Exploring Electrostatics with Gauss Theorem

In summary, the conversation discusses the placement of a charge and the resulting electrical field in different scenarios. The first scenario involves an infinite plate made of dielectric material in the x-y plane with a small width along the z-axis. The second scenario involves a point charge placed outside the plate. The third scenario involves a conductive plate and the distribution of charges on it. Simplifications and approximations can be made to answer the question about the electrical field.
  • #1
Having come experimentally to an interesting electrostatic effect, I have returned, aged 47, to my old books in physics. It turns out that my books delight in using Gauss theorem etc. in rather ideal geometrical surface charge distribution, but never gave me the tools to answer to this simple question.

Let x,y,z be a system of axes.
In the x,y plane, there is an infinite plate of some width w assumed to be small for the sake of simplicity, made of some dielectric material.
A charge q is placed at (x,y,z) = (1, 0, 0). What is the electrical field for x < 0, and in particular along the x axis.
Same question if the plate is made of some conductive material.
Make any assumption, simplification or approximation you want about all the unspecified parameters like the dielectric constant etc., a partial answer being better than no answer at all. thx.
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  • #2
The charge is placed inside the dielectric slab (in the case of conductive plate, inside the conductive plate)? Or perhaps you mean the charge is placed at (x,y,z)=(0,0,1).

The dielectric slab (or the conductive plate) is the whole x-y plane with some small width ##dw<<1## along the z-axis?

In the case we have a point charge q located at (1,0,0) and the dielectric slab is the whole x-y plane then the electric field along the x-axis that is at a point ##(x,0,0)## will be

and with direction along the x-axis. (##\epsilon## is the permittivity of the dielectric)

Generally for a point ##(x,y,z)## inside the dielectric the electric field will be

while for a point ##(x,y,z)## outside the dielectric (assuming there is vacuum outside) it will be

In the case we have conductive plate and we put a charge q on it, then the charge will distribute evenly along the whole infinite x-y plane and it is a well know result that the electric field at any point ##(x,y,z)## will be constant and equal to:

$$\vec{E}=\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_0}\hat{z}$$ but because the charge is finite and the plane is infinite it will be ##\sigma\approx 0## so ##\vec{E}\approx \vec{0}##
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  • #3
Oh my god ! There is a mistake in my question. I meant the dielectric is the whole y-z plane, with some width dw << 1 along the x-axis, and the charge is placed outside the plate at (x,y,z) = (1,0,0) (as I wrote), that is, I'm interested in knowing the field after it has "crossed" the plate.

Note: In the case of a metallic plate, I know that the field cannot cross the plate, nevertheless, it will induce surface charges in the x < 0 side of the plate, and hence an electrical field in the x < 0 side.
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FAQ: Exploring Electrostatics with Gauss Theorem

1. What is Gauss Theorem?

Gauss Theorem, also known as Gauss's Law, is a fundamental law in electrostatics that relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the charge enclosed within that surface. It is named after the German mathematician and physicist, Carl Friedrich Gauss.

2. How is Gauss Theorem used in exploring electrostatics?

Gauss Theorem is used to calculate the electric field at a point due to a distribution of charges. It is particularly useful in situations where the charge distribution has a high degree of symmetry, such as a point charge or a charged sphere. By using Gauss Theorem, we can simplify the calculation of the electric field and make it more manageable.

3. What are the key concepts in understanding Gauss Theorem?

The key concepts in understanding Gauss Theorem include electric flux, closed surfaces, and charge enclosed. Electric flux is a measure of the flow of electric field through a given area. Closed surfaces are imaginary surfaces that enclose a volume, and charge enclosed refers to the total charge within that volume.

4. What are some real-world applications of Gauss Theorem?

Gauss Theorem has many real-world applications, including calculating the electric field of a charged conductor, designing capacitors, and analyzing the behavior of electrical charges in a dielectric material. It is also used in the study of electrostatics in various fields such as engineering, physics, and chemistry.

5. Are there any limitations to using Gauss Theorem in exploring electrostatics?

Yes, there are some limitations to using Gauss Theorem. It can only be applied to situations with a high degree of symmetry, and it is not suitable for non-uniform charge distributions. Additionally, Gauss Theorem does not take into account the effects of magnetic fields, so it cannot be used in situations where both electric and magnetic fields are present.

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