Factoring/Proving an inequality

  • Thread starter Matthollyw00d
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I'm not the most familiar with the uses of eigenvectors and have definitely not seen a connection to them at the moment. If there is a way to use them in the problem, please enlighten me.You can use them to diagonalize the matrix, which makes things easier. In particular, you can break the matrix up as a product of two matrices, one of which is diagonal and the other of which is a rotation matrix. Then you can use properties of determinants and eigenvalues to bound the values of the quadratic form. They're not necessary though, of course.
  • #1

Homework Statement

ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 such that x,y are variables and a,b,c are scalars.
Show that ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 ≥ 0 and =0 iff x,y=0 and iff b^2 - ac < 0 and a > 0

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

This is actually a differential geometry problem, but I have it worked out all the way to this point. I'm proving the 4th axiom of inner products for this particular inner product and I just cannot find a factorization to help prove this inequality. If any of this doesn't make sense, just say so and I may be able to clarify.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I see the b² - ac < 0 inequality. It is an possibility that use of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discriminant" is relevant for the inequality.
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  • #3
Am I parsing the logical conditions wrong, or is that incorrect?

If x,y=0 then a,b,c can be anything, right?
  • #4
Hint: Find the discriminant D of:

  • #5
PhaseShifter said:
Am I parsing the logical conditions wrong, or is that incorrect?

If x,y=0 then a,b,c can be anything, right?

I agree with PhaseShifter. I believe the problem has been stated incorrectly. If x = 0 and y = 0, then ax2 + bxy + cy2 = 0 for all values of a, b, and c.
  • #6
Mark44 said:
I agree with PhaseShifter. I believe the problem has been stated incorrectly. If x = 0 and y = 0, then ax2 + bxy + cy2 = 0 for all values of a, b, and c.

I think he meant:
[itex]ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 = 0[/itex] if x,y=0 and [itex]ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 > 0 [/itex] if [itex]b^2 - ac > 0[/itex] and a > 0
  • #7
njama said:
I think he meant:
[itex]ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 = 0[/itex] if x,y=0 and [itex]ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 > 0 [/itex] if [itex]b^2 - ac > 0[/itex] and a > 0
That's not what the OP wrote, and it doesn't make much sense. Again, if x and y are zero, then ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 is identically zero for all values of a, b, and c.
  • #8
Mark44 said:
Again, if x and y are zero, then ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 is identically zero for all values of a, b, and c.

That's where I'm getting hung up. "if and only if x,y=0, and if and only if b^2 - ac < 0 and a > 0"

I think one of those ANDs should be an OR, or the IFFs should only be IF. (because it's easy to think of examples that work even when some of the "only if" parts aren't true)

here are the conditions I'm coming up with where the inequality holds:

if x,y=0
or x=0 and c>=0
or y=0 and a>=0
or b^2-ac<=0 and a>=0
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  • #9

If we can factor the equation because of [itex]\sqrt{D}[/itex], [itex]b^2-ac[/itex] must be positive, in other case it would be complex number.

[tex]x_{1,2}=\frac{-2by \pm \sqrt{D}}{2a}[/tex]

I guess this task is a total mess. :smile:
  • #10
njama;2339698 I guess this task is a total mess. :smile:[/QUOTE said:
Right. Maybe the OP will come back and clear things up.
  • #11
Oh wow, that turned out poorly. My apologies to all.

Let me first start with the original question as worded in my text.

Show that the function
<x,y>= (1x2)matrix[x1 x2](2x2)matrix:{a11=a, a12=a21=b, a22=c](2x1)matrix[y1 y2] is an inner product on R2 if and only if b2-ac < 0 and a > 0.

Sorry about the poor matrix set up, have yet to take the time to read how to do that.
This function obviously passes the <x,y>=<y,x>, <x,y+z>=<x,y>+<x,z>, and <cx,y>=c<x,y>.
The last one is proving <x,x> > 0 if x≠0.

Clearly <x,x> = ax12 + 2bx1x2 + cx22. My approach was to somehow factor this into only having squares and somehow relying on the "b2-ac < 0 and a > 0". I however got stumped and so my poorly original question came about.

Hope this helps clarify.
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  • #12
Other than the fact that there seem to be exceptions when a=0 or c=0, you seem to have it. The trinomial can be factored into a product of two binomials, and you can then decide on a case by case basis...each of the factors is either positive, negative, or zero, giving nine cases, and the product is greater than zero only when both factors are negative or both are positive.

The problem is when either [tex](x_{1}=0,x_{2}\neq0)[/tex] or [tex](x_{1}\neq0,x_{2}=0)[/tex], because then the resulting product can be equal to zero depending on the values of a and c.

