Experimental support of string theory?

In summary, the paper discusses models where the Standard Model fields are realized on a collection of D-branes. It is easy to imagine an extra Higgs mechanism that breaks U(3)\rightarrow U(1)_3 \times SU(3). If this is true, it would be a major discovery.
  • #1
Science Advisor
I'd like to hear what people have to say about the following paper, which is way beyond my level knowledge, but could be exciting(?):

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
PAllen said:
I'd like to hear what people have to say about the following paper, which is way beyond my level knowledge, but could be exciting(?):


Thats actually quite simple to explain. There are some string models where the string scale is very low, like near the weak scale, so that the level spacing of the string resonances is small. Naturally one can see these resonances if their mass is small enough, that's the essence.

However, there is absolutley no reason why the string scale should be so low, it is only a remote possibility. So only if we were _extremely_ lucky, one could directly test strings in this manner.
  • #3
The idea here is that there are classes of string models in which the Standard Model fields are entirely realized on a collection of a few D-branes. While the standard model gauge group is [tex]SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1)[/tex], D-branes have [tex]U(N)[/tex] gauge groups on them (if we include orientifolds, we can also realize [tex]SO(N)[/tex] and [tex]Sp(2N)[/tex] gauge groups). Therefore the [tex]SU(3)[/tex] color will actually come from a [tex]U(3)[/tex] group in a model which uses a minimal number of branes. It is easy to imagine an extra Higgs mechanism that breaks [tex]U(3)\rightarrow U(1)_3 \times SU(3)[/tex].

In order to figure out the spectrum of abelian gauge bosons, we should list all of the [tex]U(1)[/tex] groups that we have. These are

[tex] U(1)_3 \times U(1)_2 \times U(1)_1 \subset U(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1)_1[/tex]

where [tex]U(1)_2 \subset SU(2)[/tex] is the diagonal subgroup. Let's denote the gauge boson of the [tex]U(1)_i[/tex] group by [tex]B^{(i)}_\mu[/tex]. In the normal electroweak symmetry breaking, the photon is a linear combination

[tex] A_\mu = \sin\theta_W B^{(2)}_\mu + \cos\theta_W B^{(1)}_\mu,[/tex]

while the Z is the orthogonal combination

[tex] Z_\mu = \cos\theta_W B^{(2)}_\mu - \sin\theta_W B^{(1)}_\mu.[/tex]

Because of the new [tex]U(1)_3[/tex], in the brane models we now have 4 gauge bosons consisting of linear combinations

[tex] \tilde{Z}_\mu = \sin\vartheta_Z B^{(3)}_\mu + \cos\vartheta_Z Z_\mu[/tex]

[tex] \tilde{Z'}_\mu = \cos\vartheta_Z B^{(3)}_\mu - \sin\vartheta_Z Z_\mu [/tex]

[tex]\tilde{A}_\mu = \sin\vartheta_A B^{(3)}_\mu + \cos\vartheta_A A_\mu,[/tex]

[tex]\tilde{Z''}_\mu = \cos\vartheta_A B^{(3)}_\mu - \sin\vartheta_A A_\mu [/tex]

Up to labeling conventions, we get a massive gauge boson which we can identify with the physical Z, another massive gauge boson which is a Z', a massless gauge boson which we identify as the physical photon, and a 3rd massive gauge boson which we call Z''.

By exploring the parameter space, one of the bosons that I've labeled Z' or Z'' is being compared with the possible new observed particle.

I think it's interesting, and very much in the spirit of theoretical particle physics to explore all explanations of new physics, however remote. I also agree with surprised that low scale string models are only one small part of possible string vacua and therefore unlikely to be physical. But it would be extremely interesting to find evidence for them, since that would mean that other string physics might be within reach of the LHC.

FAQ: Experimental support of string theory?

1. What is string theory and why is it important?

String theory is a theoretical framework that aims to unify all of physics by describing the fundamental building blocks of the universe as tiny strings rather than point-like particles. It is important because it has the potential to explain and reconcile the discrepancies between general relativity and quantum mechanics, two of the most successful but incompatible theories in physics.

2. How is string theory supported by experiments?

Currently, there is no experimental evidence to directly support string theory. However, there have been indirect observations that are consistent with the predictions of string theory, such as the discovery of the Higgs boson and the existence of supersymmetric particles.

3. What are the challenges in conducting experiments to support string theory?

One major challenge is the extremely high energy scales required to test the predictions of string theory. These energy levels are currently beyond the capabilities of our most powerful particle accelerators. Additionally, string theory makes predictions that are difficult to distinguish from other theories, making it hard to design specific experiments to test it.

4. Are there any ongoing experiments to support string theory?

Yes, there are ongoing experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and other high-energy particle accelerators that are looking for evidence of supersymmetric particles, which would provide indirect support for string theory. There are also experiments in cosmology and astrophysics that are investigating the implications of string theory for the early universe and black holes.

5. What are the potential consequences if string theory is proven to be correct?

If string theory is proven to be correct, it would revolutionize our understanding of the universe and potentially lead to new technologies and innovations. It could also provide a more complete and unified understanding of the laws of nature, and potentially solve some of the biggest mysteries in physics such as the origin of dark matter and the nature of space and time.

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