Evaporation and heat transfer coefficient

In summary, the difference in heat transfer coefficients between the two cases could be due to lateral heat diffusion and the ratio of exposed surface area to total surface area. This could explain why the heat transfer coefficient is twice as high in the second case even though the mass transfer coefficient remains the same.
  • #1

I have a problem with heat transfer coefficient estimation. Please help

Here is the problem: Two experimental scenarios are compared.

Case 1: I have a well defined rectangular area in a silicon wafer. Water is completely spread over it. The mass of water is known. Air is blown over the liquid to enhance the evaporation rate. At steady state, the wet bulb temperature is reached. My calculated heat transfer coefficient is very similar to the one computed using the heat and mass transfer analogy.

Case 2: Now, the area is halved.But the mass of liquid is same. Am still getting the same mass transfer coefficient, but my heat transfer coefficeint twice in this case. This is clearly against the Chilton-Colburn heat and mass transfer analogy.

Only if i take the complete area of wafer, i am able to validate the heat and mass transfer analogy.

One possible reason, i can think of in this case is the lateral heat diffusion along the perimeter of the wafer so that the complete wafer is at uniform temperature during steady state. Is that a right reason?

Please help me with this.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes, it is possible that lateral heat diffusion is affecting the heat transfer coefficient. This phenomenon is known as "thermal boundary layer" or "thermal creep". In this case, the heat transfer coefficient is affected by the ratio of the exposed surface area to the total surface area. If the exposed surface area is small compared to the total surface area, the heat flux is lower due to the thermal boundary layer effect.

FAQ: Evaporation and heat transfer coefficient

1. What is evaporation and how does it occur?

Evaporation is the process by which a liquid changes into a gas. It occurs when the molecules of a liquid gain enough energy to break free from the surface and become a gas. This energy usually comes from heat, but it can also occur at lower temperatures through a process called sublimation.

2. How is heat transfer coefficient related to evaporation?

The heat transfer coefficient is a measure of how easily heat can be transferred from one substance to another. In the case of evaporation, a higher heat transfer coefficient means that heat is being transferred more efficiently from the surrounding air to the liquid, which can lead to faster evaporation.

3. What factors affect the evaporation rate?

The evaporation rate is affected by several factors, including temperature, humidity, surface area, and air flow. Higher temperatures and lower humidity levels can lead to faster evaporation, while a larger surface area and increased air flow can also increase the rate of evaporation.

4. How is the heat transfer coefficient measured?

The heat transfer coefficient is typically measured experimentally using various techniques, such as a heat flux sensor or a heat transfer coefficient probe. These methods involve measuring the temperature difference between two points and the heat flux, or the rate of heat transfer, between them.

5. Can the heat transfer coefficient be changed?

Yes, the heat transfer coefficient can be changed by altering the conditions that affect it, such as temperature, humidity, and air flow. Additionally, the type of surface or material can also affect the heat transfer coefficient. For example, a rough surface may have a higher heat transfer coefficient than a smooth one.

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