Exploring the Relationship Between Dark Matter and Black Holes in Cosmology

In summary, dark matter can form into black holes and regular black holes can attract and trap dark matter through gravitational interactions. However, most dark matter is found in the halo of galaxies, while black holes are usually located in the center. It is possible to capture evidence of dark matter falling into a black hole, but its contribution to the mass of black holes is minimal. The distribution of momentums for dark matter is unclear, but it is not affected by thermodynamics. The behavior of black holes is similar to that of vortexes, and the generation of spiral waves could provide a natural explanation for the accelerated expansion of the universe. According to recent observations, dark matter is generally not absorbed by black holes, leading to the question of why it is
  • #1
Hello fellow Cosmology fans and professionals!

Does Dark Matter form into Black Holes, and do regular Black Holes attract and trap Dark Matter? Thanks!
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
Dark matter interacts gravitationally the same as normal matter, so the answer would be, in principle, yes, although in practice, most dark matter is in the halo of galaxies, not the centre, and most of the black holes would be in the centre of galaxies.
  • #3
Great! Thanks for the answer nicksauce.

[That also means that the dark matter will never escape, right? don't want to get ahead of myself]

I could only assume so, but i couldn't help thinking that means there might be an opportunity to capture evidence of, or to actually "see" dark matter falling into a black hole, if it were clumped enough. Perhaps the gravity waves or even unexpected radiation. Right?

Now if the answer is, 'dark matter has no reason to clump', so no, then it has to be real matter that is shaping the dark matter, and not the other way around. right? If not then why is dark matter even slightly clumped at all?

Incidentally - if Dark Matter particles can pass through one another then i don't suppose dark matter has any even temperate that would follow Thermodynamics. Every particle would maintain the momentum it started with. Right? [This is not taking real matter in the universe that does influence momentum of Dark Matter into account, of coarse. Right?]
Either way the average of momentums must be really high [hot] or they would settle into clumps i guess.If so then what is the distribution of momentums, all the same momentum, or a random or patterned range? normal matter would eventually randomize the momentums around an average. Right?
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  • #4
Observing liquid vortex we found it generating and spreading outgoing double spiral waves. he double spiral wave generation was induced by the asymmetric funnel bottom most of the time shaped as a 8-like dipole. This spinning 8-like profile carved the funnel bottom generating outgoing double spiral wave propagating away from the vortex funnel. If black holes are vortexes following the same behavior than there going to be a similar phenomenon of spiral wave generation, in this case gravitational waves, propagating away from the Black Hole along the space time fabric. Spiral waves transfer momentum to the mass objects on their way, which could be also interpreted as a repulsion force. If the wave amplitude dissipates faster than static gravitation, the distant masses will face dynamic gravitational repulsion rather than static gravitational attraction.
Observing the water vortex we found the cause for asymmetric funnel shaping to appear as an intrinsic property of a vortex in general. If the spiral wave generation takes place for the Black Holes vortexes, than it could provide a natural explanation for the accelerated Universe expansion: static gravitational attraction at short range is over-dominated with dynamic repulsion at long range. YG
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  • #5
Hi, I've observed a misprint in my posting. The idea supposed to be formulated as following: "If the wave amplitude dissipates SLOWER (YG- my correction) than static gravitation, the distant masses will face dynamic gravitational repulsion rather than static gravitational attraction.".
  • #6
Dark matter is generally not absorbed by black holes, so its contribution to the mass of dark holes is negligible. See http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/question.php?number=358 for discussion.
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Related to Exploring the Relationship Between Dark Matter and Black Holes in Cosmology

1. What is dark matter and how does it relate to black holes?

Dark matter is a theoretical type of matter that cannot be directly observed or detected by conventional means. It is believed to make up a large portion of the universe's mass, and its existence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter. Black holes, on the other hand, are objects with such strong gravitational pull that not even light can escape from them. Dark matter is thought to play a role in the formation and behavior of black holes.

2. How do black holes form and how are they different from dark matter?

Black holes are formed when a massive star dies and its core collapses under its own gravity. The intense gravitational pull of a black hole is caused by the concentration of mass in a small space. Dark matter, on the other hand, is a type of matter that does not interact with normal matter and is believed to be present in large quantities throughout the universe. It is thought to be responsible for the structure and behavior of the universe on a larger scale.

3. Can dark matter form black holes?

There is currently no evidence to suggest that dark matter can form black holes. Black holes are formed from ordinary matter, while dark matter is an entirely different type of matter that does not interact with ordinary matter in the same way. However, it is possible that dark matter could contribute to the growth of black holes by providing additional mass.

4. Do black holes emit dark matter?

No, black holes do not emit dark matter. Dark matter is a type of matter that does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, so it cannot be emitted by black holes. However, it is possible that black holes could capture and contain dark matter particles within their event horizons.

5. What is the impact of dark matter on black holes?

The impact of dark matter on black holes is still not fully understood. Some theories propose that dark matter could affect the formation and behavior of black holes, while others suggest that black holes could influence the distribution of dark matter in the universe. Further research and observations are needed to fully understand the relationship between dark matter and black holes.

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