Exploring Issues in Quantum Theory: Advantages and Disadvantages

In summary, the main drawback of the quantum theory is that it is a background dependent theory, meaning that spacetime is where physics happens but nothing happens to spacetime in the process. This is in contrast to general relativity where matter curves spacetime and they interact. Additionally, quantum theory produces nonsensical answers when used to describe a singularity, making it necessary for a theory of everything to incorporate elements of both quantum theory and general relativity.
  • #1
I was just wondering what is wrong the quantum theory? What are its drawbacks?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The only drawback that I know of is that it is a background dependent theory - spacetime is where physics happens, but nothing happens to spacetime in the process - spacetime is above and behind the physics. In contrast in GR, matter curves spacetime and spacetime makes matter go in curved paths, so they interact, and there is nothing above and behind the physics.

The job of making the quantum theories rigorous is still a work in progress, but I don't consider that a flaw. Newton's physics and Maxwell's EM had foundational problems too.
  • #3
Originally posted by Inquiring_Mike
I was just wondering what is wrong the quantum theory? What are its drawbacks?

The most commonly recognized shortcoming of quantum theory is that, much like GR, it produces nonsensical answers when used to describe a singularity. Under normal circumstances, across the very small distances generally involved in QT, the curvature of space-time is negligible, so it is ignored. In areas of extreme gravitation, where the curvature of space-time cannot be ignored, all attempts to use the equations that model GR with those of QT have produced answers that cannot be true. Location probabilities of 100%, infinite mass densities, etc.

This is why you will frequently hear people say that the TOE will have to incorporate elements of both GR and QT. Each is well supported by evidence that shows it to be excellent at predicting and describing the real universe. So long as we don't try to use both at once.

FAQ: Exploring Issues in Quantum Theory: Advantages and Disadvantages

What is quantum theory?

Quantum theory is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of particles at the smallest scales, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It explains how these particles interact with each other and how they can exist in multiple states at the same time.

What are the advantages of quantum theory?

Quantum theory has several advantages, such as explaining the behavior of particles at a microscopic level, providing a better understanding of the fundamental laws of nature, and enabling the development of technologies like lasers and transistors.

What are the disadvantages of quantum theory?

One major disadvantage of quantum theory is that it is highly complex and difficult to understand. It also has limitations in predicting the behavior of larger objects, making it challenging to apply in everyday life. Additionally, the cost and resources required for experiments in quantum theory can be a disadvantage.

How is quantum theory being used in technology?

Quantum theory has numerous applications in technology, including quantum computing, cryptography, and communication. It also plays a crucial role in developing advanced medical imaging techniques and improving GPS technology.

What are some current issues or controversies surrounding quantum theory?

One current issue is the interpretation of quantum theory, with different schools of thought proposing different explanations for the behavior of particles. Another controversy is the potential impact of quantum computers on encryption and data security, as they could potentially break conventional encryption methods. Additionally, some ethical concerns have been raised regarding the use of quantum technology for military purposes.
