygen instead of air
Have you ever talked to anyone that has worked with pure O2? How about done any research? The HUGE thing about pure O2 is that, for your application, you would have to develop an engine that had a completely different form of lubrication. Pure O2 can not come into contact with any form of petroleum. Seals would also have to be changed. Anything that comes in contact with pure O2 in an industrial setting has to be specially cleaned and packaged. You would also have to be knowledgeable in the use of valves. Pure O2 can use as its source for combustion, the very piping it is contained in. One of the main forms of disaster is through compression ignition fires in pure O2 systems.

What you are proposing is not an easy task and is very dangerous.
  • #12
Pure O2 will increase your adiabatic flame temperature (probably to the melting point of many of your engine parts).

FAQ: Run Internal Combustion Engine on Liquid Oxygen

1. How does liquid oxygen differ from regular oxygen?

Liquid oxygen is oxygen that has been cooled to a temperature of -183 degrees Celsius, causing it to turn from a gas into a liquid state. This makes it much denser and more concentrated than regular oxygen found in the atmosphere.

2. Can any internal combustion engine run on liquid oxygen?

No, not all internal combustion engines are equipped to run on liquid oxygen. This type of fuel requires specialized components and modifications to the engine in order to function properly.

3. What are the benefits of using liquid oxygen as a fuel for internal combustion engines?

Liquid oxygen is a highly efficient and powerful fuel that can produce more energy than traditional fossil fuels. It also burns cleaner, producing fewer emissions and reducing air pollution.

4. Are there any safety concerns when using liquid oxygen as a fuel?

Yes, liquid oxygen is extremely flammable and can pose a serious safety risk if not handled properly. Special precautions must be taken when storing, handling, and using this fuel to ensure the safety of those involved.

5. Is it cost-effective to run an internal combustion engine on liquid oxygen?

It depends on various factors such as the availability of liquid oxygen, the cost of modifications to the engine, and the overall efficiency of the engine. In some cases, the cost savings from using a more efficient fuel may outweigh the initial investments.

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