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I'm sorry if I'm not posting this to the correct place - this is my first post on PhysicsForums.com
My question regards derivatives of analytic functions. Here it goes:
In order to find the derivative of this function, since it is analytic it does not matter from which direction I take the limit in the limiting process so I can easily derive that
So here is where my problem begins. I was doing some problems and then one of them asked me to find [itex]\frac{∂w(z)}{∂z}[/itex], which I believe should be exactly the same thing as the derivative above, but I tried to apply chain rule to it and thus:
I get this to equal twice the initially mentioned derivative for all the functions I tried it on.
It seems that differentiating only the real or only the imaginary component (the latter multiplied by i) gives the derivative. I can't explain this to myself. I would be happy if someone points out where my error is.
Thanks in advance (apologies for my poor Latex use)
I'm sorry if I'm not posting this to the correct place - this is my first post on PhysicsForums.com
My question regards derivatives of analytic functions. Here it goes:
w(z) = u(x,y) +iv(x,y)
be an analytic function,where
z = x + iy,
for some x,y that are real numbers.In order to find the derivative of this function, since it is analytic it does not matter from which direction I take the limit in the limiting process so I can easily derive that
(w(z))' = [itex]\frac{∂u(x,y)}{∂x}[/itex] +i[itex]\frac{∂v(x,y)}{∂x}[/itex]
So here is where my problem begins. I was doing some problems and then one of them asked me to find [itex]\frac{∂w(z)}{∂z}[/itex], which I believe should be exactly the same thing as the derivative above, but I tried to apply chain rule to it and thus:
[itex]\frac{∂w(z)}{∂z}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{∂u(x,y)}{∂x}[/itex][itex]\frac{∂x}{∂z}[/itex] +[itex]\frac{∂u(x,y)}{∂y}[/itex][itex]\frac{∂y}{∂z}[/itex] + i([itex]\frac{∂v(x,y)}{∂x}[/itex][itex]\frac{∂x}{∂z}[/itex] + [itex]\frac{∂v(x,y)}{∂y}[/itex][itex]\frac{∂y}{∂z}[/itex])
I get this to equal twice the initially mentioned derivative for all the functions I tried it on.
It seems that differentiating only the real or only the imaginary component (the latter multiplied by i) gives the derivative. I can't explain this to myself. I would be happy if someone points out where my error is.
Thanks in advance (apologies for my poor Latex use)