How Can We Approximate the n-th Derivative Using the n-th Difference?

  • Thread starter Klaus_Hoffmann
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In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of evaluating the n-th difference to approximate the n-th derivative of a function at x=0. It is suggested that this can be done by using a generating function and calculating the n-th forward difference with a small step 'h'. However, it is noted that numerical differentiation by differences can be unstable.
  • #1
hi, my problem is to evaluate the n-th difference to be able to approximate the n-th derivative of a function f(x) at the point x=0

as for small 'h' then [tex] \frac{\Delta ^{n}}{h^{n} \sim \frac{d^{n}f(0)}{dx^{n}} [/tex]

i think that the n-th difference (with step h) has the representation:

[tex] \Delta ^{n} f(0) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{c-i\infty}^{c+i\infty}ds \frac{f(s)}{(s(s-h)(s-2h)(s-3h)...(s-nh)}x^{s} [/tex]

and that evaluating this we could obtain an (approximate) asymptotic expansion for n-->infinity.

the intention is given a generating function

[tex] f(x)= a(0)+a(1)x+a(2)x^{2}+..... [/tex]

then to calculate a(n) you need to know the n-th derivative, we can approximate this derivative by the n-th forward difference at x=0 with an small step 'h'
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  • #2
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and then use the formula above to evaluate it.

Thank you for sharing your approach to evaluating the n-th difference. It seems like you are using a complex integral to approximate the n-th derivative at x=0. This can be a useful technique, especially for functions with a known generating function. However, it may not always provide an accurate approximation, especially for functions that are not analytic or have singularities at x=0. It is important to carefully consider the choice of c in the integral and the step size h to ensure accurate results. Additionally, for functions with known derivatives, it may be more efficient to simply calculate the derivatives at x=0 directly rather than using this integral method. Overall, your approach is an interesting way to approximate the n-th derivative and could be useful in certain situations.

FAQ: How Can We Approximate the n-th Derivative Using the n-th Difference?

1. What is the purpose of evaluating the n-th difference?

The purpose of evaluating the n-th difference is to analyze the changes or fluctuations in a set of data over a certain number of periods. It is used to identify patterns, trends, or anomalies in the data.

2. How is the n-th difference calculated?

The n-th difference is calculated by taking the difference between each data point and the data point n periods prior. For example, if we are calculating the 2nd difference, we would subtract the 2nd data point from the 4th data point, the 3rd data point from the 5th data point, and so on.

3. What does a positive n-th difference indicate?

A positive n-th difference indicates an increasing trend in the data. This means that the data points are getting larger as the periods progress.

4. What does a negative n-th difference indicate?

A negative n-th difference indicates a decreasing trend in the data. This means that the data points are getting smaller as the periods progress.

5. How is the n-th difference used in time series analysis?

The n-th difference is used in time series analysis to transform non-stationary data into stationary data. Stationary data has constant mean, variance, and autocorrelation, which makes it easier to apply statistical models and make predictions.
