What Little-Known Physics Phenomenon Fascinates You?

  • Thread starter Opus_723
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In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of lesser-known physics concepts that can be engaging and interesting for laypeople. Examples were shared, such as the Coriolis forces behind hurricane rotations and the attraction between bubbles in coffee. The discussion also touched on more exotic physics, such as the microscopic explanations for properties like reflectivity in metals, and the potential for using animal acoustics for practical applications. The conversation also mentioned the Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics and the International Bioacoustics Council as resources for studying animal sounds. The phenomenon of stridulation, where certain animals produce sounds by
  • #36
Lsos said:
I think I see. However, this only makes sense if the distance between the spacecraft are large enough...such as the 100 km you specified.

The situation is the same even if there is only 10 m to the station. However, when short distances are involved, like in the final phases of docking, it becomes increasingly more viable for the spaceship to make a faster approach using pulsed or continuous thrust instead of just two small maneuvers separated by around 45 minutes of coasting. The fuel expenditure will be greater though.

Lsos said:
Orbital mechanics is weird, because unituitively by decreasing your speed, you enter a new orbit which is actually FASTER than the old one. So, by accelerating away from the space station, the spacecraft ends up falling towards the Earth and actually GAINS speed in the process, in a new orbit which is overall smaller AND faster than that of the space station. Therefore, it will start to catch up to the space station...but it will also be going underneath it until it completes a full orbit.

That is correct.

Lsos said:
Is this the general idea? All those hours spent playing Kerbal Space Program were not for nothing :biggrin:!

One can hope that with a new generation growing up with KSP the old days where people believe Star Wars physics is correct will be gone (or at least put somewhat in doubt) :rolleyes:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Any day now someone is going to publish a long list of all the errors in the film Gravity :-)
  • #38
These are all great. I had never even heard of some of them before.

Another simple one that I think most people never notice is how you can see the difference between phase velocity and group velocity in water ripples. Throw a rock in a lake and you can see that the waves that you watch cross the lake are really made up of smaller ripples that travel from the back of the wave to the front at twice the speed of the overall wave.

It was neat because I read about it a few times before I really had the chance to try it out and almost didn't believe it until I could see it for myself. It's a cool connection between sort of abstract math to a nice bit of physics that you can see with your eyes.

As a side note, Frank Crawford's book on waves from the Berkeley Physics Series is just about my favorite introductory text on anything ever.
  • #39
No one has contributed for about a month so I thought I might kick things off. Take a book with a tight rubber band around it so that the pages and cover does not flop open(for example). A rigid rectangular block is better. The Block should have three unequal moments of inertia. (For a homogeneous block, you want length, not equal width, not equal thickness). Throw the block in the air gently at the same time rotating the block around the short axis. The book rotates predictably. Now do the same rotating about the longest axis. Again, the book rotates predictably. Finally repeat, rotating about the intermediate (not long, nor short) axis. This time, the block flops around in the air.

This is called the intermediate axis instability in rigid body force-free motion. This is treated in (e.g. Goldstein Classical Mechanics). This is so puzzling I have seen graduate students try this with Goldstein throwing it in the air when they got to this part.

Actually all three dimensional (space) rigid body motion (e.g, the general motion for the heavy symmetric top), as well as force free motion has puzzling aspects.