Apparently you also need the constraint that a,c≠0.
  • #13
PhaseShifter said:
Other than the fact that there seem to be exceptions when a=0 or c=0, you seem to have it. The trinomial can be factored into a product of two binomials, and you can then decide on a case by case basis...each of the factors is either positive, negative, or zero, giving nine cases, and the product is greater than zero only when both factors are negative or both are positive.

The problem is when either [tex](x_{1}=0,x_{2}\neq0)[/tex] or [tex](x_{1}\neq0,x_{2}=0)[/tex], because then the resulting product can be equal to zero depending on the values of a and c.

Apparently you also need the constraint that a,c≠0.

From b2-ac < 0 and a > 0 You can gather that a,c ≠0 because
b2-ac < 0 -> 0 ≤ b2 < ac -> 0 < ac, but a >0, so c > 0.

And also, I don't believe that this proof should require 9 cases, that seems a bit more lengthy than we would normally be asked to do.
  • #14
I'm really just looking for the factorization of that expression into squares to just show that is ≥ 0. I just could not see a suitable factorization with the given constraints to make it work.
  • #15
You mean solving for the eigenvectors of the matrix and using them as a basis?
  • #16
I'm not the most familiar with the uses of eigenvectors and have definitely not seen a connection to them at the moment. If there is a way to use them in the problem, please enlighten me.
  • #17
Actually what I was thinking about the eigenvectors wouldn't work unless the eigenvectors were orthogonal.
  • #18
njama said:

If we can factor the equation because of [itex]\sqrt{D}[/itex], [itex]b^2-ac[/itex] must be positive, in other case it would be complex number.

[tex]x_{1,2}=\frac{-2by \pm \sqrt{D}}{2a}[/tex]

I guess this task is a total mess. :smile:

I just now saw this post, my apologies. I originally tried this, but the text does in fact say b2-ac<0. Which made this useless to me. It is possible it is a typo in text. Anyone know of a good source to find out corrections to typos in texts?
  • #19
Have you tried checking the publisher's website for errata?
  • #20
Well, the book is correct. I found out that the preferred method of proof uses eigenvalues/eigenmatrix. As of now, I have not found out how to utilize this, but I haven't really had a chance to think more about it.
  • #21
So I was correct in thinking that it could be factored to prove that it is greater than 0.

ax2 + 2bxy + cy2

b2-ac<0 and a>0 -> c>0
and hence, -(ac)1/2<b<(ac)1/2

ax2 - 2(ac)1/2xy + cy2 < ax2 + 2bxy + cy2 < ax2 + 2(ac)1/2xy + cy2

Hence, 0 ≤ (a1/2x - c1/2y)2 < ax2 + 2bxy + cy2 < (a1/2x + c1/2y)2

Hence, ax2 + 2bxy + cy2 > 0 for all x,y≠0 and
ax2 + 2bxy + cy2 = 0 only if x,y=0
  • #22
Matthollyw00d said:
ax2 + 2bxy + cy2 = 0 only if x,y=0

I have to take issue with the "only if" part.

It's still not accounting for the cases (x=0, c=0) , (y=0,a=0) or where the discriminant is equal to zero and x=y.

In all three cases ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 = 0 without meeting the requirement x,y=0.

x,y=0 is therefore sufficient but not necessary for the expression to equal zero.
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  • #23
PhaseShifter said:
I have to take issue with the "only if" part.

It's still not accounting for the cases (x=0, c=0) , (y=0,a=0) or where the discriminant is equal to zero and x=y.

In all three cases ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 = 0 without meeting the requirement x,y=0.

x,y=0 is therefore sufficient but not necessary for the expression to equal zero.

But there is the restriction of a>0 and c>0.

And if x=y and a=c to make the first expression equal to 0, then the fact that it is strictly less than the expression I'm dealing with gives me the desired solution.

FAQ: Factoring/Proving an inequality

1. What is factoring an inequality?

Factoring an inequality is the process of breaking down an inequality into smaller parts to make it easier to solve. This can involve finding common factors, using the distributive property, or using other algebraic techniques.

2. How do you know when to use factoring to solve an inequality?

Factoring is often used to solve inequalities when the inequality involves multiple terms or when the leading coefficient is not 1. It can also be helpful when the inequality involves variables raised to different powers.

3. What is the difference between solving an inequality and proving an inequality?

Solving an inequality means finding the values of the variable that make the inequality true. Proving an inequality, on the other hand, involves showing that the inequality is true for all possible values of the variable.

4. How do you prove an inequality?

To prove an inequality, you must use mathematical reasoning and logic to show that the inequality is always true. This can involve manipulating the inequality, using mathematical properties and theorems, or providing a counterexample to disprove a claim.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when factoring or proving an inequality?

Some common mistakes to avoid include forgetting to distribute a negative sign, incorrectly factoring a trinomial, and not considering all possible values of the variable when proving an inequality. It is also important to double check all steps and make sure they are algebraically correct.

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