Expectation Value of Momentum Squared

In summary, the conversation focused on solving a problem involving a particle of mass m in a specific state. The participants discussed finding the values of A and potential energy function V(x) for which the state satisfies the Schrodinger equation. They also calculated the expectation values of x, x^2, p, and p^2, and discussed the uncertainty principle. A trick was suggested to help with finding the value of <p^2>. The final values were <x> = 0, <x^2> = 1/4 hbar/(am), and <p> = 0. The product of the standard deviations was hbar/2, consistent with the uncertainty principle.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle of mass m is in the state

Psi(x,t) = Ae^(-a[(mx^2)+it])

where A and a are positive real constants.

a) Find A

b) For what potential energy function V(x) does Psi satisfy the Shrodinger equation?

c) Calculate the expectation values of x, x^2, p, and p^2

d) Find sigma_x and sigma_p. Is their product consistent with the uncertainty principle?

Homework Equations

Intetgral of p(x)dx = 1 (from negative infinity to infinity)
Shrodinger equation
<x> = Integral of Psi* (x) Psi dx
<p> = Integral of Psi* (hbar/i partial derivative with respect to position) Psi dx
sigma_x times sigma_p > or = hbar/2

The Attempt at a Solution

I managed to get solutions for parts a and b, and most of part c. Using the equations listed above, I got 0 for <x> and <p> and 1/4 hbar/(am). The problem I had was figuring out how to solve <p^2>. I tried squaring hbar/i and the partial derivative term but that lead to some problems.

The partial derivative is A^2 (-2amx/hbar) e^(-amx^2/hbar - iat).

When I squared only the (-2amx/hbar) part, I managed to get a solution of hbar*am, and when I solved for the standard deviations and put them into the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle I got exactly hbar/2. However, a friend of mine informed me that e^(-amx^x/hbar - iat) is also part of the derivative, and when I tried squaring that as well I ran into problems with simplification.

Is hbar*am the correct answer? And if so, why don't I have to square e^(-amx^2/hbar - iat)? Or if I'm completely wrong, what am I supposed to do to calculate <p^2>?

Thanks for your help!

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  • #2
Your friend is correct, and you could just grind it out.

Here's a trick that might help you. The time-independent Schrodinger equation is

[tex]\frac{p^2}{2m}\psi(x)+V(x)\psi(x) = E\psi(x)[/tex]

Since you already found V(x) earlier, you can solve for [itex]p^2\psi(x)[/itex] without having to differentiate twice, and use the result when evaluating the integral.
  • #3
vela said:
Your friend is correct, and you could just grind it out.

Here's a trick that might help you. The time-independent Schrodinger equation is

[tex]\frac{p^2}{2m}\psi(x)+V(x)\psi(x) = E\psi(x)[/tex]

Since you already found V(x) earlier, you can solve for [itex]p^2\psi(x)[/itex] without having to differentiate twice, and use the result when evaluating the integral.


Could you please show me how did the OP get [tex]<p>= 1/4 \hbar/(am)[/tex]? I'm a little bit new to this stuff.

  • #4
Altabeh said:
Could you please show me how did the OP get [tex]<p>= 1/4 \hbar/(am)[/tex]? I'm a little bit new to this stuff.
I think the OP made a typo and meant that result was [itex]\langle x^2\rangle[/itex] and that both [itex]\langle x\rangle[/itex] and [itex]\langle p\rangle[/itex] were 0.
  • #5

I'm really new to this whole thing, would you be able to explain how you got those answers, I'm getting confussed when i try it myself

FAQ: Expectation Value of Momentum Squared

What is the expectation value of momentum squared?

The expectation value of momentum squared is a measure of the average value of the squared momentum of a particle in a given quantum state. It is calculated by taking the inner product of the momentum operator and the wavefunction of the particle, and then integrating over all possible values of momentum.

Why is the expectation value of momentum squared important?

The expectation value of momentum squared is important because it is used to calculate the uncertainty in momentum, which is a fundamental quantum mechanical concept. It also helps to determine the average kinetic energy of a particle, which is crucial in understanding the behavior of systems at the atomic and subatomic level.

How is the expectation value of momentum squared related to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

The expectation value of momentum squared is directly related to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, as it is one of the quantities used to calculate the uncertainty in momentum. According to the uncertainty principle, it is impossible to know both the precise position and momentum of a particle at the same time, and the expectation value of momentum squared is a measure of this uncertainty in momentum.

Can the expectation value of momentum squared be negative?

Yes, the expectation value of momentum squared can be negative. This is because the momentum operator itself can have negative eigenvalues, and the expectation value is a weighted average of these eigenvalues. However, in most cases, the expectation value of momentum squared will be positive, as particles tend to have positive momentum.

How is the expectation value of momentum squared used in real-world applications?

The expectation value of momentum squared has many real-world applications, particularly in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. It is used to calculate the energy levels and energy states of quantum systems, and it is also used in the analysis of particle collisions and interactions. Additionally, it is used in the development of new technologies, such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography.
