Excitation and Absorption spectra

In summary, when working with luminescence spectra, it is important to first acquire an absorption spectrum and then determine the excitation wavelengths based on the absorption peaks. Luminescence spectra can provide valuable information about the compounds present in a sample and their energy level transitions, and there are many reference books available for further guidance on performing characterizations.
  • #1

am working with luminescence spectra, including excitation and emission spectra. When you makes an initial characterization of a sample should be done first?
an absorption spectrum?
At what wavelength excitation should be performed to see the desired effect?
Particularly when working with doped samples. for example in my case I work with Eu3 +. This emission is 580, 592, 614, 653, 702 nm, which should be the excitation wavelength longuitud?
Is there a reference book on how to perform the characterizations?
What other information can be obtained from this type of spectra?
Thanks for any info you can give me
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
.When characterizing a sample, the best way to begin is usually to acquire an absorption spectrum. This will allow you to identify the different compounds present in the sample and their relative concentrations. Once this is done, you can then determine the emission spectra of the sample by performing excitation at the wavelengths corresponding to the absorption peaks. For your particular case with Eu3+, the excitation should be performed at the wavelengths corresponding to the emission peaks which are 580, 592, 614, 653, and 702 nm. Information that can be obtained from luminescence spectra includes the identity of the compounds present in the sample, their relative concentrations, and the energy level transitions (from excited to ground states) that occur when the sample is exposed to light. Additionally, luminescence spectra can also be used to determine the quantum yields of the sample and to quantify the amount of light energy absorbed and emitted by the sample. For more information on luminescence spectroscopy, there are many excellent reference books available, such as "Luminescence Spectroscopy" by Robert J. Huggins and "Handbook of Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging: From Ensemble to Single Molecules" edited by Joseph R. Lakowicz.

FAQ: Excitation and Absorption spectra

1. What is the difference between excitation and absorption spectra?

Excitation and absorption spectra are both measures of how atoms and molecules respond to electromagnetic radiation. However, the excitation spectrum shows the energy levels that the atoms or molecules can absorb, while the absorption spectrum shows the wavelengths of light that are absorbed by the atoms or molecules.

2. How are excitation and absorption spectra measured?

Excitation and absorption spectra are typically measured using a spectrometer, which is a device that separates light into different wavelengths. The sample is exposed to a range of wavelengths and the amount of light absorbed or emitted is measured, resulting in a graph of the excitation or absorption spectrum.

3. What factors affect the excitation and absorption spectra of a substance?

The excitation and absorption spectra of a substance can be affected by a variety of factors, including the chemical composition, temperature, and the presence of other substances. Additionally, the intensity and duration of the light source can also impact the spectra.

4. How can excitation and absorption spectra be used in research?

Excitation and absorption spectra are commonly used in research to identify and characterize unknown substances. By comparing the spectra of a sample to known spectra, scientists can determine the chemical composition and properties of the substance.

5. Can excitation and absorption spectra be used in practical applications?

Yes, excitation and absorption spectra have a wide range of practical applications. They are used in fields such as spectroscopy, materials science, and medicine to analyze and identify substances, monitor chemical reactions, and develop new materials and technologies.

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