Feynman Lectures: negative alpha for solving Schrödinger equation

In summary, the Feynman Lectures does not consider the possibility of negative alpha because it would result in a non-physical wave function that cannot be normalized to unity. While positive alpha is acceptable and leads to a good approximation for large values of rho, negative alpha cannot be approximated by the exponential term and therefore does not lead to a well-behaved wave function at infinity. Additionally, the introduction of equation 19.14 serves as a mathematical trick to help explain the quantization of the hydrogen spectrum.
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Dorsnt eq19.14 say that alpha is positive?
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
Dorsnt eq19.14 say that alpha is positive?
How ? I don't see it.
  • #4
Isn't that where alpha is introduced?
Physicists seldome define new variables explicitly the way mathematitians do, relying on context.
If alpha, in that equation, could take on negative values, then it does not nake sense to write ##-\alpha## in that equation does it?
But you can check to see if it makes sense: what role does alpha play in that equation? What properties does the equation need to have in order to work as intended? If alpha were negative, would the equation have the needed properties?

Mind you, I could have misread.
What I want to draw your attention to is this concept of an implicit definition.
  • #5
Simon Bridge said:
Isn't that where alpha is introduced?
Simon Bridge said:
If alpha, in that equation, could take on negative values, then it does not nake sense to write ##-\alpha## in that equation does it?
That's right but what if it's a mistake and ##\alpha## could take negative values ?
Simon Bridge said:
But you can check to see if it makes sense: what role does alpha play in that equation? What properties does the equation need to have in order to work as intended? If alpha were negative, would the equation have the needed properties?
I don't see why ##\alpha## couldn't be negative in that context.

I'm just not getting the point that there can't be bound state solutions with negative ##\alpha## from that text.
  • #6
Why does Feynman bother to introduce eqn 19.14 in the first place? What is it supposed to do?
  • #7
Simon Bridge said:
Why does Feynman bother to introduce eqn 19.14 in the first place? What is it supposed to do?
It's just a mathematical trick that happens to be useful.
  • #8
Yes but what is the nature of the trick?
  • #9
Simon Bridge said:
Yes but what is the nature of the trick?
That is not helpful. I get the feeling that you know my mistake but are not telling it, right ?
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The idea is to get you to think about what you have read.
Why b other with that particular equation in the first place? Why not some other useful trick: there are lots?
  • #11
Simon Bridge said:
The idea is to get you to think about what you have read.
Why b other with that particular equation in the first place? Why not some other useful trick: there are lots?
I would not write here if I hadn't thought about it.
  • #12
If you won't take advise I cannot help you.
  • #13
forcefield said:
Why doesn't The Feynman Lectures consider the possibility of negative ##\alpha## when it says that ##e^{+2\alpha\rho}## is a rapidly increasing exponential (just below http://feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/III_19.html#mjx-eqn-EqIII1923) ?
The wave function is proportional to ##e^{-\alpha\rho}##. If ##\alpha## were negative, then wave function would be infinite for ##\rho\rightarrow\infty##. Such a wave function could not be normalized to unity, so could not be interpreted as probability density amplitude. Therefore such a wave function would not be physical, which is why the case of negative ##\alpha## is discarded.
  • #14
Demystifier said:
The wave function is proportional to ##e^{-\alpha\rho}##.
No because it gets coupled with ##e^{+2\alpha\rho}##
  • #15
forcefield said:
No because it gets coupled with ##e^{+2\alpha\rho}##
Read the next paragraph of the Feynman lectures! As explained there, the above is true for most values of ##\alpha##, but not for all values. For some special values (more precisely, for ##\alpha=1/n## where ##n## is any positive integer), instead of ##e^{+2\alpha\rho}## one obtains a polinomial in ##\rho##. The product of polinomial and ##e^{-\alpha\rho}## vanishes at infinity. This means that only those special values of ##\alpha## are physical. Indeed, this explains the quantization of the hydrogen spectrum, i.e. the fact that energy can only take some special values. See equations (19.24)-(19.30).

This shows that positive ##\alpha## is OK. But what is wrong with negative ##\alpha##? The function ##e^{+2\alpha\rho}## is only an approximative sum of the infinite series. The approximation is good for large ##\rho##, provided that ##\alpha## is positive. For negative ##\alpha##, the series cannot be approximated by ##e^{+2\alpha\rho}##. (In this case the series is alternating, which makes it very problematic to deal with.) Therefore, for negative ##\alpha##, it is incorrect to argue that the wave function behaves well at infinity because ##e^{+2\alpha\rho}## behaves so.
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  • #16
Demystifier said:
This shows that positive ##\alpha## is OK. But what is wrong with negative ##\alpha##? The function ##e^{+2\alpha\rho}## is only an approximative sum of the infinite series. The approximation is good for large ##\rho##, provided that ##\alpha## is positive. For negative ##\alpha##, the series cannot be approximated by ##e^{+2\alpha\rho}##. (In this case the series is alternating, which makes it very problematic to deal with.) Therefore, for negative ##\alpha##, it is incorrect to argue that the wave function behaves well at infinity because ##e^{+2\alpha\rho}## behaves so.

FAQ: Feynman Lectures: negative alpha for solving Schrödinger equation

1. What is the significance of negative alpha in solving the Schrödinger equation?

Negative alpha, or the negative inverse of the reduced Planck's constant, is a fundamental constant in quantum mechanics that is used to calculate energy levels in a system. In the Schrödinger equation, it represents the curvature of the potential energy surface and determines the stability of a system.

2. How does negative alpha affect the solutions of the Schrödinger equation?

Negative alpha is a crucial factor in determining the solutions to the Schrödinger equation. It affects the shape and behavior of the wavefunction, which describes the probability distribution of a particle in a given system. The value of negative alpha ultimately determines the allowed energy states for a particle in a particular potential.

3. Can negative alpha have different values in different systems?

Yes, negative alpha can have different values in different systems. It depends on the properties of the system, such as its size and potential. In some cases, negative alpha may be equal to zero, resulting in different solutions to the Schrödinger equation.

4. How does the value of negative alpha impact the stability of a system?

The value of negative alpha directly affects the stability of a system. If the value is positive, the system is considered stable, and the energy levels are discrete. However, if the value is negative, the system is unstable, and the energy levels become continuous, which can lead to unpredictable behavior.

5. Can negative alpha be experimentally measured?

Yes, negative alpha can be experimentally measured using various techniques, such as spectroscopy or quantum scattering experiments. The value of negative alpha obtained from these experiments can be compared to theoretical calculations to validate the accuracy of the Schrödinger equation in describing the behavior of quantum systems.
