Where Is the Electric Field and Potential Zero for Two Point Charges on an Axis?

  • Thread starter Shackleford
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For 34, I believe they are looking for an actual value. The equation for potential at a point is V = k(Q/r), where Q is the charge at that point and r is the distance from the point to the charge. In this case, we have three charges at the corners of a square and we are trying to find the potential at the fourth corner. Since V = 0 at infinity, we can use the principle of superposition to add up the potential from each charge. So, we get V = k(Q1/r1 + Q2/r2 + Q3/r3) = k((3Q/L) + (Q/root 2 L) + (-2Q/L)) = (root 2 Q
  • #1
We haven't even had lecture over these chapters because of stupid Ike.

26) Two point charges, 3.4 micro C and -2.0 micro C, are placed .05 m apart on the x axis. At what points along the x-axis is (a) electric field zero and (b) the potential zero? Let V = 0 at r = infinity.

(a) It would be the same as (b).

E = k (Q1/r1^2) + k (Q2/r2^2)

(b) Va = Va2 + Va1 = k (Q2/r2a) + k (Q1/r1a)

= 0 = k ((-2 micro C/x) + ((3.4 micro C/(x + .05))

3.4 micro C x = 2 micro C x + .10 micro C

1.4 micro C x = .10 micro C

x = .071429 m

(34) Three point charges are arranged at the corners of a square of side L. What is the potential at the fourth corner (point A), taking V = 0 at a great distance?

+Q L -2Q


-3Q L A

V = k (Q/r)

Va = Va1 + Va2 + Va3 = k ((3Q/L) + (Q/root 2 L) - (2Q/L) = (root 2 Q)/L

(58) An alpha particle (Q = +2e, m = 6.647 x 10^-27) is emitted in a radioactive decay with kinetic energy 5.53 MeV. What is its speed?

v = 1.63 x 10^7 ms^-1

(74) Four point charges are located at the corners of a square that is .08 m on a side. The charges, going in rotation around the square, are Q, 2Q -3Q, and 2Q, where Q = 3.1 micro C. What is the total electric potential energy stored in the system, relative to U = 0 at infinite separation?

U = k ((-8Q^2)/L + (Q^2)/(root 2 L) = -7.88 J

Negative energy? :rolleyes:
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  • #2
For (26), (a) is not necessarily the same as (b) (although I haven't evaluated the answers); electric field is a vector and electric potential is a scalar (one takes into account direction). For (74) you simply sum up the potential energies of each charge in respect to another (without repetition of pairs)...if your answer is right and you are unsure of having negative energy, that simply means the system is bounded: if 2 charges attract each other, you'll notice that the electric potential energy at each point is negative (it becomes 0 as they separate to infinite separation); therefore, the 2 charges are bounded to each other. If 2 charges repel each other, their electric potential energy at each point is positive; the 2 charges are not bounded to each other.
  • #3
Gear300 said:
For (26), (a) is not necessarily the same as (b) (although I haven't evaluated the answers); electric field is a vector and electric potential is a scalar (one takes into account direction). For (74) you simply sum up the potential energies of each charge in respect to another (without repetition of pairs)...if your answer is right and you are unsure of having negative energy, that simply means the system is bounded: if 2 charges attract each other, you'll notice that the electric potential energy at each point is negative (it becomes 0 as they separate to infinite separation); therefore, the 2 charges are bounded to each other. If 2 charges repel each other, their electric potential energy at each point is positive; the 2 charges are not bounded to each other.

For 26.a, you're right, I overlooked the r^2 in the denominator.

For 74, I'm confident in my sum. There are six pairs for a four-charge system.

What about 34? Are they wanting an actual value or expression? I don't see how to get an actual value, but I'll take a look at the equations again.

FAQ: Where Is the Electric Field and Potential Zero for Two Point Charges on an Axis?

1. What causes electricity problems?

Electricity problems can be caused by a variety of factors, such as faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, damaged electrical appliances, power outages, and natural disasters.

2. How can I prevent electricity problems?

To prevent electricity problems, it is important to regularly inspect and maintain your electrical system, avoid overloading circuits, use surge protectors, and have a backup power source in case of emergencies.

3. What should I do if I encounter an electricity problem?

If you encounter an electricity problem, the first step is to ensure your safety by turning off the power source and avoiding any exposed wires. Then, you should contact a licensed electrician to assess and fix the issue.

4. Can electricity problems cause fires?

Yes, electricity problems can potentially cause fires if they are not addressed in a timely manner. Faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, and damaged electrical appliances can all increase the risk of a fire.

5. Are electricity problems a common issue?

Yes, electricity problems are a common issue that can occur in both residential and commercial buildings. However, with proper maintenance and precautions, they can be minimized or avoided altogether.
